Minutes of General Meeting 11 October 2021

October 13, 2021 |

Minutes General Meeting 11 October 2021

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

A Mandatory Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.

MEETING OPENED at 16:00, President welcomed 134 members and recited the Ode


I take a moment to remind us all, of just some of the stories of sacrifice that occurred during October.  

The Fleet Air Arm, established in 1947, was formerly known as the Australian Navy Aviation Group.  Its Roll of Honour consists of naval and other service personnel who lost their lives as a result of Australian naval aviation operations.  Since its inception 89 service personnel have been killed.  Six of those occurred in the month of October as a result of non-combat and training operations. 

This month we remember Sub Lieutenant Leon Anthony Mauritz, born in 1936, at Morawa, WA.

On 15 October 1959, he was practising single-engine landings when his aircraft lost height and crashed in bushland 6 km from Nowra, NSW.  He suffered serious burns, and as a direct result of the crash died on 28 December 1959.


Members toasted absent friends.


G Edwards, G. Sells, I. Milne, F. Pierucci, L. White, K. McHarrie, K. Finger, J. Misztal, R. McKay, R. Keatch, T. Prior, T. Burton, A. Greaves, T. Healy, C. Rampant. M. Sweeney


Visitors include :

  • Karen Caddy from City of Stirling.
  • Activate Life Rehabilitation representatives Dougal Kindness and the Team.
  • Di Hornby from WA Army Museum, Fremantle

The President welcomed all the guests.


There weren’t any new members present.


Minutes of meeting 13 September were read.

Moved by A. Hornsby Seconded by J. Woodward that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.




  • RSLWA – Media Release on Submarine acquisition
  • RSLWA – DVA letter
  • RSLWA – Updated By-Laws
  • RSLWA – Sub Branch Credits
  • ATDP (Advocacy Training and Development Program) – September Advocate Update.


  • RSLWA – Australia Day Sub Branch Achievement Award
  • RSLWA – Requests for collections at various Shopping Centres

Business Arising from Correspondence:

  • NIL

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by E. Aitken and Seconded by F. McGrath



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

Business Arising from Treasurers Report.


Moved by A. Hatch and Seconded by M. Dwyer that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”



Web Site Administration.  Brian Jennings reported that the website is up to date, and that some Members’ stories have been uploaded to the Virtual Museum Australia.  Members’ Stories are in progress and Brian asked if any Member wants to get involved in recording Members’ stories to get in touch with him.

Poppy Day.  Steve Fletcher reported that he has poppies, knitted poppies and lapel pins for Poppy Day. Greenwood Station is yet to be confirmed as a collection point.  Steve is to advise times for collections points to be manned.  Team leaders to ensure they have sufficient staff.

Remembrance DayBarry Lloyd reported that all paperwork is in to City of Stirling & all seems OK at the moment.

Welfare. Greg Gough advised:

  • Tom  May had a shoulder problem, but is now recovering.
  • Prior is now home and attending the Gym.
  • Peter Macander is in Brightwater Kingsley waiting to see his surgeon.
  • Jack Meyer is in Transitional Care Brightwater, Kingsley
  • Bob Lyons in attendance at the meeting with his arm in sling following shoulder surgery.
  • Frank Pierucci is now home.

Peer Health.   Alex Lennox/Wayne Koch advised that Veterans’ Health Week – 7 Oct to 14 November.  Excursions to the Bibbulmun Track 22 October and Araluen 29 October are planned.  All members (service, affiliate & social) are welcome and encouraged to attend all outings & functions.  Participants to pay W. Koch $5.00 per excursion and provide him with Menu choices.  Menus are on Home Page of website.

Social Activities Coordinator.  Paul McGuinness reported:

Xmas Lunch 24 November.  The target is 15 tables of 10 people per table.  Cost is $65pp.  Paul is wanting a person to be “Table Captain” to organize their attendees & collect monies.  Treasurer is managing the money.

2022 Tour of Duty is to Kalgoorlie from 16 March to 22 March.  40-person limit so see Paul tonight.

4Wheel Drive Trip.  Jon McKenzie advised the trip has returned & was a great success.  

Memorial WardenPresident reported that a volunteer has not come forward for the position of  Memorial Warden, to date.  The President will take on the role & delegate tasks as required.


Donated Photo.  Di Hornby, a Board member of the WA Army Museum, Fremantle and an Archivist, was introduced.  She  and husband Allan Hornby donated a framed photo of the WA Companies (G & H Companies) of 12 Battalion on the pyramids before embarking for the Gallipoli landing of 25 April 1915.  Di gave some history of the photo.  The donation was warmly received with a round of applause.

Change of Meeting TimeIt has been proposed to change the meeting time to a start at 5pm.  This would be more suitable for members who work and may assist younger veterans in attending our meetings.  A “Show of Hands” was called & the proposal was agreed to for a 6 month trial period from the first meeting in 2022, February 14th.  Publicity will be arranged and data on the success of the trial will be kept.

Meeting Costs. The President advised that the monthly meeting costs were greater than the income/charges to members.  The Loss on Septembers Meeting was $411.80.  Over 11 monthly meetings (AGM Meeting is usually free) the yearly loss would be over $6200.00.

Motion.   T. McEntyre proposed, “Commencing November 2021 the cost of the meal at the monthly meetings be increased to $10.00”.  Seconded, G. Jones.


Facebook and Webpage Video.  The President advised that the Sub-Branch has commissioned ($500.00) a firm to produce a Video which we will have on Facebook & the Website targeting and inviting new and younger members.  A camera operator is present at the meeting & will be visiting our activities during the next week.

Activate Life RehabilitationPresident welcomed Dougal Kindness, Kristen & Sean:

They advised of their services in exercise physiology and physiotherapy with interested people being invited to see them after the meeting.

Karen CaddyPresident welcomed Karen & thanked her for her help, support & interest in our Sub-Branch of RSLWA.   Karen thanked the Sub-Brach for its continuing community help, and expressed her pleasure at being associated with us and strongly supported our continued service.

Ros Whitney asked for help with using the EFPOS Squares for Poppy Day collections.  S. Fletcher to train.

Jeff Edwick asked if any members were helping with Legacy works planned for Busselton by the service providers. Nobody responded positively.

Ron White questioned who approved $500 for video. Ron was advised that it was an Executive Committee decision.

Thanks go to:    Meeting Money Taker Jim Muscat, Trolley Guns, Young and Dale; and serving and clean up members McGrath, Brown, Healy, McGuinness, Robinson and Martin.

Raffle Winners:  Smiling Faces noted of W. Sprylan, G. Pope & S. Fletcher.

98 members stayed for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch don’t pay for their meal).  Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Gourmet Sausage in Pastry, Mixed Vegetables, Gravy, and ample buttered bread .


NEXT MEETING – Monday 8 November 2021at 16:00

Note from Secretary:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.  Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370 378 498.