North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Meeting Minutes Sep, 2024

General Meeting

Meeting Started: September 9, 2024 5:00 pm, The President, welcomed members and recited the Ode.

Homage for Sep, 2024

Battle of Milne Bay

From July to August 1942 the Australians had established a defensive position along the northern shore of Milne Bay.  The Milne Force of about 9,000 comprised the 7th Infantry Brigade, a Militia brigade from Queensland, the 18th Infantry Brigade, a 2nd Australian Imperial Force brigade recently returned from Tobruk, Supporting Arms and, together with air support from 75 and 76 Squadrons RAAF and US Engineers who were constructing three airfields.

On the night of 25–26 August 1942, a Japanese amphibious invasion force of battalion strength landed on the northern shore of Milne Bay with further landings to bring the force to about 2,800.  The aim was to secure a base from which to provide air and naval support for the overland attempt to take Port Moresby.  They quickly pushed inland and began their advance towards the airfields.  Heavy fighting followed through incessant rain, thick jungle and mosquito infested swamps as they encountered the Australian Militia troops of 7th Brigade that formed the first line of defence.  These troops were steadily pushed back, but the Australians brought forward the 2nd Second Australian Imperial Force units that the Japanese had not expected.

Over the next 13 days Milne Force fought tenaciously against relentless ground attacks by the Japanese Marines.  The Air Force fighters provided continuous air support.  Just before dawn on 1 September, the enemy began to retreat towards their invasion base, all the while pursued by Australian infantry.  On 4 September, Corporal John French, 2nd/9th Battalion, charged and captured three enemy gun pits, one after the other. French was killed and for his bravery was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his cool courage which saved members of his section from heavy casualties and was responsible for the successful conclusion of that attack.

Overall the Allied defenders had suffered 387 battle casualties, of whom 167 died or were missing in action and 1,500 cases of malaria.  The Japanese had about 1,000 casualties of which 700 were killed in action.

We acknowledge the sad passing of our esteemed member Terry Pryer on the morning of Monday 2nd of September 2024. Sincere sympathy to his family and many friends.

Funeral has been advised 10.30am Friday 20 September, Purslowe Funeral Home, Buckingham Drive WANGARA, Jackets and Medals to be worn.


Members Toasted Absent Friends.

Apologies: 37, noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.


Richard Lord, Justin May,      pleasing transferring in.



Minutes of 12th August, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.

Moved by Alex Lennox and Seconded by Rip Couston, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.

Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Executive again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our Bylaws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our website:  


Includes – Pending/Reciprocal Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of Friday 6th September 2024.

Nil Notices of Motion or formal General Business matters advised.

RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, The Listening Post, broadcast items of interest, others communicated widely. Including Annual “AVCAT” scholarship applications.

Advocacy referrals to Ted Leunig continue, actioning continues time poor acknowledged.

2025 Anzac Costs Estimate submitted – approx. $38,000.00 for Lotterywest Grant.

Highgate RSL re Kings Park Avenue of Honour requiring ongoing maintenance support, see our web.

Sub Committee Assistance – enquires Luke Hamson from Dave Allen to pursue.

Sub-Branch Executive RSLWA meeting 24 Thursday 24 October, other RSLWA correspondence including advice re committee changes.

Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters.  Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Deborah Oram.  Carried.

Refer to Committee Reports.– for Business arising from Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Cash at Bank Report of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. Admin costs contained, including recent functions and activities.

2025 ANZAC/Lotterywest Grant: due by MONDAY 12th AUGUST, Completed and Submitted.

Membership Arrears minimal.

Also announced Tom May taking up Merchandise Officer role, also noting other positions needing assistance: Asset Register Warden, new and assistant Positions. Memorabilia, Library storage and access.

Business Arising – Nil.

Moved by Jim Ryle and Seconded by Peter Edwards, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried.

Presentation of Motions

Committee Reports

Welfare – Greg Gough reported: “RAP” updates including, Craig Daniel, Steve Fletcher, Terry Newman, Alex Hatch, John Petrie, John Skeffington, Many thanks Goughie.

Craig Daniel attended again and “back on his feet”.

Best Wishes and Stay Safe All.

Peer Health – Wayne Koch reported: Peter Bowring to pursue acquisition of 10 Safety Vests for our Cyclists, others as identified, to be returned when leaving group.

Secretary has the  Certificate for Bill Fielding’s 100th Birthday on 21 September 2024, for presentation 14/10/2024 by Doug Simpson representing the RSLWA Board.

Weekly events as per “normal”.

DVA Joanne Maclean/Megan Davidson Buddy-Up. Brothers and Books.

Library book cataloguing/spreadsheet project has commenced by Secretary and Brian Jennings.

NB-RSL Stickers available on the pool table.

Poppy Day 2024/Ceremonial. – Updates by Peter Bowring and Peter Hodgson. Usual venues booked plus Warwick train Station Friday Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8th, 9th 10th at City of Stirling, and Service Monday 11th well advanced and for further advice. Peter Bowring organising extra WA Police representation.

Secretary – Invites/Venue Roster, attendee requests under notice.

Website Administration –  Helen Burgess, Brian Jennings/Secretary advised that working meeting this Tuesday, 1.30PM in readiness for revised site Launch

Aiming for “Live Launch” well before next meeting.

Non committee volunteers urgently sought to assist in this area and many other areas of our activities, friendly training and support provided –  IT, Ceremonial, Refer to NOTICE BOARD and our latest Newsletter.

Social Activities and Events – Peter Hodgson and Debra Thatcher:

Next Tour of Duty $550 instalments will be advised. Payments to be made as advised to participants.

“Waiting List” applications being accepted

Events, details and under notice:

  • President advised re BBQ within the Charles Riley Reserve for newer members and families.
  • SASR went well. RAAFA 2 October,
  • Chidlows 25/10 $20pp. October is a tour of WW2 sites in Chidlow, followed by lunch.
  • Vietnam Veterans Day Service was conducted on 18 August with a number of our members attended.
  • Legacy Camp Busselton 15-21 October, to register see Home Disaster Relief Australia or Secretary

General Business

“General” from the floor matters inserted to above committee reports to remain under notice and correspondence, July and herein.

Jacket Orders Peter Bowring – good show of hands 12 X responded .

Meeting Closed: September 9, 2024 5:57 pm