North Beach Review

Newsletter North Beach RSL Sub-Branch
October 20, 2020

Newsletter Letterhead 2


Our events and Tours that were planned for 2020 were impacted by Covid19.  HOWEVER, planning is underway for the remainder of the year, and 2021.

When restrictions eased, our Sub-Branch dusted off the cobwebs and participated in group activities.

For more information on our Sub-Branch explore our newly designed website.  This has updated information, news and links to provide you with essential advice and assistance you may need.  We are also on Facebook.

Some of our Kayakers
A group of our Walkers and Coffee Conversationalist



Click on the Item in the Table of Contents to jump straight to the article.

Table of Contents
September – October           4 Wheel Drive Tour

19 Members in eleven 4×4 Vehicles set off on the 27th Sept for a 10 day camping tour to the gold fields taking in Paynes Find, Sandstone, Lake Mason Homestead, then cutting back along the Barlee – Youanmi Rd to Karalee Rock – finishing at the Nungarin Military Museum before heading home.  The camaraderie of this Sub-Branch is “Alive and Well” in the Bush, as it is in the City.

Tour 2020 3
Tour 2020 5

At our October meeting Terry Healy received his 50 Year Membership Certificate
What is Being Planned 2020 – 2021

For Details refer Paul McGuinness on 0417 181 025




Lunch at ANZAC House Veteran Central


To be Scheduled

Annual Lunch

26 November 2020

11:30 at Hillarys Yacht Club

Contact Peter Edwards on 0417 952 660

tables available.

Air Force Museum

19 March 2021

Details to be completed.  Lunch after event

Perth Mint

14 May 2021

Details to be completed.  Lunch after event

Darwin Tour of Duty

4 – 12 June 2021

Details to be completed.

Fremantle Army Museum

20 August 2021

Details to be completed.  Lunch after event

Optus Oval

29 October 2021

Details to be completed.  Lunch after event

Peer Health

Alex Lennox, one of our Peer Health Co-ordinators, is planning a Sub-Branch “Walk” culminating in a BBQ. 

More details of this Peer Health initiative, which will be suitable for ALL Our Members, will be advised at coming meetings.

Legacy Camp Maintenance

Roger Hardwicke once again has organised the Busselton Legacy Busy Bee from Monday 2 November to Friday 6 November 2020 – or 0419042553.

Like previous years Legacy will supply the food and North Beach Sub-Branch will provide refreshments.  This year, although the work requirements are like previous years, priority will be being given to clearing out the shed


North Beach Sub-Branch  Order of the Day

No Assembly of Veterans for March On


















Flags hoisted to mast head

Flags lowered to half mast

Assemble at the memorial

Preliminary announcements e.g. Covid-19, phones etc

Welcome & start of proceedings

Bugler (Robert Keatch, North Beach – Branch member) – Last Post

One minutes silence

Bugler sounds the Rouse – flags raised to full mast

  • President North Beach RSL Sub – Branch, John Rolfe, presents the Ode

Prayer of Remembrance by Rev. Marie Aitken

Past Secretary of North Beach RSL Sub-Branch, Rob Sweet, to lay wreath

Invitation to other people to lay wreaths e.g. War Widows, Legacy

President of Nth Beach RSL Sub – Branch – Address

Mr David House – unveiling of the Plaques on our Wall of Remembrance

Dedication of Plaques onto Wall of Remembrance

Mr David House – Address

National Anthem

Invitation to families to place poppies on the plaque of family members

Remembrance Day Brought By

Other Important Information

Peter Bowring

David House

Robert Keatch

Rev. Marie Aitkin

Jon McKenzie

Barry Lloyd

Erica Duncan

Wayne Koch

David Bell

Mike Ruffin

Rob Sweet

Ron Brown

Committee members

First Aiders, and others

Traffic Management, Covid-19 signs +

Plaques, flags



Mic, speakers, music


External Events Officer, City of Stirling and staff

VIP guests, seating

City of Stirling Security

 Northern Districts Legacy



  • Lady of Grace and North Beach Primary schools attending
  • Sunset – flags lowered – David House

Remembrance Day, a true remembrance of the team spirit within the Veteran Community

Poppy Day Collections

In a change from the usual Friday before Remembrance Day, Poppy Day Collections will now be held at private venues, such as Shopping Centres, on Friday 6, and at public venues, such as Train Stations, on Monday 9 November.

