North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Meeting Minutes Aug, 2024

General Meeting

Meeting Started: August 12, 2024 5:35 pm, The President, welcomed members and recited the Ode.

Homage for Aug, 2024

On the 4th of August 1967, 7th Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment went on the offensive south west of Nui Dat with Operation Ballarat. The Battalion entered its area of operations on foot carrying five days rations. With stealth it caught the enemy by surprise and there were several contacts. This turned into a savage four-hour battle between Alpha Company, and the forward company and reconnaissance platoon of 3rd Battalion of 274th Viet Cong Regiment that was moving through the area.

The Battle of Suối Châu Pha, a classic encounter battle, ensued between the two forces. Finally, after fighting at close quarters for several hours in dense jungle amid a heavy monsoon rain, the Australian artillery support proved decisive and the Việt Cộng were forced to withdraw.

Six Australians were killed and 19 wounded. Ten bodies of VC were recovered, and it was estimated that a further 200 casualties had been caused to the VC Battalion under the weight of artillery, mortar and airstrikes.

Military Crosses were awarded to the Company Commander, the 2nd Platoon Commander and the attached Forward Observer from 4th Field Regiment. The 2nd Platoon Sergeant was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. The Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded to the Flight Commander of 9 Squadron for continuing to fly Casevac operations for A Company under close range enemy fire.

Much of 7 RAR’s distinctiveness came from the high number of National Servicemen within the ranks. This situation not only brought the average age of the Battalion down to 22 years but also resulted in many platoons and sections being led by newly commissioned and newly promoted National Servicemen.

No members were lossed this month.

Members Toasted Absent Friends.

Apologies: 43, noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.


Heartily welcomed current member Miriam Langridge returned to our district and able attend our meetings regularly. Our pleasure Miriam.



Minutes of 8th July 2024, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Allan Hillman and Seconded by Tony Filardi that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Secretary again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our ByLaws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our website:


  • Includes – Pending/Reciprocal Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of Friday 9 th August 2024. Nil Notices of Motion or formal General Business matters advised.
  • RSLWA Sub Branch Signal and associated information updates, Listening Post, broadcast items of interest, 18 August Services, others communicated widely.
  • Reminder sent re the Saturday18 th Perth War Graves Vietnam Veterans walk from 1.45pm – unique to WA since 2006.
  • Our 12 th Aug 2024 AGM – Positions of President, Vice President and Warden now dealt with. Well responded and received by all. New Executive moving on with items as promulgated.
  • Draft AGM Minutes to be on website promptly, and will be re-circulated pre 11 th August 2025.
  • Annual Sub-Branch Insurance Questionnaire completed, Certificate of Currency to 2024/5 received.
  • 2025 Anzac Costs Estimate submitted – approx. $38k for Lotterywest Grant.
  • Hillarys Yacht Club – Attendance and Bookings, restrictions introduced at their interpretation, care and discretion advised day by day.
  • Welfare Officer – enquiry from Dave Allen to pursue.
  • Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters. Moved by Deborah Oram and Seconded by David House. Carried.

Refer to Committee Reports.– for Business arising from Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer provided a comprehensive Cash at Bank Report of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided, as we implement the Financial Review Guidelines as per correspondence.

TREASURER: Presented reports to Exec. for Monday: Finances, “WIP”/Concluded matters: Agreed YTD summary for members at AGM. Other – for information:

  • 2025 ANZAC/Lotterywest Grant: due by MONDAY 12 th AUGUST, Completed and Submitted.
  • Members arrears list from Membership Officer David Potter to WK follow up as needed.
  • RSLWA Membership processing is “satisfactory”, “Broadcast” emails for cross-check.

Business Arising – Refer Tour of Duty Report.

Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Barrie Morgan, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”. Carried.

Presentation of Motions

No motions were presented to the committee and meeting

Committee Reports

Welfare report

Greg Gough reported: “RAP” updates re Terry Pryer, Ron White, Alex Hatch, John Whitfords-Smith, Don MacPhail, John Skeffington, Peter Harris as well as some mammalian valve “impalement” were noted.

Craige Daniel attended and “back on his feet” and expressed deep appreciation to the Sub-Branch for our assistance in acquiring his electric wheelchair, brakes now fixed. Acknowledged by ALL and we look forward to Craige getting many miles up.

Best Wishes and Stay Safe All.

Peer Health

Wayne Koch reported: Craige Daniel, stint in hospital ok and his Wheelchair fine now, we to do follow up visit.

  • Weekly events as per usual despite chilly conditions, and, that the October Veterans Health Week 2024 inhouse, 25 October, Chidlows. 2025 to review.
  • DVA Joanne Maclean/Megan Davidson Buddy-Up. Brothers and Books.
  • A Permit to continue our use of the Hillarys Marina Gazebo has been renewed.
  • NBRSL Stickers available on the pool table.
  • Thanks to Phil Buckland for “F47 RAAF Chinook” patches for schools and other donors.


Poppy Day 2024 / Ceremonial

Updates were provided by Peter Bowring and Peter Hodgson. Usual venues booked and rostering already being filled by volunteers, further details re sites Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8 th 9 th 10 th and Service Monday 11 th well advanced and for further advice.

Warden Rob Sweet will have our flags as per protocol for the above events.

Website Update

Brian Jennings/Secretary advised that:

With Helen Burgess, Website update continues with new links provided on the Homepage to assist members with welfare, AWM Virtual site, New Veterans and Veterans Catalogue, Estate planning issues, Rouges Gallery, Passing Parade and more. Sec. WK as the “enthusiastic amateur” to test the Staging Site as well as be central point for Coordinating feedback from others prior to issues and questions being submitted to Helen.Social Activities Updates including Tour of Duty

Social Activities and Events: Helen Burgess most pleasantly advised re 2025 Adelaide Tour of Duty, no deposits will be lost due to demise of “Rex”, all and better arrangements with “Virgin”. Well played indeed. 3 Vacancies remain so contact committee promptly. Other details and next $550 instalment will be advised.

Some other Events, details and under notice:

  • Peter Bowring 0410 603 061 advised that Christmas in July events was well received, with 2025 Luncheon to forward planning.
  • SASR $600, all paid to WK, Wednesday 21 Aug. RAAF 25 Sept, Chidlows 25 October.
  • October is a tour of WW2 sites in Chidlows followed by lunch.
  • Vietnam Veterans -Long Tan Service 18 August Kings Park Memorial.
  • The Sandakan Service, Kings Park, Sunday 18 August, assemble from 9.45am near Memorial Kings Park Tennis Club. Executive have arranged to lay a wreath.
  • Legacy Camp Busselton 15-21 October, to register see Home – Disaster Relief Australia or Secretary.
  • Adelaide Tour of Duty 2025, 37 confirmed as going – 3 vacancies. Date of next instalment to be advised. Travellers will be kept informed by group Emails.

General Business

“General” from the floor matters inserted to above committee reports to remain under notice and correspondence, July and herein.

  • Other Vietnam Day August 18 th Services at Mandurah and Wanneroo. Refer also below re prearranged services, request or invitation.
  • Warden Rob Sweet will be attending to the Flags at our North Beach Memorial in accordance with protocol.

Meeting Closed: August 12, 2024 6:17 pm