North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

AGM Minutes 12 Aug, 2024

Annual General Meeting

updated:August 16, 2024

Meeting Started: August 12, 2024 5:00 pm, President John Rolfe welcomed all , and recited the Ode.


43 as per register and emailed to Secretary.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the previous AGM held on the 14 th August 2023 were read by Secretary Wayne Koch.

Moved by Greg Young and Seconded by Helen Burgess that they be Accepted. Carried.


2024 – John Rolfe

The 2023-2024 year has been once again a success for the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch with the SubBranch taking out the Newdegate Cup for the second year running. I am proud that I have been able to share in this success with all our members in winning this prestigious award three times during my six-year tenure.

The Newdegate Cup is awarded for the all-round performance of a metropolitan Sub-Branch. I would like to thank all those who contributed and a special thanks to the Executive committee, Vice President Peter Bowring, Secretary Wayne Koch, Treasurer David Potter, and the Wardens Rob Sweet OAM and Lez Young.

Without their help and support the Sub-Branch would not be able to achieve the high standards that we pride ourselves in. Also, a special mention to Brian Jennings for putting together the webpage and for all the stories, news and events he sends to RSLWA and DVA. Also, a special mention to Jon McKenzie for keeping us all informed on the North Beach RSL Facebook Page.

Last year’s Remembrance Day and this year’s Anzac Day were both resounding successes, this could not be achieved without the tireless work that Peter Bowing and his team put in over a twelve-month period, thank you all so much.

In the past year, we have undertaken numerous activities culminating with the annual Tour of Duty which this year was held in Tasmania. These activities and the Tour of Duty are what make this Sub-Branch so special to be a part of. These excursions foster camaraderie and a greater understanding of the services.

It is with mixed emotions that I stand before you today, as this moment marks the end of my tenure as president of our esteemed North Beach RSL Sub-Branch.

Serving in this capacity has been an immense honour and a profound privilege, one that I have approached with dedication and heartfelt commitment.

Over the years, our RSL has been a beacon of support, camaraderie and remembrance. We have come together to honour those who served, to support our veterans and their families, and to foster a sense of community and purpose. It has been truly inspiring to witness the resilience, strength and unity that defines our organisation.

I would like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude to the executive committee and all our volunteers. Your unwavering support, tireless efforts, and shared vision have been the cornerstone of our achievements. Together we have organised memorable commemorations, expanded our programs and provided invaluable assistance to those in need.

Additionally, I am pleased to report that during this period our membership and financial health have also seen substantial improvement. Through, prudent management, and successful fundraising efforts, we have bolstered our resources. This financial stability has enabled us to continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our veterans and their families.

To our members, thank you for your trust and for allowing me the opportunity to lead. Your passion and commitment to the RSL’s mission have been a constant source of motivation. It is your involvement and dedication that make our organisation vibrant and strong.

As I step down, I am filled with pride in what we have accomplished together. However, the journey does not end here. The mission of the RSL continues with our incoming leadership and they will carry the torch forward with the same fervour and dedication.

Some have asked me what I will do now that I’m stepping down. I will continue to serve our Veterans, in my current roles within RSLWA.

• Member of the RSLWA State Tribunal,

• Member and Vice Chair of (WAVAC) the Western Australian Veterans Advisory Committee, and

• Member of the RSLWA Constitution Committee.

These roles allow me to further contribute to supporting our veterans, their families and the community.

As we look to the future, it is also important to remember our past. To our cherished members and mates of our RSL family that have passed. Their contributions, sacrifices and dedication to our country will never be forgotten. Let us take a moment to honour their memory and reflect on the enduring legacy they leave behind. Their spirit will always be part of our organisation, guiding us as we move forward – Lest We Forget.

I also want to acknowledge the challenges we face. Our world is ever-changing, and so too are the needs of our veterans and their families. It is imperative that we remain adaptable, innovative and steadfast in our commitment to serve. Let us continue to build on our legacy, ensuring that our RSL remains a vital support network and a respected voice in our community.

In closing, I am reminded of the words of an old adage: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. It has been a profound honour to give my time and effort to this noble cause. Thank you all for the unwavering support, and for the countless memories we have created together.

Though I step down from this role, I remain a devoted member of our RSL family, and I look forward to continuing to contribute in any way I can. Together, let us march forward, united in purpose and steadfast in our commitment to honour, serve and support.

Thank you. John Rolfe

Secretary Wayne Koch Moved that the report be accepted by acclamation, Carried Unanimously.

Death of Members 2023 to 2024



Last NameFirst NamesDate of


WX36207McHARRIEKenneth John16 08 20239929 thInfantry BrigadeWW230.12.1942



54032DOUGLASGordon John23 02 202490104 Signals Sqn RA SigsVietnam15 10 1968


15 10 1969

5714622WILSONPeter James2 11 2023777 Btn RARVietnam19 4 1967 To 20 11 1967
5716761WESTONStephen Henry17 11 2023733 Btn RARVietnam15.2.1971 To


55536CARROLLRaymond John1 04 2024731 stField Squadron RAEVietnam28 5 1970 to 19 5 1971
514103JONESStephen Warwick30 06 20247417 Construction Sqn RAEVietnam12 8 1971


20 10 1971

We will Remember Them

Annual Financial Report – Treasurer

Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive report and extended Balance Sheets of our Annual Financial position. Requested Questions, Nil from the floor.

Nil Business Arising from Annual Treasurers Report after discussion.

Moved by Alex Lennox and Seconded by Chris Rampant that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.

Election of Office Bearers

No motions were presented

General Business


Annual General Meeting Closed: August 12, 2024 5:25 pm.

Next Annual General Meeting: