people sitting around tables during meeting
North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Meeting Minutes Oct, 2024

General Meeting

Meeting Started: October 14, 2024 5:00 pm, The Peter Hodgson, welcomed 134 members and recited the Ode.

Homage for Oct, 2024

Templeton’s Crossing–Eora Creek

This week in history we remember a significant event on the Kokoda Track by the 25th Brigade. During the Japanese withdrawal along the track, they conducted a determined defence of the Templeton’s Crossing area. The 2/33rd Battalion first made contact with these positions forward of Templeton’s Crossing about midday on 12 October 1942. For the next two and a half days the battalion sought to attack and then outflank the Japanese positions, but made no progress. The 2/25th Battalion, advancing on the Templeton’s Crossing area along a subsidiary track, had also encountered Japanese positions and had likewise been unable to force its way through. On the morning of 15 October the 3rd Battalion (Militia battalion attached to the 25th Brigade) moved in a wide arc around the right flank of the 2/33rd with the aim of attacking the Japanese from their flank, but their positions were found abandoned. The same day, the 2/25th was also able to break through the enemy force holding them. The three Australian battalions converged on Templeton’s Crossing, but the Japanese had withdrawn back along the Track.

The three battalions of the 16th Brigade; 2/1st , 2/2 nd and 2/3rd had moved up by the 19th October to reinforce the push to force the Japanese back. A series of actions were subsequently fought by both Brigades around Templeton’s Crossing and to Eora Creek areas until the 28 October. Of the about 2,000 Australian troops involved, 412 were killed or wounded.


No members lost this month.

Members Toasted Absent Friends.

Apologies: 31, noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.


Very well attended meeting also noted for visiting members, new and potential members all services as well as Navy. Particularly noted: Neil Haseldine, Alan Winchcombe, Dave Millet, Scott Parker and Lloyd Blake. Heartily welcomed by all.


Bill Fielding being presented with his 100 Year Certificate by Doug Simpson

In recognition and honour of our esteemed and loyal member Bill Fielding (21/9/24) he was, with great pleasure, presented with a Certificate from RSL Australia.

Presented by Trustee Doug Simpson representing RSLWA Board along with our President Peter Hodgson. Also attending was City of Stirling Mayor Paul Irwin, and prominent member Vince Connelly.




Bill Fielding with our President Peter Hodgson and the Mayor for the City of Stirling, Paul Irwin.

As well as the Certificate, Bill was presented with a birthday card signed by all attending. Bill’s response was as energetic as ever including the advice, “just keep breathing”!! Most heartily acknowledged by all with a boisterous rendition, appropriately, “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. Well played indeed.

His story is on Web Inspiring Members Stories | North Beach RSL Sub-Branch (, or in the FlipBook.



Minutes of 9th September 2024, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Debra Oram that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Executive again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By Laws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our “Newly Launched” website:


Includes – Pending/Reciprocal Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of Friday 11 th October 2024. Nil Notices of Motion or formal General Business matters advised.

  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, Listening Post, broadcast items of interest, others communicated widely.
  • 122 Royal Commission Findings/Recommendations announced.
  • Advocacy referrals to Ted Leunig continue, overflow being managed, and is being addressed as per later noted herein.
  • RSLWA Survey regarding intention to apply for a Tavern License.
  • Annual Insurance Invoice $3086.91
  • Sub-Branch Executive RSLWA meeting 24 Thursday 24 October, other RSLWA correspondence including advice re committee changes.

Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters.

Moved by Alister Oram and Seconded by Greg Young. Carried.

Refer to Committee Reports.– for Business arising from Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report

  • Presentation of Resolution as agreed by Executive after detailed research re 50 years of RSL Membership of Gordon Williams and certification from RSLWA. Presented and Moved by Treasurer David Potter and Seconded by Secretary Wayne Koch. Carried. Executive to now submit to RSLWA for processing. Thanks to all.
  • Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Cash at Bank Report of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. Welfare Expenses for Remembrance Day will be well covered from donations.
  • Safety Jackets received and issued.
  • Tour of duty deposits being lodged satisfactorily.
  • Confirmed Tom May in Merchandise Officer role, noting other positions needing assistance. Annexure of the By-Laws updated to incorporate role.

Routine matters carried forward from Executive Meeting 11/10/24.

Business Arising – Nil.

Moved by Jon McKenzie and Seconded by Paul McGuinness, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”. Carried.

Presentation of Motions

Committee Reports

Welfare report

Greg Gough reported:

  • “RAP” updates including, Terry Newman, John Petrie, temporary set -back, so too Craige Daniel, but progressing well.
  • Visitors for Carl Phillimore, going ok but phone him: 0400 730 177, lives in Greenwood.
  • Steve Fletcher has been keeping Terry Newman mobile and assisting with his attendance at our weekly coffee “seminars.”
  • Ros Whitney has provided invaluable support to the widow of our late member, Terry Pryer,

Members acknowledged the efforts of Greg Gough, Steve Fletcher and Ros Whitney with a round of applause.

