Minutes General Meeting 12 June 2023

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed, 114 members and recited the Ode.


I take a moment to remind us of a significant event from June in Australia’s military history.

On the evening of Wednesday 12 June 1996 during training for counter-terrorism operations, two Army Black Hawk helicopters from 5 Aviation Regiment collided in mid-air and crashed at the High Range Training Area southwest of Townsville, Queensland.  Black Hawk 1 on crashing to the ground upside down, burst into flames and was quickly engulfed.  The second helicopter, Black Hawk 2, crash landed and also rapidly burst into flames.  The situation was made even more hazardous due to live ammunition and explosives being on board at the time.

The accident resulted in eighteen fatalities: fifteen from the Special Air Service Regiment and three from 5 Aviation Regiment.

Bravery awards and commendations for actions during and immediately following the crash included:

  • 3 Stars of Courage
  • 3 Bravery Medals
  • 2 Commendations for Brave Conduct
  • 4 Chief of the Defence Force Commendations
  • 2 Chief of Army Commendations

The crash was a tragedy of great magnitude and reminds us all of sacrifices made in the service of our country.


With great sadness we acknowledge the passing of our revered member Michael (Mike) Ruffin OAM, formerly RSM SASR.

(Funeral 1.00 pm Tuesday 20 June 2023, Karrakatta, in conjunction with family and ASASAWA.)

Russell Morgan proposed a salute to our recently passed esteemed member Tony Samiotis, and his family provided funds for refreshments in his memory.

Members Toasted Absent Friends.


Approximately 28 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members.  Many thanks.


Welcomes: Gavin McIntosh Cpl Many years Active Malaya/SVN, and ongoing Service, 405/123 Signals Corp:  Shane Hazell SAS WO1 SASR 5/7 RAR, Rwanda, Bougainville, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan:  Andrew Campbell: hailing from Scotland, Medical Corps, WO, Rwanda, Bougainville:  Greg Watts, 1 RAR National Service Man and a Joondalup Gym Buddy.

All heartily welcomed.


Minutes of 8th May, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.  

Moved by Peter Hodgson and Seconded by Jimmy Muscat, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.

Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Secretary again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our website:


CORRESPONDENCE IN & OUT – Pending/Reciprocal/FYI.  Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of Friday 9th 2023.

  • Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business: Including:
  • RSLWA 107th State Congress 10 June 2023. WK. advised RSLWA of our 5 Delegates. (Pres/VP/Treas/Sec/Warden.). See Presidents Report for our success at the Congress
  • From the Executive’s view, successful Board Elections, RSLWA full report to come re President Duncan Anderson, VP. Miquela Riley. Board now: Matt Moran, Stephen Barton, Robyn Steenbach, Wayne Gibson, Dave Thomas and Trent Mongan,
  • Powerful addresses at Congress re moving forward, despite implementation hurdles.
  • RSLWA Sub Branch Signal and associated information updates/Last Post/Listening Post
  • The West Australian’s “Can You Help” articles re: Anzac Indian Recognition Service 3/6, and ongoing Naval Sea Power exhibition to 30 July WA Shipwreck Museum, Fremantle.
  • Author contact: “The Platoon Commander” John O’Halloran.
  • Graham Edwards will speak at the Sandakan Service, Kings Park, Sunday 20 August, attendance urged.
  • Australian War Memorial Digital Collections, Tours, Merchandise, please view at www.awm.gov.au June Newsletter.
  • Christmas in July on 26th.  Table Captains action as per Flyer and attendance sheets on hand.    To VP. Peter Bowring/ Les Young or Secretary.
  • Asset Register: Review, validation and update in progress.  Members asked to provide input for items stored at their residence for safe keeping:  Feedback to Brian Jennings.
  • Our 2023 Aug AGM –Positions of Secretary and Treasurer subject to election.  Nominations now open.   Lez Young appointed as Returning Officer.  Refer toLez, lezyoung12@gmail.com  or mobile 0407 082 438.
  • Schools’ Talks completed and participants, all acknowledged.
  • PB attended TS Marmion Annual Parade Friday.
  • WK/Sec to obtain Early advice re November Veterans Health Week proposed activities.
  • Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business:

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Jim Muscat, and Seconded by Helen Burgess.  Carried


Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive Cah at Bank report of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided, included as always, line by line All Transactions for the preceding month.

