North Beach Galleries

A Photographic walk through events held by North Beach RSL Sub-Branch.Commemorations, Rembrance and Celebrations all.

Each year is split into monthly galleries of photos and images depicting events, commemorations, remembering those who have passed, and celebrations.

Permission for photos to be taken and shown on this website has been given by Members of the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch and others who appear on this website. 

These photos shall not be reproduced without specific permission of the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch.

2024 Galleries

January is a month that our Sub-Branch does not have a General Meeting, however our weekly sessions of walking, kayaking, cycling and coffee continue without a break.

This month started with a kayak maintenance work-party on 3 February at the Hillarys Yacht Club. The work-party, with great team effort, had the work completed and the Kayaks are now in fine condition to take to the water each Wednesday and Friday.

Gordon Douglas 15 March 1933 to 23 February 2024

Royal Australian Corps of Signals
104 Signals Squadron, Vietnam
15 October 1968 to 15 October 1969

The highlight of March for 39 of our members was the Tour of Duty to Tasmania from 15th to 22nd March. Staying at Wrest Point and each day a new location from sailing on the harbour, visiting Scottsdale Army Museum in Tasmania’s north to Port Arthur. It was an action packed week and was the result of 12 months planning by John Rolfe, ably assisted by Paul McGuinness and Brian Jennings.

Kevin Ryan from the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch reached his 100 Birthday on 15 March 2024 and was presented with his Certificate from the National President and Board of RSL Australia recognising this achievement.

This Certificate was presented to him at a General Meeting of the Sub-Branch by Doug Simpson, RSLWA Trustee representing the Board.

ANZAC Appeal, ANZAC Dawn Service and Graham Edwards ANZAC Football Match

The ANZAC Appeal was most successfully organised by Peter Hodgson and was enthusiastically assisted by our volunteer collectors. Another example of our members working as a team.

Our ANZAC Dawn Service was attended by a broad range of the community, including family groups, ex serving and serving personnel, and local dignitaries. Our membership was well and truly represented. The Dawn Service, followed by the Gunfire breakfast, was “the best to date”. Congratulations go to Peter Bowring and his team for organising this most successful Dawn Service.

The ANZAC match was played on the afternoon of Saturday April 27 at the home of the North Beach Tigers. An ANZAC Commemorative Service was held prior to the match and was supported by members of North Beach RSL Sub-Branch and the Army Cadets. The National Anthem was sung by Holly Denton and the Last Post and Rouse played by Maneisha Bradley.

A whose who of North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Welcome to the Rogues Gallery, a tribute to the dedicated members and leaders of the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch. This section celebrates the individuals who have significantly contributed to our community through their service, leadership, and unwavering commitment. Browse through the gallery to see the faces. Each image represents a chapter in our Sub-Branch’s rich history and ongoing legacy.

Join us in honoring these remarkable individuals who embody the spirit and values of the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch.

2023 Galleries

January is a month that our Sub-Branch does not have a General Meeting, however our weekly sessions of walking, kayaking, cycling and coffee continue without a break.

On Saturday 14 January a group our kayakers and members met at Hillarys Yacht Club where our kayaks are stored to affix waterproof identification stickers. Following the hard work, welcome refreshments were enjoyed overlooking the Marina.

Organised by our Peer Health Coordinator Eric Atkins, the highlight of our February General Meeting was a presentation by Deb Palacios, a Strokesafe Ambassador, from the Stroke Foundation.

Deb, a former US Army Captain and Stroke Survivor was accompanied by partner ex- RAN Submariner Colin Pryer.

The presentation was comprehensive and provided an overview that gave our members an understanding of Strokes in their various forms.

Coming from a stroke survivor and an ex-military veteran added to the power and professionalism of the presentation.

Members are encouraged to be aware of F.A.S.T. and other stroke relating factors, available on this fact sheet: About Stroke.

Also, visit the Strokefoundation to find out more.

Sunday 19 February had a group of our Kayakers down at the Yacht Club taking delivery of our new Kayak Trailer, thanks to the Stronger Communities Grant. This allowed us to donate our old trailer, that no longer met our needs, to TS Marmion to carry the kayaks we donated to them late last year.

