Minutes of General Meeting 8 May 2023

May 9, 2023 |

Minutes of General Meeting

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

8th MAY 2023.

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed, 97 members and recited the Ode.


I take a moment to remind us of significant events from May in Australia’s military history.

Early to mid-May 1943 the Radar Operators at Fort Lytton, on the mouth of the Brisbane River, identified echoes on the radar screen that they thought to be a surface vessel located east of Moreton Island.  This was reported up the line only to be advised that it could not be substantiated so no defensive action was initiated. 

Shortly after, on 14 May 1943 the hospital ship Centaur was sunk by a Japanese submarine east of Moreton Island.  Only 64 of the 333 on board survived. 

7 May 1945 Germany’s surrender, signed at the French city of Reims, ended the Second World War in Europe.

On the 13th, 16th and 26 May 1968 Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral, north of Saigon, were attacked by North Vietnamese forces resulting in Australian forces losing 19 men with 61 wounded.


Members Toasted Absent Friends.


Approximately 33 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members.  Many thanks.


Two memberships as a result of our ANZAC Service, transferring from Quinn’s, Fred Morrell and new member Gary Bailey, and by email, Wayne Fee, service details to come.

Welcome again to members Steve Barton from RSLWA Board, and RSLWA State Trustee & RSLWA State Tribunal Chair, Doug Simpson.


Minutes of 3rd April, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.  

Moved by Keith Jones and Seconded by Ron White, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.

Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Secretary again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our website:


CORRESPONDENCE IN & OUT – Pending/Reciprocal/FYI.  Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of Friday 5th May 2023.

  • RSLWA 107th State Congress 10 June 2023. WK. has advised RSLWA of our 4 Delegates. (Pres/VP/Treas/Sec).
  • Christmas in July  on 26th..  Table Captains action as per Flyer and attendance sheets on hand.  .To VP. Peter Bowring/ Les Young or Secretary.
  • Asset Register: Review, validation and update in progress. Members asked to provide input for items stored at their residence for safe keeping:  Feedback to Brian Jennings.
  • RSLWA Board Elections now closed.  Pres. 2 and 17 for 6 Board positions – Resume will be -broadcast to members.
  • Our 2023 Aug AGM –Positions of Secretary and Treasurer subject to election. Nominations now open.   Lez Young appointed as Returning Officer.  Refer to Notice Board, or Lez, lezyoung12@gmail.com  or mobile 0407 082 438.
  • RSLWA Anzac of Year – is long time WRAAF, and volunteer, Judith Bland.  RSLWA 107th State Congress – Annual Submissions Completed, Saturday 10 June.
  • Schools Talks completed and participants acknowledged.
  • WEBSITE Information on Vietnam Veterans Medallion/Certificate, also – Applications www.dva.gov.au/vietnam50
  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates.
  • RSLWA is providing a private store with exclusive prices: https://store.rslwa.org.au/collections/anzac-appeal-sub-branches
  • Anzac collections Bunnings/Warwick/Carine/Stirling Markets – 22/23 April successfully completed.  Recognition to All.
  • 30th Annual Graham Edwards Football Match on 22 April.  Successful event. 
  • Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business:

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Jon McKenzie, and Seconded by Peter Edwards.  Carried


Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided, included as always, line by line All Transactions for the preceding month.

*Some Annual Memberships OVERDUE, & $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships Now due .  Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads.  Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.

Asset Register, with independent financial review, is a live document and is currently subject to update, Copies will be available at General Meetings when completed and reviewed.  Members also  please advise Brian Jennings of any items currently held.

  • Business Arising – Ros Whitney:  Well done to Ros for upgrading our “Squares” system to “QR Code” Donor system ready for “Poppy” and future collections.
  • Moved by Jim Ryle and Seconded by Jim Muscat, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried.


Welfare Greg Gough away.   JR/BJ:  David Lewis’ ongoing assistance most welcomed and appreciated, particularly with bereavements.  Acknowledged by all.  Ready references regarding death of members are available on our website and work has commenced on reviewing this in conjunction with David Lewis and producing a ready reckoner for members and their families.

Updates on the progress of Ray Carroll:  being monitored and visited by Greg Gough and Geoff Thomas.  Also Geoff Pope in good  care at home with son Andrew.          Stay Safe All.

Peer Health Officers and matters.:  Wayne Koch, Grant Paperwork and final “Acquittance” now completed, allowing recording/updating of our Asset Register.  

And Well Done:  De’Arne Prosser, participating in the WA Leg of the 100th Anniversary Legacy International Relay, fantastic.