Contact Steve Fletcher:

0409 988 803


Look through the ANZAC Portal to uncover the experiences of the men and women who have served Australia in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations, and those they leave behind.

ANZAC Portal tells the history of Australians serving in our Defence Forces through our Veterans’ experiences at:

Link: ANZAC Portal

Australians Recognise Our Fallen

On Remembrance Day

In the lead-up to Remembrance Day 2020, schools and community groups across the country are being provided with free resources to assist them in teaching our next generation about the importance of the day, as well as promoting its observance on 11 November to commemorate all those who have died in service to the nation.

More than 102,000 Australians who served our nation in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations and made the ultimate sacrifice will be specially remembered at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, as we pause for a minute of solemn and silent reflection in their memory.

To assist schools and community groups commemorate Remembrance Day in a dignified and respectful manner, the mail-out includes posters, educational activities and other resources that tell the story of our wartime history. It includes material that looks back at the Second World War, which ended 75 years ago this year; and recognises the important roles families and communities played in supporting the war effort on the home front.

The mail-out will go to more than 17,000 recipients across Australia and overseas and this year’s Remembrance Day posters feature Australians celebrating the declaration of peace at the end of the Second World War on 15 August 1945, as well as Royal Australian Air Force personnel receiving official news of Japan’s surrender on the same day.

Due to coronavirus, this year aged care facilities will only receive a letter from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, and Victorian schools will receive a digital version of the mail-out.

Mail-out resources are available for free download on the Anzac Portal or by emailing

Family Military and Service History

Searching for the military and service history of a family member can take time and effort.  These two links are the more common ones available.  A digital copy of their service records may also be available, if not, then information is available on how to obtain them.


Nominal Roll WW2 to First Gulf War

Records and Military History

Veterans’ Mental Health and Support

Every year, too many Australians are taken from us by suicide and sadly, our ADF personnel and Veterans are not immune.  The latest report on incidence of suicide among current and ex-serving ADF personnel was released on 09 October by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, revealing 33 deaths by suicide in 2018.  Addressing this tragedy is a national priority for the Government and while the annual figure in the report is lower than 2017, there is still work to do to eliminate this tragic loss of life.

All acknowledge there are many factors that can affect someone’s mental health, the current pandemic included, and where a person’s service in the Navy, Army or Air Force is the cause of poor mental health, there is absolute commitment to ensuring they are supported.  This is why, in 2017 access to free mental health treatment was expanded to include any mental health condition, regardless of whether or not the condition is linked to a Veteran’s service.  This has uncapped funding, so where there is a need, it is met.

Mental health and suicide prevention is everyone’s business, and we all have a part to play – check in on a mate, ask them if they are okay, have a conversation and help them get the support they need.

Help is available so please reach out.  Open Arms provide 24/7 counselling and support to current and former ADF members and their families.  They also offer face-to-face and video counselling, online or in-person group treatment programs, suicide prevention programs and crisis accommodation support.

Open Arms Website contains a valuable source of information:

Link:   Open Arms

Open Arms provides a broad range of services to Veterans and their families.  They can be reached 24/7 on:   1800 011 046

37-39 Reynolds Rd, Mount Pleasan

Veteran Cards

Information on the types of Veteran Cards is available on:

You may be eligible for the Veteran White Card if you:

  • have at least one day of continuous full-time service (CFTS) with the ADF; or
  • are a reservist and have completed disaster relief service, border protection service, or were involved in a serious service-related training accident.