It was pleasing to see our members supporting not only our Sub-Branch, but also the Sea Cadets of TS Marmion. Well Done All

The 2023 Tour of Duty was to Esperance – between 22 March to 27 March. After a short bus ride from Perth (10 hours) the group of 35 arrived all fit and ready to tackle the sights of Esperance. 

Check our Facebook to see all of Jon McKenzie’s photos and the story of the Tour.

ANZAC Collection

ANZAC Day Service

The Dawn Service Tuesday 25th April attracted between 8,000 to 9,000 community members, serving ADF personnel, and veterans.

The Service was followed by a Gunfire Breakfast and this also well attended.

Well done to all those members attending, and involved in organising and participating in this significant event.

Mike Ruffin 28 Feb 1942 – 07 June 2023

Esteemed member, past RSM of SAS, past President of the SAS Association, Legacy supporter and a highly respected Australian veteran.

Michael John (Mike) Ruffin OAM passed away 7 June 2023 age 81.  He was born in Victoria and raised in Tasmania..  At 18 he enlisted in the Army, and served with honour for 26 years.  He deployed to Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam between 1961 and 1969 and served as:

  • Instructor, Officer Cadet School Portsea 1976-78
  • CSM, 6 RAR 1978-79,
  • Instructor, School Infantry 1980,
  • RSM, Special Action Forces Directorate 1981, and the SAS Regiment 1982-86

The AWM has this information on Mike and incorporates part of his address that he gave at the Canberra Dawn Service last year. View this address here: Veteran recalls encounter in Vietnam during Anzac dawn service in Canberra (

Day Trip to HMAS Stirling

Wednesday 21 June a number of our members toured HMAS Stirling on Garden Island and were privileged to be allowed on the base for a guided tour because of high security.

All had a great day and came away with a better understanding of the history of the base, and of our Navy.

It is with thanks to our Sub-Branch organisers of this Tour, to our members for understanding the high security requirements, and of course to the Navy.

Christmas in July 2023

Christmas in July held Wednesday 26 July at the Hillarys Yacht Club overlooking the Marina.

It was a well attended function with over 100 enjoying good food, good company and great surroundings. Thanks go to Vice President Peter Bowring and Sub-Branch Warden Lez Young for their organising skills.

Korean War Memorial

The Korean War Memorial was unveiled in Kings Park on 27th July and was attended by representatives of our Sub-Branch. Read More Here.

The Memorial stone was donated by the Government of South Korea, and was from the Kapyong Valley, the site of the battle in April 1951 where 3 RAR gained the Presidential Citation. Kapyong Day is commemorated by 3 RAR each year on 24 April

Sandakan Memorial Kings Park

On 15 August each year, Sandakan is commemorated to remember the more than 2,400 Australian and British prisoners of war and the estimated 16 per cent of Sabah’s civilian population who died during Japanese occupation. This is known as Sandakan Memorial Day.

From 1942 to 1943, some 2,700 Allied servicemen were interned at Sandakan and used as forced labour to build a military airstrip. Some were transferred but, by 1945, more than 1,000 had already perished.

In January 1945, with the imminent defeat of the Japanese Army, about 1,000 British and Australian POWs were sent on 3 separate forced marches from Sandakan to Ranau, a torturous 260-kilometre march through mountainous jungle terrain.

The men were severely malnourished, suffering from tropical illnesses and subjected to brutal ill-treatment and torture. About half died during these death marches and those who did survive succumbed to starvation and illness. The prisoners who remained in Sandakan died in appalling conditions or were executed. Only 6 Australians survived. They escaped with the help of local villagers, and eventually returned home to tell their story.

Sandakan remains one of the worst atrocities committed against Australians in war.

Carine Senior High School are the custodians of the Memorial in Kings Park and conducted a memorial service on Sunday 20 August.

We Remember Them

  • Ken McHarrie 30 December 1923 – 16 August 2023

A respectful funeral for Ken was held Friday 1 September 2023 and members provided a guard of honour.

