Minutes of General Meeting 13 September 2021

A Mandatory Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.

MEETING OPENED at 16:00, President welcomed 125 members and recited the Ode


I take a moment to remind us all, of just some of the stories of sacrifice that occurred during September.

On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3rd September 1939 Britain, France, Australia, and New Zealand declared war on Germany

On 21 September 1971 Soldiers of B Company and D Company, 4 RAR/NZ, fought an intense battle against a large enemy force from 33 North Vietnamese Army Regiment at Nui Le in the north of Phuoc Tuy province as part of Operation Ivanhoe.  The North Vietnamese defended its well-constructed bunker systems and then attacked D Company for several hours.

Five Australians were killed in action, and 24 wounded in this battle.

This was the last battle fought by Australians in South Vietnam before the final withdrawal of the task force in early December 1971.


Members toasted absent friends. 


Hurkens, I. Milne, D. Willock, C. Rampant, D. Martin, J. Polessi, B. Reagan, A. Greaves, T. Donnelly, R. Morgan, B. Wamill, W, Heritage, A. Hatch, G. Curtis, V. Connolly, P. Connolly 


  • Royce Spencer & Doug Simson RSLWA Board Members
  • Karen Caddy from City of Stirling & Tony Krsticevic.
  • Life, Live It Occupational Therapy representatives Linda, Hannah, Ariel & Abi.
  • Russell Couper is a visitor from Northam, looking to join North Beach.

The President welcomed all the guests.



Travis Inglesby attended and was warmly welcomed to his first meeting.


Minutes of meeting 9 August 2021 were read.

Moved by K. Braidwood. Seconded by E. Atkins that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.




  • RSLWA – Remittance Advice for July & August
  • RSLWA – DFRDB Commutation update
  • RSLWA – Veterans Health Week advice
  • RSLWA – Sub Branch Credits
  • RSLWA – Sub Branch Signal
  • ATDP (Advocate Training) – Advocate Update
  • WA Dept of Transport – Trailer Registration
  • Joondalup Council – invitation to Joondalup City RSL and City of Cockburn RSL Ball


  • RSLWA – Finance Statements
  • RSLWA – Advice on NBRSL office bearers.
  • RSLWA – Poppy purchases

Business Arising from Correspondence:

  • NIL

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by T. May. and Seconded by G. Connor



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

Business Arising from Treasurers Report.


Moved by G. Gough and Seconded by J. Muscat that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”



Web Site.  Brian Jennings reported that he is working with Helen Burgess to ensure continuing efficiency of the website. There is a new story submitted by Tom Norris of a transcript of an interview with a Japanese Prisoner of War Camp Superintendent, and Peter Bowring’s story on Peace Keeping on Timor which has also been accepted by AWM.

By-LawsBrian Jennings reported that the revised By-Laws were approved by the Executive Committee on 10 September 2021 & will be available on the website.  Any comments to be in writing to the Secretary.

Poppy DaySteve Fletcher reported that he has 2000 poppies & 2500 lapel pins for Poppy Day. He has sent letters to the 12 collection venues.  He will contact venue leaders in the next few days to ensure their teams are available.

Remembrance DayBarry Lloyd reported that paperwork is in to City of Stirling & all seems OK at the moment.

Welfare. Greg Gough advised:

  • Jack Meyer is in Osborne Park waiting for a place in a transitional care .
  • Frank Pierucci is still in Glengarry Rehabilitation.
  • Peter Macander in Brightwater Kingsley waiting for full recovery
  • Greg Gough reported that he is to have knee replacement 21 September.

Peer Health.  Alex Lennox/Wayne Koch advised:Peer Health Week – 7 Oct to 14 November.  Excursions to the Bibbulmun Track (22 October) & Araluen 29 October) are planned.  Funding has been approved to help with transport.  All members (service, affiliate & social) are welcome and encouraged to attend all outings & functions.  Participants to advise W. Koch.

Social Activities Coordinator  Paul McGuinness reported: Xmas Lunch 24 November.  The target is 15 tables of 10 people per table.  Cost is $65pp.  PM is wanting a person to be “Table Captain” to organize their attendees & collect monies.

4Wheel Drive Trip.R. Couston advised the trip is leaving 26 Sep for 10 days.  

Memorial WallPresident reported: David House has resigned as Warden from after Remembrance Day.  The President thanked David for his service over many years and for making the Memorial Wall such a success.  Nominations to fill the position are being sought.



Dinner to Commemorate Battle of Nui Lei.  Dinner at the Shoe Hotel Horse Shoe Bridge on 21 September.   For info refer to Secretary. 

RSLWA Visitors – President welcomed Royce Spencer, & Doug Simpson.  Royce addressed the meeting on :

  • RSLWA finance
  • Facilities at RSLWA Central
  • Jarrahdale Veterans Retreat where WARSL have 3 Units available. The facility provides lodging (family & single), kitchen, bush walking & psychiatric help.
  • recruiting new/younger members

Questions were asked regarding:

  • welfare & the number of advocates available
  • waiting time to get to appointments.
  • access to floors/personnel.
  • lack of welcoming atmosphere in the facility. 

Life, Live It Occupational Therapy.  President welcomed Linda, Ariel, Hannah & Abi:

They displayed their equipment with interested people seeing them after the meeting. 

Karen Caddy.  President welcomed Karen & thanked her for her help & interest in our Sub-Branch of RSL: Karen will also attend next month’s meeting where we will thank her properly.  She introduced Tony Krsticevic who she is endorsing.

Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Young, Dale and Egan; and serving and clean up members Gorddard, McGrath, Brown, Healy, McGuinness, Rowles, Dwyer and Robinson.

Raffle Winners:  Smiling Faces noted of Bob O’Connor, Alex Lennox, & Garry Jones

92 members stayed for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch don’t pay for their meal).  Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Shepherd’s Pie & Vegetables.


NEXT MEETING – Monday 11 October 2021  at 16:00

Note from Secretary:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.  Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370 378 498

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