North Beach Review

OCTOBER  2020 Our events and Tours that were planned for 2020 were impacted by Covid19.  HOWEVER, planning is underway for the remainder of the year, and 2021. When restrictions eased, our Sub-Branch dusted off the cobwebs and participated in group activities. For more information on our Sub-Branch explore our newly designed website.  This has updated…

August 2020 Review

AGM held 10 August with 104 attending followed by our August Monthly meeting and a much appreciated meal of Potato Pie and Vegetables. President John Rolfe Welfare Greg Gough, David House, Alex Lennox, Eric Aitkins Vice President Brad Harrison Master at Arms Stuart leake Secretary Trevor McEntyre Commemorative Barry Lloyd Assistant Secretary Wayne Koch ANZAC…

December 2018 News

Lest We Forget Our member Seybert Hayward who passed away in September Welcome to our new members; Terry Donnelly, Ray Edwards, Barrie Morgan, Barry Wanstal, Current membership of North Beach stands at over 312 plus 17 Affiliate members. The monthly meetings are attracting an average of 115 attendees. Taking into the account the many members…