Ken has provided us with his story. Take a few minutes to read it.

For more photos refer to our Facebook Page Albums

A group were fortunate to have a personal tour of Government House where they learnt its history, and also met the Governor. This tour was followed by lunch at the ANZAC Club

Bush Bash 2023 4 Wheel Drive Adventure

The  4-wheel drive adventurers set off late September for a 14 day excursion to the northern most destination of Mount Augustus.  The journey included stops at the Landor Races, Kennedy Ranges, Wooramel Hot Springs, Monkey Mia and Milligans Beach out from Greenhead.

Each year in September a different route is selected.  This year Jon McKenzie and Les Young were the key organisers.  As always the Sub-Branch’s satellite phone and full medical kit with defibrillator was firmly strapped into the lead vehicle.

This year the group was joined by Sub-Branch member Peta Connelly and her very able assistant, Vince, who took some time off as CEO RSLWA.

As always a good time was had while experiencing the wonders of our outback, although a couple took their own 5 star hotel with them.

Each year in April, the North Beach Football Club plays its Graham Edwards AM ANZAC Match. North Beach RSL Sub-Branch conducts an ANZAC Service prior to the match, and chooses the player that our Sub-Branch considers shows determination, spirit and team-work.

Egan Brookes was chosen to receive the trophy this year, and it was presented at the North Beach Football Club’s Champions’ Dinner 2023 at Optus Stadium. Well done Egan.

Veterans’ Transition Centre (VTC) – Jarrahdale

A group of North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Veterans recently visited the Veterans’ Transition Centre in Jarrahdale for DVA’s Veterans Health Week.  John Rolfe, President of the Sub-Branch, said, “it is part of our ongoing programme of events aimed at raising the awareness of facilities and services available to our veterans.”

The VTC is a not for profit registered charity that has a property in a natural bush setting nestled in the Darling Ranges on approximately 17 hectares near Jarrahdale in Western Australia.  The state forest is on the eastern border and Medulla Brook runs through the property.  It is approximately 45 minutes drive from the Perth CBD, is located close to the South Western Highway, and provides: 

  • Respite short-term accommodation for veterans and their families at Jarrahdale, Western Australia,
  • Assistance with transition to civilian employment,
  • Provision of confidential counselling services, including mental health, lifestyle, financial.

Members were greeted by Executive Officer of the VTC, Greg Green, who provided an overview of the Centre and the support and services provided.  Greg explained how members may benefit and get involved, and also how that involvement will positively impact the future of the Centre.

Greg guided members around the Centre explaining the facilities available, those under construction, and the plans for the future.  Members were all impressed by the Centre and its natural bush setting, and this started conversation amongst the group of how the Sub-Branch may become more involved.

Following a healthy BBQ lunch members roamed the Centre enjoying its setting before returning home.

All members agreed that the Veteran’s Transition Centre is a great initiative and that the visit was an education in the services available for those veterans in need of assistance and respite.

All agreed that the VTC was well worth the visit and encouraged other Sub-Branches visiting and getting involved.

Poppy Day Collections

Remembrance Day Service and Plaque unveiling

The Planting of Poppies

1 November was the planting of Poppies at Kings Park Memorial in preparation of Remembrance Day. The Sub-Branch was represented and the end result was magnificent.

Sub-Branch Member Maud Bown celebrated her 100th Birthday on Monday 6 November 2023

Maud was presented with a bouquet of flowers from our Sub-Branch, and a Certificate from RSL National congratulating her for this achievement, and service to country.

During the second world war, Maud was posted to the 52 Australian Wireless Section. The Australian Special Wireless Group was part of MacArthur and Blamey’s top secret intelligence unit which comprised the Royal Australian Army, the Royal Australian Air Force and US Army personnel.

Extract from Regents Garden Lake Joondalup Journal published December 2023

December 11 General Meeting was attended by 136 members, a bumper attendance, including from RSLWA Vince Connelly, Matt Moran, Steve Barton, and “our” Doug Simpson. Also attending were members of the Revive Gym Team.

