Department of Veterans Affairs
Connection to information available on the DVA website
Other Ex Service Organisations
Connection to other Ex Service Organisations that may be of interest.
RSL And Sub-Branch Support
For our members we have a range of support resources available.
Government Services
Federal and State

Department of Veterans Affairs
Below is a series of links to DVA Resources. Whether it be contact details or links to resources on their website such as Estate Planning, Aged Care, Payments etc.
Contact Number
General Enquiries:
1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
International callers: +61 2 6289 1133)
Contact Email
General Enquiries:
Pages of Interest
Hospital and Day Surgery Procedures
Estate Planning and Death
Planning Ahead
Aged Care Resources
Open Arms: Veterans & Families Counselling
Open Arms was established by Vietnam Veterans and is now for all service personnel and their families.
There is counselling service along with treatment programs/workshops, a community peer program and a self-help tools.
Contact Details
24hr Phone Support: 1800 011 046
Transperth: Veteran Smartrider
The Veterans Smartrider is a special type of Smartrider card offered by Transperth in Western Australia. It provides discounted travel fares for veterans and their dependents, making it easier for them to commute and access public transportation services. To learn more about the Veterans Smartrider, visit the Transperth website: Veterans Smartrider
RSL Services

Veterans Catalogue
As the governing body for all RSLs in Australia, it has a resources that are available to all veterans nationally.
Veterans Catalogue: Developed by RSL Australia it is a ” national online database of high-quality services and support available to our serving and former serving veterans and their families.”

As our State Branch of RSL Australia, RSL WA has many resources for veterans and their families available.
Employment Services in partnership with Working Spirit.
Welfare Services
Advocacy Services
ANZAC House Services.
Medical, mental health, and dental practitioners
Counselling support
Aged-care assistance tailored to your needs
Wellbeing programs
RSL Active. Activities to engage veterans to promote community.
Veterans Support Centre Joondalup
Providing Advocacy and Welfare support to the Veterans community.
RSLWA Welfare provides a full range of welfare services to the veterans community including allied, current serving members and their dependants.
This is a Joint Venture between City of Joondalup, RSLAWA and Joondalup RSL Sub-Branch.
Heathridge Community Centre, 16 Sail Terrace, Heathridge.
Opening Hours:
Tuesdays: Opened from 11.00 am—4.00 pm
Thursdays: Soldiers & Sirens (by appointment 0418 910 665) 8.30 am- 1.00 pm
Thursdays: Opened from 1.00 pm-6.00 pm
Phone: 0437 378 498 (available 24/7)

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch
Through our guest speakers and David Lewis here are some links to support our members and their family:
Estate Planning and Death
Dying to know:
Sub-Branch guidelines – Death of a member
When Death Visits – What to do
Other Ex-Services Organisation

Disaster Relief Australia
Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) was launched in 2020, after a tenure as Team Rubicon Australia, which was founded in August 2016. Its first disaster relief operation was launched in April 2017 in response to the devastation wrought by Tropical Cyclone Debbie. This operation, dubbed Operation Dunlop, after WWII Surgeon Sir Ernest Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop, saw DRA deployed to the hard-hit town of Proserpine in North Queensland. For over three weeks 62 volunteers worked tirelessly to help the greater Proserpine community recover from the disaster. Importantly, it proved that military veterans are ideally suited to conduct this type of work.
This is an opportunity for Members of our Sub-Branch to be further involved in helping out a broader range of communities, which now incorporate the Legacy Camp at Busselton.
Disaster Relief Team Manager for Western Australia:
Wayne O’Brien
0497 913 040 wayne.o’
DRA Website:
About DRA:
Member Recruitment:
Jarrahdale Recovery and Restoration Veteran Transition Centre
Respite short-term accommodation for veterans and their families at Jarrahdale, Western Australia
Assistance with transition to civilian employment
Provision of confidential counselling services, including mental health, lifestyle, financial.
0488 188 806
council of the aging WA (COTA WA)
Working towards a society in which older people can flourish. Council for the Ageing WA, the voice for older people in Western Australia
Resources for Seniors

Working Spirit and Transition Employment Portal
Working Spirit Offers business Australia wide who looking to employ Military, and Military Families.
Contact Details
Phone: 1300 219 443
Unit 4F, 1 Wise Street
Joondalup, WA, 6027
Transition Employment Portal