It can provide you with medical treatment for:

  • accepted service-related injuries or conditions
  • all mental health conditions
  • cancer (malignant neoplasm) covered under non-liability health care
  • pulmonary tuberculosis covered under non-liability health care

All holders of the White Veteran Card are entitled to free mental health medical assessments.  DVA has extensive information on this:

Applying for a Veterans Card can be done on-line through

or logon to MYGov, create a DVA account and click the Apply button.

One of our Sub-Branch Wellbeing Support Officers will be able to provide you with contacts to assist you should it be needed.

More Support for TPI Veterans

The Government is investing $25.9 million in a range of measures to increase support for severely impaired veterans, and to simplify payment arrangements.

As part of the 2020-21 Budget, the Government has responded to the Independent Review into the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) Payment by Mr David Tune AO PSM.

The Government has accepted Mr Tune’s findings and is investing $25.9 million in a range of measures to increase support for severely impaired veterans, and to simplify payment arrangements, including streamlining the indexation process of disability compensation, renaming the disability pension to the Disability Compensation Payment, and exempting the adjusted disability pension from the social security income test. This means that eligible veterans and their partners can receive a higher rate of social security income support payments such as age pension and disability support pension.  The existing Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) will be removed as it will no longer be necessary.

No veteran will be worse off as a result of the removal of DFISA.  A veteran’s social security payment (e.g. age pension) will be equal to the sum of their current reduced social security payment and their current DFISA payment.

For some veterans who are eligible for rent assistance, the new payment rate will be higher than the sum of their current payments.

These measures will take effect from September 2022, pending the passage of legislation.

For more information visit:

Misleading Advertising by Third Party Organisations

To protect the financial interests and privacy veterans, DVA has been working to identify and address misleading advertisements directed towards veterans in relation to their DVA health care entitlements.

DVA is currently addressing the advertising practices of third-party referral organisations, unrelated to DVA.  These organisations market health services purportedly funded by DVA and receive a commission from service providers for any referrals they provide.  These organisations are not health-care providers and do not have any affiliation with, or receive payment from, DVA.

In particular, DVA is concerned with the following types of practices:

  • unauthorised use of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and DVA’s entitlement card logos, which may suggest an association or relationship with DVA that does not exist.
  • the advertisement of healthy lifestyle services, such as yoga and meditation, which are not covered by DVA and may result in out-of-pocket costs to veteran clients
  • the collection of your sensitive personal information
  • potentially misleading statements which suggest services will be covered by DVA without considering the veteran client’s circumstances.

There are strict DVA guidelines relating to advertisements that all DVA allied-service providers and third-party marketing organisations must comply with.

Examples of non-compliant language that marketing agents use to induce veterans to engage services (both covered and not covered by DVA) include the following representations:

  • ‘free to DVA clients’
  • ‘fully funded by DVA’
  • ‘complimentary services’
  • ‘no fees’
  • ‘DVA pays’

Veterans should be cautious of:

  • any advertisements and representations made by marketing organisations that are unaffiliated with DVA and may offer services which are not covered by DVA
  • disclosing their personal information to any non-health-care professional.

DVA remains focused on not exposing veterans to financial liability to unconscionable service providers.  DVA is there to support you and encourages all veterans to access

 Extract from Diggers Verses

 ANZAC Memories

Published about 1919 by a Young Returned Digger

The following are extracts from a small book published 1919, possibly in Melbourne, containing poems and jokes from WW 1.  Different times and different humour.

Diggers Verses

The Charge of the 3rd Brigade

Do you hear what they say, we’re soon going away

To make name and fame for Australia!

And the news we have heard, is they’re chosen the 3rd

The Brigade which knows not a word of failure


‘Twas just a break of day as we steamed in the Bay,

Shot and shell all round us was flying,

And with desperate will we swarmed up the hill,

Tho’ we left comrades wounded and dying.


Against great opposition we took the position,

Prepared to hold out to the last,

We fought all that night, until daybreak brought light

Though the fighting was furious and fast.


There’s many a friend that has met with his end,

Ushered out like the close of a story,

They fell in the fight for freedom and right,

And their memories are halo’d in glory.