David Lewis was awarded the President’s Trophy as member of the year for his support and advice in matters relating to member entitlements.

2022 Galleries

The Australia Day Achievement Medallion

Each year the RSL participates in the Australia Day Achievement Medallion Program that recognises the contribution of individuals and organisations that have made a significant contribution to the Veteran and Ex-service Community in Western Australia.

RSLWA presents 3 awards in the following categories:

  • Sub Branch Award
  • Individual Award
  • Community Group Award

The Award is sponsored by the Australia Day Council and has Australia wide recognition. The awards are presented at RSLWA’s Australia Day Function in January each year.

With no meeting in January and Covid restrictions in place, our February and March meetings have been quiet, with numbers down.

However, our activities have not stopped with our walking, kayaking, cycling and coffee groups very active from Hillarys Marina twice weekly.  Our kayaking group is increasing in size, which is good to see.  Because of the increased participation, the Gazebo meeting place at the Marina has been reserved for us by Marina Management between 08:00 and 10:15 each Wednesday and Friday.  For this we thank Hillarys Marina.

Kalgoorlie Tour of Duty 16 to 21 March 2022.

On 16 March 39 Sub-Branch members travelled by Prospector to Kalgoorlie for the 2022 Tour of Duty.  The Tour of Duty was organised by Paul McGuinness, with on the ground logistics managed by Robyn Steenbach, President of the Kalgoorlie Sub-Branch and RSLWA Board Member.

An action packed Tour was organised in conjunction with the Kalgoorlie RSL Sub Branch President Robyn Steenbach.

Paul was presented at the March meeting with his Temporary Acting Lance Corporal half stripe in recognition of his effort, as well as recognising alleged service in Exercise Barra Winga, Qld 1966 and Canungra Qld 1967. (his mates will tell another story)

The ANZAC Football Match at the North Beach Football Club.  A very well attended match with all paying their respects.  

A now traditional match and commemoration, much appreciated by the North Beach Football Club and the North Beach RSL Sub Branch.

Lest We Forget

ANZAC Day Dawn Service at the North Beach Memorial.

The Service was attended by 2000 members of the community, veterans and serving members of the Defence Force.

Greg Gough Life Membership
At our June meeting Greg Gough received his Certificate of Life membership for service to veterans and our Sub-Branch.

During an overcast but fine day in July, thirty members of North Beach RSL Sub-Branch took the opportunity to tour the Leighton Battery and Tunnels – an important part of Western Australia’s military history.

Coastal defences, known as “Fortress Fremantle”, protected the harbour at Fremantle since the first battery was installed at Arthur’s Head in 1906.  This was expanded in the 1930s and WW 2, and stretched along the coast from Cape Peron, Garden Island, Rottnest, Leighton and Swanbourne.  During WW2 this was particularly important as Fremantle, following the fall of Singapore, was home to the largest submarine base in the Southern Hemisphere.

TS Marmion Kayak Handover

The official handover of the Kayaks to TS Marmion took place at 10:00am Sunday 14 August, 2022.  It was well attended by our members as well as the Cadets from T S Marmion.

Following the handover, the Cadets launched them for a kayak around the Marina – so well done to all those involved from our Sub-Branch and T S Marmion.

ANZAC Club Lunch – August 31, 2022

A group of members had lunch at the ANZAC Club and were joined by State President Duncan Anderson and CEO Vince Connolly.  Following the lunch the group were lucky to be conducted of a tour of ANZAC House facilities.

A good time had by all with most enjoyable food.  Highly recommended.



Jess Welfare Reports From El Alamein and Crete

Jess travelled from Cairo to El Alamein with a group of 3 Kiwis and 3 Aussies, along with a supply of poppies (provided by our Sub-Branch) and koalas. One of her friends mentioned that her great uncle Billy was buried there. William Grimshaw, aged 19 from Fremantle.

They found his grave and had a small but emotional service at the graveside. Jess’s father fought in Egypt, so she felt honoured to be there to pay homage to these brave men.