*Some Annual Memberships OVERDUE, & $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships Now due.  Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads.  Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.

Asset Register is a live document and is currently subject to update.  Copies will be available at General Meeting when completed and reviewed.  

Business Arising – Peter Hodgson EFTPOS Squares Coordinator, with previous Captains.

  • Moved by Owen Vladich and Seconded by Alex Lennox, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried.


Welfare with David Lewis as Guest Speaker –

David Lewis’ ongoing assistance most welcomed and appreciated, particularly with bereavements.  Acknowledged by all.  Ready references regarding death of members are available on our website and work has commenced on reviewing this in conjunction with David Lewis and producing a ready reckoner for members and their families.

Greg provided updates on the progress of Terry Prior, Rod May, Ray Carroll, Keith Jones, Greg Tobin, Peter Macander:    

Also, special mentions re Cynthia Samiotis and Joyce Henderson, recovering from recent “RAP” interventions with good progress.

Best Wishes and Stay Safe All.

Peer Health Officers and matters.:  Wayne Koch, to enquire re Nov 2023 Veterans Health Week.

Anzac Day 2023 Update PB Barry Lloyd, well done with Peter Bowring taking over incorporating additional assistance from Peter Hodgson and Rod Miller, and Poppy Day 2023 ready to rumble.

Website & Related Matters.  Brian Jennings advised all well, activity at www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au.  Website updates include on the homepage details of Mike Ruffin with links to his story on the AWM site, and a link to his 2022 Canberra Dawn Service Address. Detail is provided on the Vietnam Veterans Vigil 2023 of which Graham Edwards is Patron.

Social Activities

Events             Paul McGuinness 0417 181 025.

Christmas in July     Peter Bowring 0410 603 061 reminded all to book a table or indicate their attendance to him or Les Young.

  • Paul McGuinness scheduling events along with member notifications being planned for 2023.  e.g., Stirling Naval Base Tour and BBQ, est. $30ph., arrive at Hillarys Marina by 7.30 Wed 21st June for departure at 8.00am.  Payments now required.
  • Still in the pipeline: Wednesdays – August Optus Oval, Sept – Govt House and  Anzac House, Sept – Oct Chidlows Walk.
  • Hobart 2024 Tour of Duty, 40 with wait list.  4 x $500 deposits for 15-22 March 2024.  Bus Grant being examined by President and Secretary.

Presidents Report

Reiterated why 100% Board Election took place, which will accomplish in 2 years’ time correct “Stagger” of 50% term expiry of members, thus retaining experience and expertise.  Board member Matt Moran in attendance and thanked the Sub-Branch.


John expressed sincere thanks to the Sub-Branch and all who assisted with the Sub-Branch in winning the Newdegate Cup for the best Sub-Branch within the State, and the Mary Cornell Cup for its Poppy Day fund raising leading up to and including Remembrance Day.

John now on the RSLWA Tribunal Committee, chaired by Doug Simpson, who also remains a Trustee of RSLWA.

Schools’ Speakers – Well Done All – Our reputation expanding well beyond our border.


  • “General” from the floor matters inserted to above committee reports to remain under notice.

MEETING CLOSED – 1807 hrs.

NEXT MEETING – Monday –  10th July 2023 at 17.00

114 attended this meeting, with 73 members paying for meals. Thanks again to our Gate Sentries Deb Thatcher and Jess Welfare operating with their assistant, Jim Muscat.

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Shepherd’s Pie with Peas & Gravy, and first grab selection of beaut buttered breads.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Lez Young, Peter Dales and Stew Davies, and serving and clean up members  Dwyer, Robinson, McGrath, Healy, the bread crew of Edwick and Willock, and microphone courier Jon McKenzie

Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Drury Heath, Helen Burgess and Peta Connelly. Well played.

Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.

Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.

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