A word to the scribes who profuse diatribes,

Attempted to wreck our fair name,

The weapons we use are not ink and abuse,

But rifles and men who are game.


The boys of the Third of whom you’ve all heard,

Are bright, cheerful, happy and hearty,

And tender no thanks to the wowsers and cranks

Who belong to the Stop-at-home party.


Herbert William Morris, Gallipoli, April 30, 1915

12th Battalion 3rd Brigade

Wounded at Gallipoli and Western Front

Magic Words

The C.O. of a Salisbury Plains camp was not above abusing his officers in front of their men.  But he found one officer – a one pip artist – who was not content with silent resentment.  In pretty plain language he told the C.O. that he wasn’t going to submit to that sort of treatment.  Those of us who were standing in the front rank thought for a moment that “Old Bill” would be seized with apoplexy.  When he recovered himself, he snarled out’ “Another two words from you – and I’ll have you packed off to Australia”.

But there was a look in “Old Bill’s” eyes that showed plainly that he had met his Waterloo, when there came that calm long suffering reply: “I wish to hell you’d tell me those words, Sir”

Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire England was a training ground for Australian Battalions, including the Western Australian raised 44th, whose C.O. Lt Colonel W. O. Mansbridge was commonly known as “Old Bill.”  Maybe it was him?

The boss and the clerk had gone out to lunch, leaving the pretty little bookkeeper in charge of the store.  Enters a handsome young man.  “Do you keep car accessories here?” he asked.

The little bookkeeper smiled her sweetest.  “Only me” she replied.


A school teacher said to her class of boys – “I am going to give each of you three buttons.  You must think of the first as representing Life, the second Liberty, and the third Happiness. 

In three days I want you to produce these buttons, when I shall expect you to tell me what they stand for.”

 On the appointed day she asked one of the boys for his buttons.  “I ain’t got ‘em all” He said.  “Here’s Life and here’s Liberty, but Mother has gone and sewed Happiness on my trousers


Office Bearers 2020 – 2021
PresidentJohn RolfeWellbeing Support OfficersGreg Gough, David House, Alex Lennox, Eric Aitkins
Vice PresidentBrad HarrisonMaster at ArmsStuart leake
SecretaryTrevor McEntyreCommemorativeBarry Lloyd
Assistant SecretaryWayne KochANZAC DayJohn Rolfe, Chris Rampant, David House, Bernie Egan
TreasurerDavid KingPoppy Collection DaySteve Fletcher
WardenChris Rampant
Alex Lennox
Revenue StewardJim Muscat, Tom May ( assistant )
Memorial WardenDavid HouseHonorary ChaplainMarie Aitken
  StewardsStuart Young, Peter Dales, David Makin, Stewart Davies
  Annual DinnerPeter Edwards, Jon McKenzie
  Social ActivitiesPaul McGuinness
  Website & News EditorBrian Jennings
Capital Radio

Tune in to The Listening Post every Monday 1800-2000, Capital Radio 101.7 FM, Capital Digital and from anywhere via www.capitalcommunityradio.comPerth’s only radio program specially for Defence personnel, past and present, their families and friends.

Website and Newsletter Contributions 

Website and Newsletter contributions are always welcome.  Please send to Brian Jennings at:

If  you are not receiving emails from the Secretary advising you of important events, please forward your phone number and email contact to:


North Beach Review source material is edited to remove inappropriate content, and clarify, shorten or standardise where needed.  Although tests for accuracy are undertaken, readers should not rely on any of this material without carrying out your own due diligence.  Opinions are not necessarily those of RSL North Beach Sub-Branch or RSLWA. 


North Beach Review

North Beach Sub-Branch welcomes contributions and articles that be used on its website and in the North Beach Review.
To discuss how you can contribute, contact:
Brian Jennings by email on
North Beach Review source material is edited to remove inappropriate content, and clarify, shorten or standardise where needed.  Although tests for accuracy are undertaken, readers should not rely on any of this material. They should conduct their own due diligence. Opinions are not necessarily those of RSL North Beach Sub-Branch or RSLWA.