Best Wishes and Stay Safe All.

Peer Health

Wayne Koch reported:

  • Padlock malfunction at our HYC drydock, however has been corrected. Also, looking for another assistant to be RSLWA certified “Peer Health Officer”.
  • NBRSL Stickers available on the pool table,
  • From next meeting, your Executive table will be located centrally in front of the middle southern side window. This brings us into better range and equitable contact between the chair and the attendees.

Poppy Day 2024/Ceremonial.

Updates by Peter Bowring and Peter Hodgson. Venues booked plus Warwick Train Station Friday 1 November and rostering already being filled by volunteers. Further details re sites Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8 th 9 th 10 th at designated venues, and Service Monday 11 th well advanced.. PB re extra WA Police presence. WK/Sec. – INVITES/Venue Roster, Chairs, attendee requests under notice. Family Invites/Plaque Service: plus invites special guests and broadcast list.

Vacancies for Saturday 9 th Karrinyup Shopping Centre to be filled. Then all venue Captains “selected”. Call Peter Hodgson, 0458 583 869.

Website Update

Helen Burgess, Drury Heath, Alistair Oram (Alistair is also supporting “ANZAC and Poppy Appeals” venues and training duties.) Helen advised successful launch of redesigned website

Welcome To North Beach Sub-Branch (

Work is continuing on the background design. Many important links as well as highlights starting from the Home Page. Submissions always welcomed.

Helen also reminded all re the need for increased awareness required as to the prevalence of “Scam” emails often well disguised as from a reliable source.Social

Activities and Events –

Peter Hodgson and Deb Thatcher:

Current details, and next TOD $550 instalments advised. Third payment by end November. Events, details and under notice:

President advised re BBQ Sunday 24 November at Charles Riley Memorial Reserve for Serving and ex serving ADF personnel, Peacekeepers and Emergency Service workers and families. Refer to flyer on tables, website and our Facebook page/Jon McKenzie.

Please invite one and all for a friendly get together. Fantastic opportunity for new contacts.

  • RAAFA visit to the RAAF Museum 2 October was highly successful.
  • Wednesday 23 October is a tour of WW2 sites/Mystery in Chidlows followed by your lunch. $20 per person for the Bus. More welcomed, further details ready for despatch.
  • Adelaide Tour of Duty, 40, as above, travellers keep your TOD Committee informed best by your “TOD” specific group Emails.
  • Medical details form re Adelaide “TOD” to be completed and returned.
  • Members also reminded to advise the Secretary and Membership Officer of current Next of Kin details, forms from Deb Thatcher for completion and return.

Guest Speaker: Dave Allen, Importance of Advocacy and Advocates.

We most welcomed David’s presentation in his experienced and important role as a Senior Advocate in wellness and compensation matters. Whilst many changes identified, he emphasised the need to always enquire about your eligibility and availability of assistance and entitlement. This can be initiated through our Sub-Branch. As a result of our previous contact with David and our Advocate Ted Leunig and this talk, we have received a significant number of enquires from our members to register for preliminary Advocacy Training, starting soon. We will keep members informed of the progress.

Dave Lewis – Important brief “Welfare” Com Super DFRB Funded Retirees:

Important information and links to action. There are the two primary Forms to be used for those who have an entitlement to Com.Super. David has advised on this before. They are simple to download, easy to complete for the Wife/Partner before death, and quite difficult to complete after death.. Following are links to these forms.

Timor-Leste: 25-year Commemoration

Vince Connolly expanded on the recent local services and a visit back “on-site” by a party of 40 veterans from WA. His report was most encouraging that the difficult extended participation of the campaign has produced long term positive and sustained outcomes. Living conditions, welfare and infrastructure levels as well as the positive reconnection experienced by their group was not lost on the membership.

“Thanks to all in allowing sufficient time in this important part of our meetings, works well to separately advise any General Business not covered in committee reports or correspondence to the Executive post meeting. This will allow pre mealtime to be more efficiently used and the matter dealt with promptly after as required.”

General Business

“General” from the floor matters inserted post meeting for above committee reports to remain under notice and correspondence, October, and herein.

Meeting Closed: October 14, 2024 6:08 pm

NEXT MEETING GM – a week early, Monday 4 th November 2024 at 1700 hrs.

134 attended this meeting, with 91 meals paid for with (Hon.Treasurer enjoying his bread and water serving). Thanks to our Gate Sentries, Steve Fletcher Deb Thatcher and Jess Welfare.

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Crunchy Crumbed Chicken, Mashed Potato, Peas and Gravy, blessed with beautifly buttered breads.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Stewie Young, Eric Aitkins and Stewie Davies, and serving and clean up members Barry Lloyd, Bill Kynaston, Les Young, “Rip” Couston, the bread crew of Greg Young and Ric Johnson, and microphone courier, young man Jon McKenzie.

Also our Raffle Wardens, Cyril Robinson-Goodwin and Arthur-Smith, who well served the Raffle Winners, Andrew Meredith, Keith Jones and Brad Harrison.

Thanks to All and Stay Safe.