I managed to get to the Suda (Souda) Bay War Cemetery today via the hop on/off tourist bus which does a 40min drive around various sites in Chania but in Greek time somewhat longer!!  Had to wait awhile for the  return to Chania so tried to hitch a ride back.  People just smiled and waved so obviously didn’t understand the hitch a ride gesture or I’ve lost my touch!!! Too old!!
The cemetery overlooks the bay where the cruise ships call in.  The site is surrounded by olive trees & is a very beautiful setting.  Another European family were also there & equally touched to see so many graves of dead young men.  I asked their daughter to put a koala bear on one of the NZ graves to honor our mates across the pond.  I found a Sapper to place my little kangaroo. He was only 19.   I still had some poppies left from El Alamein so placed those around.
Of the ANZACS 274 Aussies killed & 671 NZs.   It was nice to bring a little something from home to leave with them.

Cervantes Day Tour

Wednesday 21 September a hardy group bussed to Cervantes via Lancelin for a tour of the Lobster Factory, followed by lunch at the Lobster shack. An interesting and enjoyable day had by all.

The Rip Couston Bush Bash 2022

National Flag Day

This year’s National Flag Day on 3 September marks 121 years since the Australian Flag was first officially flown in 1901 at the Royal exhibition Building in Melbourne – the site of Australia’s first Parliament.

Australia’s National Flag Day is an opportunity for all Australians to observe this anniversary by flying or displaying the flag.

The date of 3 September also marks Merchant Navy Day. We remember the Service and sacrifice of thousands of Australia’s merchant mariners during wartime operations.

Donation for Web
Peter Fletcher, Leonie Anderson passing the Photo to John Rolfe, on behalf of our Sub-Branch

On Thursday 22 September President John Rolfe was invited to Bill Fielding’s home and greeted by Bill’s wife Jen, and family members Peter Fletcher and Leonie Anderson.

Peter and Leonie generously donated to our Sub-Branch a framed Limited Edition of that well known photograph of 11 Battalion taken on Cheops Pyramid prior to embarking to Gallipoli.

Their generosity is very much appreciated, and the photo will form a valuable part of our Collection.

Thank you to Peter and Leonie and also to Bill and Jen for helping to organise it.

On 25 September a hardy group went bush again this year on the annual pilgrimage to the back of no-where. Apart from needing water wings near Warburton, all survived – and judging by some of the photos all went prepared.

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John with Club President Stephen Hooper (right)
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President of our Sub-Branch presenting the Medallion to Shannon Lucassen

The April Gallery showcases the 2022 ANZAC Football Match, which highlighted the North Beach Football Club (The Tigers). In recognition of his outstanding performance during the match, Shannon Lucassen was chosen by the Sub-Branch to receive the prestigious North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Medallion. The medallion was presented to him at the annual function of the North Beach Football Club, held at the Rendezvous Hotel in Scarborough on Saturday 8th October. Congratulations to Shannon on this remarkable achievement.


Better together Ball 2022

IMG 9726
Jess and Kaye were the stars of the Ball, not just having a good time, but raising money for a very worthwhile cause. Well done Jess and Kaye

November is an important month in the RSL calendar, particularly because of the selling of Poppies and Remembrance Day. Our Sub-Branch, as usual, has participated in preparing Kings Park Memorial and the selling Poppies within our community. Thanks go to all those members and friends of the Sub-Branch who participated, and to Peter Bowring for organising our Poppy Day collections.

The North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day Service at its Memorial was well attended by members, the community and City of Stirling representatives. Our member Deborrah Thatcher laid the Wreath on behalf of our Sub-Branch.

Five new Plaques were unveiled on our Wall of Remembrance for our late members

  • Dick Hawley (Warrant Officer Pilot WW2),
  • Jack Meyer (Warrant Officer WW2),
  • Jim Molloy (Pte 3 RAR 1966 -1967),
  • Mick Austin (Bdr RAA Vietnam), and
  • John Langridge (Major RAA, AATT Vietnam).

Annual Pre-Christmas Lunch – Hillarys Yacht Club

Members and partners on 23 November 2022 attended Hillarys Yacht Club for the Sub-Branch’s annual Pre-Christmas Lunch. This provided a great opportunity for all to enjoy each others company over a good meal.

