Minutes of General Meeting 8 November 2021

November 10, 2021 |

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

8 November 2021

A  Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.

MEETING OPENED at 16:00, President welcomed 112 members and recited the Ode


I take a moment to remind us of just some of the stories of sacrifice, particularly in November.  November has a special place in the memory of Australians, in both World Wars.

In November 1914, the AIF departed Australia and after several delays due to the presence of German naval vessels in the Indian Ocean, arrived in Egypt where they were initially used to defend the Suez Canal.

On 11 November 1918 the First World War came to an end at 11:00 hours with Germany signing an armistice, ending fighting on the Western Front.  Australia, with a population of less than 5 million, had over 416,000 enlisted, 60,000 killed and 156,000 wounded or taken prisoner.

Also in November, 80 years ago on 19th November 1941 the entire crew of 645 from HMAS Sydney was lost off the Western Australian coast to the German raider Kormoran.

November is a significant month in Australia’s military history.

We also remember our member Jack Meyer who passed away. Details of his Funeral reiterated for Tuesday 9 November, strong attendance indicated.


Members toasted absent friends.


Fiona Dowse, Roz Whitney, Rip Couston, Jim Muscat, Garry Jones, Ed Holzheimer, Bernie Egan, Glenn Curtis, Ric Love, Tony Butun, Russell Morgan, Glenn George, Barry Gillson, Deb Thatcher, Vince Connelly, Denzil Simeon, Terry Healy, Ken McHarrie, Greg Gough, Ron Brown, Bill Henderson, Mike Ruffin, Ian Milne.  




There were no new members present.


Minutes of previous meeting of 11 October were read.

Moved by Les Smith Seconded by Bob Lyons that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.




  • RSLWA – Sub Branch Credits
  • David Lewis advised range of hours from other Sub-Branches in support of our Trial.
  • Plaques.com
  • City of Stirling – Strategic Community Planning.
  • Insurance Invoicing to recommence – Covid Moratorium ceased.
  • .303 Replica formal Donation Form Received – additional Asset Register item.


  • Stirling Council – Letter asking that the speed hump and step down from Footpath be rectified.
  • Vince Connolly – Expression of Interest for grant from Building Better Communities.
  • Letter of thanks to Mundaring Weir Hotel, Chalet Healy and Collective Hike Tours regarding our two Veterans Health Week Events.
  • Statutory Declaration sent to DVA for Acquittal of Veterans’ Health Week Events confirming grant expenditure, along with story, photos and members’ photo consents.

Business Arising from Correspondence:

  • NIL

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Bob O’Connor, and Seconded by Gary Redmond.



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet, in an enhanced format, of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

Treasurer reported that Poppy Sales to date amount to gross of approximately $16,000 and still rising from strategically placed Tins.  Further training in the use of Eftpos Squares to be undertaken to maximise their use, and acquisition of an Eftpos facility to be discussed with the Executive.

Business Arising from Treasurers Report.


Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Jeff Fogarty that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”



Web Site Admin.  Brian Jennings reported that additions to Members Stories on our website include:

  • Ken McHarrie story which is also now on the Australian Virtual War Memorial site.
  • Jess Welfare’s report on Boyup Brook’s Sandakan commemoration.
  • Tom Norris provided photo to support the story of a Japanese Superintendent of a POW Camp in Indonesia.

Regular viewing strongly encouraged at  https://northbeach-rsl.asn.au/

Poppy Day.  Work in progress as per Treasures report.

Remembrance Day.  Barry Lloyd reported that all arrangements are in place and that there will be a site meeting 9th November with the City of Stirling.  Acting Secretary Wayne Koch has record of chairs to be put aside, names of wreath layers and dignitaries attending.  North Beach Bowling Club will  open from 11:00 hrs.

Welfare.  President John Rolfe presented the Welfare Report in the absence of Wellbeing Support Officer Greg Gough.

  • Greg Gough is in hospital with virus and receiving treatment.
  • Frank Pierucci back on deck and in attendance.
  • Ian Goyder well and happy and recently celebrated his 95th
  • Pete Macander hospital and treatment continues.
  • Ed Holzheimer is in hospital for a knee operation.
  • Ken Braidwood to undergo scheduled surgery this week.
  • Arthur Whitney advised that Roz Whitney is ill with Shingles, and urged Members to get vaccinated.
  • Minor RAP reports re: Graham Edwards, Peter Harris and Tony Butun.

Peer Health.  Alex Lennox/Wayne Koch reported on Peer Health Week – 7 Oct to 14 November.  Excursions to the Bibbulmun Track (22 October) & Araluen 29 October) were well attended and received by Members.  Sub-Branch will be involved again next year, advice of dates from DVA to be obtained early as possible.

Social Activities Coordinator.  Paul McGuinness reported:

  • Xmas Lunch 24 November. 12 tables now booked.  Cost is $65pp.  Paul advised that there is still opportunity to attend and to see him after the meeting.  Excellent Menu and the promise of a good Christmas Lunch is assured.
  • 2022 Tour of Duty to Kalgoorlie from 16 March to 22 March has a 40-person limit so see him tonight for form.  A ballot is required to ensure that the travel limit is contained, unsuccessful members will be on the standby list.  Travel form to be completed with copies of concession card and photo ID, e.g., Driver’s license.

Memorial Wall.  Plaques for 11th November installed by President John Rolfe and David House, ready for dedication following the Remembrance Day Service.


Veterans Living Support.  David Lewis provided a broad background into the Jarrahdale Centre following comments provided by RSLWA at a previous Sub-Branch General Meeting and expressed concern whether veterans at risk or homeless veterans could avail themselves of the facility.  David advised that following RSLWA withdrawal of support from Mrs Kylie Russell and her desire for the Andrew Russell Veteran Living Program, the RAAFA Board purchased land at Cannington.  The RAAFA Board and Kylie are moving to establish 27 units on the land for the use by veterans in need, something that WA does not have at present.  The meeting thanked David for the comprehensive update with a round of applause.

Other Items from the Floor:

  • Ruth Raspa, thanked our members who attended the “Poppy Planting” at the Kings Park War Memorial, contributing to her crew’s mighty efforts.
  • Jon McKenzie advised of the excellent services provided by the Pivot group and the benefits to member fitness.
  • Jeff Edwick thanked members, and in particular John Bush, for their response to his request for a Bus Driver for Legacy..
  • David House suggested that in order to save time at meetings, consideration be given to not reading the Minutes of previous meetings in detail, as they have been widely circulated and are also available on our website. The meeting strongly supported this suggestion and the Executive will consider this prior to the next meeting.
  • John Rolfe advised that RSLWA has appointed him to the Western Australian Veterans Advisory Committee (WAVAC). John’s service and civilian careers made him a worthy candidate to be selected to the Committee.

Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Young, Dale, and Davies; and serving and clean up members Gorrdard, Robinson, McGrath, Healy, McGuinness, and Greaves.

Raffle Winners:  Smiling Faces noted of Raffles Jon McKenzie, Bob O’Connor and Steve Bell.     

70 members stayed for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meal).  Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Thai Chicken and Vegetable Curry and Rice.


NEXT MEETING – Monday 13 Dec 2021 at 16:00 


Note from Secretary:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.