people sitting around tables during meeting
North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Meeting Minutes Feb, 2025

General Meeting

Meeting Started: February 10, 2025 5:00 pm, The President, Peter Hodgson, welcomed 133 members and recited the Ode.

Homage for Feb, 2025

This month we remember:

  • The fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942.
  • The Melbourne – Voyager Incident 61 years ago today on 10 February 1964 that resulted in 82 deaths. and
  • the bombing of Darwin on 19 February 1942. Australia under direct attack – the bombing of Darwin.

On 19th February 1942, 188 Japanese naval aircraft launched from four Japanese aircraft carriers in the Timor Sea mounted an air bombing raid on Darwin at 9.58AM.  The attack lasted 40 minutes, inflicted heavy damage on Darwin, sank eight ships and destroyed above ground fuel oil storage tanks.  A second attack began an hour later by 54 land-based army bombers from Ambon and Celebes.  Significant damage was inflicted on RAAF Base Darwin resulting in the destruction of 20 military aircraft.  The two raids killed at least 243 people and between 300 and 400 wounded, the majority being civilians.

HMAS Swan was secured at Stokes Hill Wharf alongside MV Neptuna which had a cargo that included 100 depth charges, TNT and other armaments.  HMAS Swan managed to get underway and contributed fire in defence, but was heavily damaged and three sailors were killed in the attack.  MV Neptuna was sunk with a direct hit while still secured to the wharf, her cargo exploding.  Forty-five men died on board – 9 wharf labourers and 36 crew members.

The Australian Hospital Ship, HMAS Manunda, was badly damaged despite her highly prominent red cross markings.  Nine members of the ship’s crew and three Army nurses were killed, 59 others were wounded, 19 seriously.  Captain James Garden was awarded the OBE for his bravery and skill, both during the attacks, and in later navigating by the stars to Fremantle with no navigation equipment and a jury-rigged steering system.  First Mate Thomas Minto was awarded the MBE for gallantry.  Matron Clara Shumack was awarded the Royal Red Cross for exceptional devotion to duty, and her quiet and confident manner being an inspiration to all her fellow workers.

A memorial ceremony has been held every year since 2009 – on 19 February at the cenotaph in Darwin at 9.58AM.  An air-raid siren sounds to mark the precise time of the first attack.


There has been no members passing this month.

Members Toasted Absent Friends.

Apologies: 29, noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.


Joining us as members / guests, Army veterans, Bob and Denise Tulp, and from Kalgoorlie Peter Chinney, traditional heartily welcome accorded



Minutes of 9th December 2024, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Alister Oram and Seconded by Greg Young that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.


  • Includes – pending / reciprocal agenda items included below from our Executive Management meeting of Friday 7th 2025..
  • Flyer and promotion from WA Partners of Veterans,
  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, The Listening Post, broadcast items of interest, others communicated widely.
  • Advocate Training under way: Debra Oram, Steve Leonard, Chis Giddens, Colin Benporath, Office Space enquiries or our Advocacy fruitful.
  • Scam Alerts reiterated to all.
  • Procedures and forms from RSLWA for Sub-Branch Awards.
  • Refer to Committee Reports for other Correspondence and any Business arising from herein.

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters:  Moved by Debra Oram and Seconded by Julie Dayhew.  Carried, all in favour.

Refer to Committee Reports.– for Business arising from Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Cash at Bank Report of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions, Term Deposit Maturity, and account balances was provided.

  • Confirmed increased costs, but remain subsidised, $45 Shirts, Caps $20.
  • Tom May, $65 for the new water resistant “Weather Jacket”, being well taken up.
  • RSLWA Membership updates. Processing delays and  Membership Card issue problems continue.

Routine matters carried forward to Executive Meeting 07th March 2025. Business Arising – Nil.

Moved by Barry Morgan and Seconded by Geoffrey Baldwin, that “the Treasurer’s Report be   accepted”.  Carried.

Presentation of Motions

Further to firm endorsement at the Executive Management Committee meeting of Friday 7th 2025, the following Motions were put:

Peter Hodgson moved, and Wayne Koch seconded that:

  • Application be made for David King to be a Life Member as a result of his significant and valuable contribution to the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch.


  • A submission be forwarded for the Annual State Branch Trophies to be presented at Congress 2025.

The President advised Members that copies our submissions are available for perusal.

The Motions were carried with unanimous support.

Committee Reports

President’s Report

The President  reported that the City of Stirling were considering placing a community Basketball Court in close proximity to our North Beach Memorial Precinct.  Consideration is still being given to this by the City of Stirling despite strong opposition at a meeting with City staff attended by Peter Hodgson and Vice President Peter Bowring. 

This matter is a major concern to the Sub-Branch as it will significantly detract from the significance of the Memorial and Wall of Remembrance Precinct.