There were many winners of our raffles that included donated goods and hampers. The Door Prize was a night and breakfast at the Rendezvous Observation City, Scarborough. All were gratefully received.

The highlight of the day was Barry Lloyd winning this years’ Membership Award for his contribution in coordinating our Sub-Branch’s commemoration events of ANZAC Day Dawn Service and Remembrance Day. A great effort that involved a lot of work, coordination and negotiation.

The Continuing Adventures of Jess and Deb

RAAF Museum had a special event followed by afternoon Tea on Friday 25 November. Music was provided by “London Essentials” courtesy of Hancock Prospecting. Our adventurers Jess and Deb attended and were very impressed with the day and the exhibits

2021 Galleries

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, our first meeting for the year was not held until Monday 8 March  2021.  We had a large crowd with over 80 staying for a meal of Cottage Pie and Vegetables.  

Aviation Heritage Museum 12 March.

On Friday 12 March, our members paid a visit to the Aviation Heritage Museum at the Air Force Memorial Estate in Bullcreek.  A couple of hours were spent inspecting the collection with Guides provided by the R.A.A.F. Association.  The tour was followed by Lunch (at our members expense), and although Paul McGuinness, our Social Activities Coordinator, eventually received his Chicken Pie, all agreed that it was a resounding success.

A highly recommended visit and lunch

ANZAC HOUSE Lunch Friday 26 March

On Friday 26 March a group went to ANZAC House for Lunch and a Tour of the building.

The lunch was Roast Pork with a Pint of Beer or drink of choice.  Some opted for an alternative choice, but overall was an excellent meal and venue.  It is highly recommended.  

Following the meal we were given a tour of the building venues, all having great views over Government House Garden.

We also had a glimpse of the services suites – consisting of medical, treatment and vital support services .  Very impressive and when fully functional will be able to provide much needed support and services to our veterans.


ANZAC Day this year involved significant organisation by Barry Lloyd and his whole team, due to the uncertaintly and restrictions as a result of Covid-19.  However, the Sub-Branch had come through and was prepared for a most successful Dawn Service and Gunfire Breakfast.
The City of Stirling  published a video on Youtube advertising this important event, and can be seen on this LINK
ANZAC Day 2021 was cancelled due to a Covid-19 Lockdown over the ANZAC weekend.  All those Members who dedicated their time in the  organisation for this day of commemoration deserve the highest praise from our Sub-Branch.

The Stirling Times published a two page spread on 22nd April involving Geoff Pope, Wayne Koch and Peta Connolly, representing three generations of Veterans from our Sub-Branch.   This can be read on this Link
Reporter Lucy Jarvis and Photographer David Bayliss did a great job and were true professionals in getting their story and photographs.
These Copyright photos have been supplied courtesy of The West Australian Newspapers, and may not be reproduced.  The generosity of The West in providing these photos is very much appreciated.  Our thanks to Syndication Administrator Melissa Hayward.

Our esteemed Member Rob Sweet receiving his Certificate from Dawn Palm and Ross Daniels of Karrinyup Rotary recognising his nomination for the Michael Chin Humanitarian Award.  Rob was nominated for his outstanding contribution to the North Beach RSL, Veterans and their families over a number of years.  Although Rob did not win the Award, our Congratulations to him for his ongoing contribution.

Perth Mint 14 May

On a fine chill in the air day 27 intrepid Members bussed to the Perth Mint for a tour.

A guided tour of this historic building proved to be well worth while.  It was made most interesting listening to the history of the building, gold development in Western Australia, and seeing a gold pour. 

All members came away empty handed, but were more than happy after a top class Lunch at the Grosvenor.
Another great day thanks to SAC Paul McGuinness.

Tour of Duty – Darwin

After nearly two years of planning and the 2020 Tour being cancelled because of Covid, 40 Members took off for their Tour of Duty of  Darwin from 4th to 11th  June 2021.  This well planned and executed tour focussed on Darwin and surrounds and its  military related history from WW2 to present day.  Areas toured included Adelaide River, WW2 Airfields, Humpty Doo, Litchfield National Park, Darwin Aviation Museum, WW2 Storage Tunnels, Robertson Barracks and many more.

