Minutes of General Meeting 12 July 2021

July 13, 2021 |

Minutes of General Meeting

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

12 July 2021

A Mandatory Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.

MEETING OPENED at 16:00, President welcomed 96 members and recited the Ode


I take a moment to remind us all, of just one of a thousand stories of sacrifice that have occurred.

In July 2009 Australian troops ceased an operational role in Iraq which began in March 2003 and involved Australian Army, Air Force, and Navy.

We remember the 4 Australians who died as a direct result of their service to Australia in this theatre of war.

  • Matthew Millhouse 36 died in 2015 as a direct result of injuries he sustained by an IED blast in 2004.
  • Paul Pardoel, 35, who transferred from the RAAF to the RAF and was serving as a Navigator when his C-130 Hercules crashed in Iraq in January 2005 killing all on board.
  • David Nary, 42, a Warrant Officer with the SAS Regiment was accidently killed in November 2005 during a training exercise in Kuwait prior to his deployment to Iraq.
  • Jake Kovco, 25, 3 RAR, in April 2006 who was part of the security detachment (SECDET) in Baghdad when he was accidently killed.

Also it is timely that we remember that since 2001, 39,000 ADF personnel were deployed in Australia’s contribution to the war in Afghanistan.  The final 80 ADF personnel have now left, as the 20 year mission draws to a close.

We remember the 41 killed in Afghanistan and the many more of those involved who are living daily with physical and or mental injuries.


A list of those 41 ADF personnel killed in Afghanistan are detailed in our Homages Register our website on This Link

Members toasted absent friends.


R. Alexander, T. Leunig, P. Macander, D. Potter, K. Finger, B. Lloyd, D. House, P. Long, R. Keatch, I. Milne, E. Holzheimer, J. Panossian, E. Atkins, T. Healy, N. Woodberry, P. Brabazon, G. Curtis, R. Carol, B. Hawkins, G. Bourne, J. Woodwood, T. Beekwilder, F. Martino, D. Martin, B. Henderson, P. Heritage


John Vincent AOM and Life Member of TPI Association Inc Victoria served 30 years in the Army.


No New Members were present.


Minutes of meeting 14 June were read.

Moved by A. Lennox. Seconded by P. Dales that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.


Secretary reminded members that easy access to current and recent minutes and the Newsletter is via our website:




  • RSLWA – Sub Branch June Signal
  • RSLWA – advice on COVID closures.
  • RSLWA – advice on Veteran Suicide Royal Commission
  • RSLWA – Request for Annual Financial Statements
  • Legacy – Advised that North Beach Sub-Branch will not be required at Busselton in future and that maintenance is to be controlled by Disaster Relief Australia.  Members who still wish to assist Legacy can apply through them.
  • City of Stirling – Intention to donate.


  • NIL

Business Arising from Correspondence:

Legacy Maintenance.

A number of members raised questions, but they were deferred to later when Wayne O’Brien who is point of contact for Disaster Relief Australia will be here to address us.

Financial Statements.

The Treasurer has the Financial Statements for RSLWA underway.

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by J. Ryle and Seconded by A. Thomas



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

Business Arising from Treasurers Report. nil

Moved by R. O’Connor and Seconded by C. Rampant. that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”



Office Bearers & AGM.

John Rolfe advised the AGM will be held immediately after the August Monthly Meeting & voting for nominations for the positions of President & Vice President will be made.  There is a sheet on the wall on which to nominate.

By Laws. 

A Motion was put by P. Edwards that Bylaws containing sections that attendees at Monthly Meetings be charged $10 with optional dinner at $5 should be removed.  Motion Seconded by J. Ryle.  Carried

Web Site Admin. 

Brian Jennings reported: July Listening Post has an article on the Sub-Branch’s Tour of Duty to Darwin. Virtual War Memorial  Australia now has stories of 4 of our members & photos & details of local memorials.  This can be accessed by searching on: https://vwma.org.au/


Greg Gough advised:

A.Gronow has an abdominal embolism with surgery scheduled for Aug.

  1. Pierucci has blood clots.
  2. Prior has ongoing problems but hoping to get home.
  3. T.Carrol had a fall & broke his back.

Peer Health.

Alex Lennox advised:

St John First Aid Courses – only 50% of registered students attended.  Changes will be made to future courses.

Veterans Health Week – Considering between 7 Oct to 14 November excursions to the Bibbulmun Track & Araluen. Details to follow.  An application for funding is being prepared.

Social Activities Coordinator. 

Paul McGuinness reported:

  • Army Museum 13 August. Cost $20, bus leaves Hillarys at 0945.
  • Tour of Duty 2022 is planned for Kalgoorlie in March. Details to follow.

Support to North Beach Football Club.

Graeme Edwards advised that the Football Club is keen to support us & wants the cancelled match on Anzac Day to be now held 14:30 on 4 August at Charles Riley Oval.  The Ode will be said with some free beer for veterans wearing medals.

Busselton Legacy Camp. 

Wayne O’Brien, the Disaster Relief Australia Team Manager Perth spoke on the activities of that organization & invited all to volunteer for all or specific tasks.  Volunteers are vetted for suitability, are insured & trained where required.

Access to information and contacts are on its website  https://disasterreliefaus.org/

Further information will be provided to members and contact details will be available through the Secretary and our website.


4 Wheel Drive Trip.  R. Couston advised the trip is leaving 26 Sep for 10 days.  There is vacancy for a further 3 cars.

Dale Foggarty toasted Afghanistan Veterans’ service.


Note from Secretary:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on This Link, along with other providers of Advocacy support.  Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370 378 498.

70 members paid for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meal). 

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s sausages, mash, peas & gravy.

Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Young, Dale and Egan; and serving and clean up members McGrath, Healy, Robinson, Gorddard, Dwyer and McGuinness.

Raffle Winners: Smiling Faces noted of J. Green & G. Snook.


NEXT MEETING – Monday 9 August 2021 at 16:00