Minutes of General Meeting 12 April 2021

April 13, 2021 |

A Mandatory Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.

MEETING OPENED at 16:00, President welcomed 141 members and recited the Ode


I take a moment to remind us all, of just one of a thousand stories of sacrifice that occurred during April.

This month is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kapyong for which 3 RAR was awarded the Presidential Citation, and the 106th anniversary of the landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula.  We particularly remember Operation Sumatra Assist.  This  was the ADF’s contribution to disaster relief in Indonesia following the Indian Ocean Earthquake that struck 26 December 2004. 

Following a subsequent earthquake on the 28 March 2005, at about 09:30 on the 2nd  of April 2005, Sea King helicopter with call sign “Shark 02” crashed on the Island of Nias off the west coast of Sumatra, killing 9 ADF personnel – 6 Navy and 3 Air Force.  Two others were recovered alive from the site by the other Sea King operating from HMAS Kanimbla.

Lest we Forget

We remember:

Our member Glen Moore who passed on 10 March 2021, Photos of the deceased as well as copies of the March Minutes were placed at the front desk by Brian Jennings.

HRH Prince Phillip who passed away on 9 April 2021.

Members toasted absent friends.


Bob Keatch, Drury Heath, Vince Connelly, Peta Connelly,  Ric Johnson, Hendrik Hurkens, Deborah Thatcher, Ron Agar, Stuart Leake, Tony Samiosis, Phillip Heritage, Rick Love, Don Martin, De’Arne Prosser, Julie Dayhew.



3 New Members introduced themselves:

  • Wallace Cope, over 36 years Royal Australian Regiment, friend of Bernie Egan
  • Peter Jackson, 73yo 11 Intake National Service, 9RAR.
  • Tony Beekwilder, 3 yrs 10th Light Horse – transferring from Ballajurra.


Minutes of meeting 8 March were read.

Moved by Frank McGrath.  Seconded by Jeff Fogarty that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.


Secretary reminded members:

  • That easy access to current and recent minutes and the Newsletter is via our website:




  • RSLWA – Advice on State Congress
  • RSLWA – Advice on missing info for membership
  • RSLWA – Advice on donations to Sub Branches
  • RSLWA – Sub Branch Signal
  • RSLWA – asking for hamper nominations.
  • St John Community Transport – offer to transport veterans.
  • RSLWA – advice on aboriginal culture.


  • Return of nominations for 50-year Certificates.
  • Advice to members on funeral of our member Glen Moore.
  • Return of nomination for Life Membership.

Business Arising from Correspondence:

Secretary:  RSLWA State Congress Agenda items are required by 16 April.  I propose a suitable agenda item to be raised is discussion on Acknowledgement of Country / Welcome to Country and preserving ANZAC Day for those who served.  Guidance response provided by Graham Edwards taken on board, with the following actions:

Action 1: 

An Agenda Item for RSLWA Congress be sent asking that politics be kept separate from Anzac Day.  North Beach Sub-Branch consider Acknowledgement of Country / Welcome to Country to be political statements, and that ANZAC Day be preserved to remember those who served.

Action 2.

Advise RSLWA that military memorabilia to be displayed at Anzac House.

Action 3.

Advise RSLWA that access to persons at RSLWA is too restricted.  Access to the working floors can only be gained by the “doorman” & when on the floor there is minimum room in which to talk to a representative.  As a minimum there should be a seated reception area.

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Jack Myer and Seconded by Jim Ryle.



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

Business Arising from Treasurers Report

An error was identified in the costs for the lunch at Anzac House and this was corrected.

Moved by Bill Kynaston and Seconded by Peter Edwards that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”



Web Page.  Brian Jennings reported an article on Jack Meyer appeared in the last Listening Post & RSLWA are negotiating with The West Australian and Community Newspaper Group for the placement of an article.

Community Newspapers are photographing 3 members on 15 April at the Memorial with the intention of publishing an article.

Welfare Greg Gough advised:

  • Frank Pierucci has back problems.
  • Terry Newman is in Joondalup Hospital
  • Terry Pryer – Greg Gough is yet to get an update on his condition.
  • Tony Samiotis is now in a “gopher”.
  • Ray Alexander is recovered & in attendance.

Peer Health.  Alex Lennox advised:

Red Cross courses will be at RSLWA Veteran Central on 16 & 17 June.  CPR refresher is a half day course on 16 June.

Silver Salties are active at Sorrento Beach & are looking for members.

Anzac Day.

Barry Lloyd reported:

Despite all the COVID restrictions it seems everything is in order for a successful Dawn Service.  City of Stirling approval is yet to granted but no issues are expected.

The service will start at 0600.  Sqn Ldr Mark Levitt is to give the address. 

Chris Rampant to lay the North Beach RSL wreath.

Anzac Day Breakfast.

Bernie Egan reported:

The Sub-Branch has received a donation from Coles for the breakfast.

Setup of the NBBC will start at 0300.  Anybody wishing to help to see Bernie.  Members to bring a plate of sandwiches or pastries for the breakfast.

Anzac Day School Visits.  

Secretary reported that North Beach RSL have members visiting 27 schools, football matches or retirement homes for Anzac Day addresses.

Any speech makers who find themselves unable to attend their designated assembly & cannot find a replacement should call the secretary for a replacement.

Social Activities Coordinator

Paul McGuinness reported:

  • The next outing is to the Perth Mint on Friday 14 May. Bus leaves Hillarys at 10:00 returning about 1430.
  • Arrangements to be advised separately to those attending.


Motion – Honorary Sub-Branch Chaplain.

The Executive Committee advised that Reverend Marie Aitken will be made Honorary Sub-Branch Chaplain.  This was supported by members show of hands.

Motion – Internet Banking.

The President advised that we need to be able to pay suppliers by internet banking.  To be able to access internet bank we need a motion passed saying the Sub-Branch approves it.  Our Sub-Branch procedures that require 2 of the 3 Executive (President, Secretary, Treasurer) to approve payments will not change.

The motion is:  RSLWA North Beach Sub-Branch approves internet banking for use on their general account.

Seconded: Ray Alexander.



The secretary advised members that :

  • Tom May has details of a mobile caravan mechanic
  • Peter Edwards is receiving applications to attend the MACC Club speech on Anzac Day.

 Note from Secretary:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.  Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.  Link

90 members paid for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch don’t pay for their meal).  Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s sausages, mash, peas & gravy.

Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Young, Dale and Egan; and serving and clean up members McGrath, Brown, Robinson, Goddard, Dwyer and Jennings.

Raffle Winners: Smiling Faces noted of …Bob Lord, Greg Gough & Bill Kynaston


 NEXT MEETING – Monday 10 May 2021 at 16:00