50 year Certificates

Des Pryce was unable to attend our June Meeting, but was presented with his 50 year Membership Certificate
Don Ranford was unable to attend our June Meeting, but was presented with his 50 year Membership Certificate
Lindsay Williams was unable to attend our June Meeting, but was presented with his 50 year Membership Certificate.

Queen’s Birthday Honours 2021

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

Granted on the 14th day of June 2021 for “Services to Veterans and they families” in the state of Western Australia.

North Beach Sub-Branch, Returned and Services League of Australia

  • Men’s Peer Health Coordinator, since 2007.
  • President, 2003-2009 and 2015.
  • Vice-President, 2002.
  • Organiser, Veteran’s Health Week, since 2006.
  • Organiser, 10,000 Step Challenge, sine 2012.
  • Life Member, 2019.
  • Member, since 2003.

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

Granted on the 14th day of June 2021 for “Services to Veterans” in the state of Western Australia.

North Beach Sub-Branch, The Returned and Services League of Australia

  • Department of Veterans Affairs advocacy role, since 2016.
  • Welfare Officer, since 1992.

Osborne Park Sub-Branch, The Returned and Services League of Australia

  • Pension and Welfare Officer, 2002-2010.
  • Former Treasurer, 3 years.

City of Perth Sub-Branch, The Returned and Services League of Australia

  • Former President, Services Assistance Committee.
  • Former President, Veterans Affairs Committee.

Amalgamated Prospectors and Leaseholders Association

  • Former State Secretary.
  • Former Secretary, Perth Branch.
  • Member, Perth Branch Committee, since 2014.
  • Member, since 2004.


  • Former President and Secretary, Services Joblink, 1998-2002.
  • Secretary, Vice-President and President, Services Assistance
  • Programme, 1997-2002.
  • Coordinator, Community Policing (Neighbourhood Watch), 1989-1993.
  • Chairman, Stirling Area Community Policing Committee, 1989-1993.

Awards and recognition includes:

  • Australian Defence Medal.
  • Defence Force Service Medal.
  • Vietnam Medal.
  • Anniversary of National Service 1951-72 Medal.
  • Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal.

Army Museum of Western Australia

40 Members visited the Army Museum of Western Australian on Friday 12th August, followed by a feed of Fish and Chips at Ciccerello’s overlooking The Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour.

On 9th August 2021 our General Meeting and Annual General Meeting was attended by over 120 Members. 

North Beach Tigers

The Sub-Branch was welcomed by the North Beach Tigers Football Club to join them in a belated Anzac Day Match Ceremony which was cancelled due to covid restriction earlier in the year.  A very successful day. Not only because of the Tigers’ victory, but the mutual respect between the Sub- Branch and the Football Club.

September General Meeting

The September General Meeting was well attended as usual, and the additional guests made it an action packed event.  We had:

  • Royce Spencer and Doug Simson from RSLWA delivering an update on ANZAC House / Veterans Central, as well as the Jarrahdale property.
  • Attendance of Karen Caddy from City of Stirling & Tony Krsticevic
  • Presentation from Life Live it, Occupational Therapy with Linda, Hannah, Ariel & Abi running through their services and available products to make life much easier. (Suite 101, 112 Scarborough Beach road, Mt Hawthorn WA 6016  9201 0705

Bush Bash 2021

Organised by Rip Couston, 15 Members of the 4×4 group with 8 vehicles set off on the 26th September 2021 for this year’s bash.  The trip was planned to take 12 to 14 days to conquer the David Carnegie Track just out of Tjukayirla Roadhouse on the Great Central Rd, then the Gunbarrel Hwy down to Wiluna with bush camping along the way, including a stop at Karalee Rock, a site out of Laverton.  Well done Rip.