Also, Allan Hornby and Bob “Moose” Sweeny, bringing success after 47 years in Interstate RSL Lawn Bowls.  Well played boys and to the team.

Anzac Day 2023 UpdateBarry Lloyd, Peter Bowring, and Bill Kynaston.  All arrangements proceeded very well according to plan despite rain.  Estimate 9000 attended.  Lighting provided a warm and reflective mood, andour ANZAC selling crew warmly acknowledged for the substantial result – again, Ros & the “Squares” crew adding over 30% to the total.  Wreath Layers and Seating went well, & full debrief pending.

Website & Related Matters.  Brian Jennings advised all well, activity at www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au.  Website updates include details of the 30th Annual Graham Edwards Football Match on 22 April and local media photoshoot for Perth Now – also Channels 7 and 9 Interviews and news coverage, and DVA Latest News coverage of the Football Match and our Dawn Service.  Plus, on the Home Page the 100th Anniversary of Legacy coverage thanks to Jess Welfare, all worth viewing, which includes Nation-wide DVA coverage, well received.

Social Activities

Events                        Paul McGuinness 0417 181 025.

Christmas in July     Peter Bowring 0410 603 061.

  • Paul McGuinness scheduling events along with member notifications being planned for 2023.  e.g., Stirling Naval Base Tour and BBQ, est. $30ph., Wed 21st June 8.00am Bus Departing our Hillary’s “Depot”, 30 max, still vacancies.
  • Xmas In-July 26th Proceeding – Bookings Reminder. See Flyers and info to Book $70ph for great Luncheon and refreshments tab.
  • Still in the pipeline: Wednesdays – August Optus Oval, Sept – Govt House and  Anzac House, Sept – Oct Chidlows Walk.
  • Hobart 2024 Tour of Duty, 40 with wait list. 4 x $500 deposits for 15-22 March 2024.  WK/JR Bus Grant to proceed.

Presidents Report / Other Executive. JR.

John reiterated the National, State and Sub-Branch Code of Conduct and Standing Orders which are required to be complied with to ensure the efficient and harmonious conduct of our meetings.  Very clear to all present and explanation well received.

Note from Secretary

Website Page of Sub-Branch By-Laws and Annexure, and RSLWA Constitution and By Laws

About Us – North Beach RSL Sub-Branch (northbeach-rsl.asn.au)

Sub-Branch By-Laws

AA-By-Laws-North-Beach-2023-03-10-1.pdf (northbeach-rsl.asn.au)

Sub-Branch Annexure – Code of Conduct and Standing Orders (Section 1 Page 5)

AB-By-Laws-Annexure-2023-03-31-1.pdf (northbeach-rsl.asn.au)

Copy to be available for viewing at June General Meeting

General Business/Agenda items can be provided to our Executive Meeting Fridays preceding our General Meetings, by email or in person.)

JR also notified of his involvement with the “West Australian Veterans Action Committee” WAVAC:  Many unaddressed concerns such as the high rate of veterans over 50 years of age who are imprisoned. 

Also explained why 100% Board Election taking place now, which will accomplish in 2 years’ time correct “Stagger” of 50% term expiry of members, thus retaining partial retention of experience and expertise

Reiterated: Transparency, Expenditure, Donations, well covered in all previous minutes to members.

Stroke Awareness donation – suggestion put forward by Jeff Edwick of $250 donation approved in this instance by the Executive Committee, and strong support by show of hands by members present. Will be initiated.

Schools Speakers – Well Done All – Our reputation expanding well beyond our border.

Introduced Guest Speaker – Royce SPENCER.  Re his President / Board candidacy, (also open invitation available to all candidates), information presented from his standpoint and frank responses form the floor to be taken into account during campaign period concluding no later than 10am Tuesday 6th June.


  • Future Follow up/Merchandise items well received, John Whitfords-Smith and others.
  • “General” from the floor matters inserted to above committee reports to remain under notice.

MEETING CLOSED – 1813 hrs.

NEXT MEETING – Monday 12th June 2023 at 17:.00

97 attended this meeting, with 58 members paying for meals. Thanks again to our Gate Sentries/Picquets,  Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and Jim Muscat.

Dinner Arrangements

Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Gourmet Epicurean Lonely Sausage, lavishly surrounded with Mashed Potato, Peas & Gravy, and nearby well positioned selection of prepared pampered buttered breads.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Lez Young, Trev Began and Stuart Young, and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Rowles, Brown, Dwyer, McGrath, Healy, the butterers, and microphone courier Jon McKenzie

Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Russell Morgan, Treasurer Gunner King, and Allan Hillman. Well played.

Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support, including our Ted Leunig – 0408 177 193

Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.