Important recognitions:

  • OBE to our Rob Sweet, “Over Bloody Eighty”, well played that Bosun, Warden, Life Member and the long-serving past Secretary..
  • And well done to our immediate past President, John Rolfe, to be recognised in this year’s National Australia Day Community Awards for Services to the Community and RSLWA. Well recognised by All.

Future repeat Guest Speaker DVA Joanne Maclean.

Most informative and ever timely presentation from Joanne, passionate in her DVA role Wellness Support and Strategic Programs. Input from the floor appreciated, venue and timing.

A follow-up presentation independent of a General Meeting was considered most worthwhile with emphasis on spouses/partners/carers attending, will be followed up early in the new year by the Committee. Relative DVA contact: 9366 8339

Heartily acknowledged by All.

Welfare report

 0407 478 963.Our Greg Gough advised those within the “RAP” and about to emerge going ok. Peter Bowring, badly wacked knee due to fall and needing respite, however advised that the many functions of Anzac Day 2025 remain on track. Best Wishes and Stay Safe All.

Peer Health

Wayne Koch reported: renewed thanks to Ruth Raspa, Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and Owen Vladich with the Remembrance Day planting and retrieval at the Kings Park War Memorial. Peter Rowles Peer Health acquisition already effective, DVA course under notice, revision, joining Eric Aitkens and the Executive. Heartily welcomed by All.

Kayaking and other activities enhanced by a favourable turn in the weather. A few NBRSL Stickers available on the Sec/Exec/Pool table, re-supply pending.

ANZAC DAY / Remembrance day Commemorations/ Poppy Collection

By Peter Bowring, Alister Oram and Peter Hodgson. Positive debrief all areas noted and thanks to all. Anzac Day 2025, Gunfire Breakfast via NBBC Catering, Continued ref to our Commemorative Calendar. Executive Management meeting of Friday 7th 2025 refers, including fixturing of Annual Graham Edwards North Beach Football Club Anzac Match.

Comprehensive Brochure has been prepared, thanks to all so far, more names needed for “Collections” Venues.

Website Update

Ongoing Reports to Executive: Helen Burgess, Drury Heath, Alistair Oram. Development continues. Work is continuing.  Gallery/Memorial Page/Bylaws-Annexures – Many important links as well as highlights from The Listening Post and more. Members’ Submissions always welcomed. Still under notice is any revised “Hosting” underway from RSLWA.

Care will be exercised with any Facebook/Social Media postings, confidential and sensitive information relating to Service and Personal details.

Publicity and News Officer – Brian Jennings: Newsletter in progress, independent sponsor for consideration, usual “WIP”: Business card updates once RSLWA email hosting clarified, Virtual War Memorial updates: Egypt Pyramid and “Journey to the Front” photos and Library books received.  Catalogue of our Library Collection has been completed and is available to Members on request to Brian. Storage of Library Collection and other items within the Sub-Branch collection is needed.

Social Activities Updates including Tour of Duty

Monday 24 February Wheelchair for Kids Factory/Graham Edwards tour, DT advised excellent, details and attendance details as advised and to come. Similarly, Barefoot bowls NBBC coming, stay posted.

Ruth Raspa advised a worthy 75th Anniversary “WRAAC” recognition and fund-raising event, “Bunnings Sausage Sizzle” this coming week. Phone 0413 962 177 to assist.

Helen Burgess advised relating activities and meeting of “Women of the Air Force” membership, please contact: 0403 074 519.

  • Updates, Adelaide Tour of Duty, travellers keep your TOD Committee informed best by your “TOD” specific group Emails. Medical details form Adelaide “TOD” to be completed and returned.
  • Members also reminded to advise the Secretary and Membership Officer of current Next of Kin details, forms from Deb Thatcher for completion and return.
  • Future events, Annual Luncheon, Maritime Museum, Veterans Health Week/BBQ, details and under notice.

General Business

Meeting Closed: February 10, 2025 6:17 pm

133 attended this meeting, with 81 meals paid for. Thanks to our Gate Sentries, Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and Steve Fletcher. Also our Raffle Wardens David King and Bill Kynaston, who well served the Raffle Winners, the “tearful” Paul McGuinness, Keith Marshall and Glen Curtis.

Special raffles will continue this year, with Hams, a pro-signed Tennis Racquet and more available.

Beer Trolley scooters Peter Dales, Owen Vladich, Eric Aitkins and Bernie Egan prompt delivery.

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve”, being a Combo by our Barry Lloyd and Caterer Kenny: an ample Sausage supressed in pampered pastry with mashed potato, multi mixed vegetables, Gravy and best buttered Breads.

Also the serving/buttering and catering “Platoon”, Barry Lloyd, Bill Kynaston, Barrie Morgan, Rick Johnson, John Riley, Tom Bateman, Drury Heath and Andy Robinson. Microphone Carrier Pigeon Jon Mackenzie at his nimblest best.

Thanks to All and Stay Safe.