Veteran Health Week

Veterans’ Health Week is always supported by the Sub-Branch, and this year it was walks along the Bibbulmun Track from Mundaring and a guided walk through the bush tracks of Araluen Botanic Park.  These were designed to cater for the capability of participants and our qualified First Aid Members were present to provide support if it was needed.  The weather on both days was fine, and ideal for a walk.

Bibbulmun Track
Forty members bussed to Mundaring Weir on October 22nd for a walk across the Weir, and on the Bibbulmun Track.  Members made their way along  part of the Track at their own pace in groups and enjoyed the bush and wildflowers out in bloom.  It provided our members with an appreciation of the Bibbulmun Track, one of the most challenging walks in Australia

Araluen Botanic Park
Thirty members made their way to Araluen by bus and were greeted by the Park’s Tour Guides.  Following a briefing on the history of Araluen, all members were lead through bush tracks into the heart and around the perimeter of the Park.  The walk consisted of rough tracks that took in all types of terrain and provided participants with a great understanding of the Park and the surrounding district.  Those members who were unable to undertake the whole walk, were lead on an alternative walk designed for individual capability.

October General Meeting

Kings Park Poppies

Remembrance Day

The Funeral Service for Jack was held at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in North Beach on Tuesday 9th November. Jack died at 97. Refer to Members / Members Stories for Jack’s Story

Annual Christmas Lunch

2020 Galleries

The beginning of 2020 saw lockdowns due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
We were unable to have meetings during this lockdown time from March to July 2020.
There was not much activity during January and February apart from our normal Walking, Biking Kayaking groups meeting for coffee catch ups

Peer Health
On 9 September, the First Aid Course and re-qualification was held at Hillarys Yacht Club for all our First Aiders.

Four Wheel Drive Tour 
19 Members in 11  4×4 Vehicles set off on the 27th Sept for a 10 day camping tour to the gold fields taking in Paynes Find, Sandstone, Lake Mason Homestead, then cutting back along the Barlee – Youanmi Rd to Karalee Rock – finishing at the Nungarin Military Museum before heading home.  The camaraderie of this Sub-Branch is “Alive and Well” in the Bush, as it is in the City.

Legacy Camp Busselton – Roger Hardwicke

Roger Hardwicke’s Legacy Camp Maintenance Tour of Duty was held from 2 November to 6 November, and once again our Members who made their time available made a valuable effort in maintaining this Legacy gem.  Our Sub-Branch’s contribution to Legacy by maintaining its Busselton Camp is a most worthy and satisfying cause.

Opening of ANZAC House Veteran Central

Our President John Rolfe and Rob Sweet attended the opening of the new ANZAC House Veteran Central.  Our President was in demand for photo opportunities.

Remembrance Day 11 November

Remembrance Day was well attended by Members of our Sub-Branch, members of the community, and local school children.  Following the Service Wreaths were placed and Plaques in our Wall of Remembrance unveiled for Louis Warner, Abel Seaman HMAS Kanimbla; Peter Woodward, L/Cpl. RAASC; Arthur Cressall and Robert Bowers, both LAC’s RAAF.  We Will Rember Them.

Christmas at Hillarys Yacht Club
On Thursday 26 November our Sub-Branch hosted a Christmas Lunch at the Hillarys Yacht Club.  Once again, this year was well attended by members and guests, and a special thanks must go to organiser Peter Edwards, MC Jon McKenzie, and Prize Coordinator Paul McGuinness.
A wide variety of prizes were donated for the raffle which was conducted by our MC, and ably assisted by member Vince Connelly MP.
President John Rolfe presented Wayne Koch with the trophy of Member of the Year for his work “behind the scenes” and assisting with the smooth management of our Sub-Branch.

President John Rolfe took a small group of our WW2 veterans and others to ANZAC House Veteran Central for Lunch, and a good time was had by these young fellows.
Our last meeting of the year was held on Monday 14 December and was attended by nearly 140 members.  This was an excellent turnout and was followed by a very good meal of Green Chicken and Vegetable Curry and Rice.
The meeting was a successful wind up to a difficult year, as a result of restrictions caused by Covid 19, and all members should be proud of their support to our Sub-Branch.
As a Sub-Branch we look forward to a better and more active 2021.

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