RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal November 2020

December 4, 2020 |


In this bumper edition, we include some important information about the new ANZAC House including services and functioning of The ANZAC Club. We also detail what’s been happening at Board level and our organisation’s response to the outcomes of the Brereton Inquiry.


THE Returned & Services League of Australia says that, despite the horrific and reprehensible allegations, all personnel suspected of alleged war crimes in Afghanistan are entitled to due process and this must be assured in the pending further investigations.

This follows the release of the Inspector-General’s report and the investigation by Justice Paul Brereton into alleged unlawful killings and other possible of the laws of armed conflict.

The RSL views the allegations as extremely serious but speculation has already impacted adversely on veterans who served in Afghanistan, the vast majority of whom are in no way involved in the alleged conduct.  RSL National President, Greg Melick, said the organisation was aware of the significant strain this matter had placed on all Veterans and their families.  The further investigations must ensure that service personnel are treated with procedural fairness, in accordance with due process and not pre-judged.

“Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel serve in a unique and highly challenging environment and the allegations, resulting inquiry, report, subsequent aand media speculation have caused considerable distress and mental health concerns,” Major General Melick said.

“The RSL is committed to supporting all serving and ex-serving members of the ADF through the provision of wellbeing and general support to veterans and their families.  “We encourage any former or serving personnel suffering adverse impacts and distress to immediately contact their local RSL Sub-Branch for direction to access wellbeing and other support services or call Open Arms on 1800 011 046.”


THE official opening of ANZAC House Veteran Central was a great success, with a full capacity of 180 VIP guests, Sub-Branch representatives and other veterans in attendance.

The Governor of Western Australia, Hon. Kim Beazley AC and WA Premier, Hon. Mark McGowan MLA, gave impressive speeches endorsing RSLWA as the national pioneer of one-stop shop Veteran care.  Federal Minister for Veterans Affairs, Darren Chester, also sent through a special video message to support the Veteran Central model.  The new plaque was officially unveiled by the Governor and RSLWA State President, Peter Aspinall AM.  For more info and photos click on the following:

Governor officially opens ANZAC House Veteran Central – a new home for RSL WA – Government House (

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WA Premier, Hon Mark McGowan MLA at the launch with Wanneroo RSL Sub-Branch President Jack Le Cras OAM.

While ANZAC House Veteran Central is now open, it will take the start of the New Year for all Veteran service providers to be up and running, given the delay in the completion of the building and fit-out. That said, veterans and their families will be able to access a range of support services including, but not limited to:

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Advocacy and Welfare
  • Hearing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Financial Counselling
  • Transition & Employment support

The planned Poppy Café on the ground floor is expected to be ready for opening by Christmas and will be a great place for Veterans and family members to relax in an inclusive environment.

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LEFT TO RIGHT: RSLWA CEO John McCourt, RSLWA State President Peter Aspinall AM, the Governor of Western Australia, Hon. Kim Beazley AC, Sub-Branch representatives Jon Rolfe and Ken Bevan.


THE new ANZAC Club is open for business and there has already been a steady stream of Members and guests enjoying the new facility.  It’s located on the First Floor of ANZAC House, with lovely views of the Government House gardens. Access the ANZAC Club website ( for details.

For phone bookings, please call the ANZAC Club on 9287 3777.

Along with the new ANZAC Club are some new rules and regulations aimed at making this iconic venue a pleasant and respectful place to visit and enjoy.  The provisions of the WA Liquor Control Act allows Members to bring along up to five (5) guests at any one time, as long as the Member remains on the premises.

At its most recent meeting, the Board of Directors approved Membership categories and fees, as well as the new Rules.


The following fees per category are proposed:


Service Members


Friends of the ANZAC Club

Corporate Members


Not Applicable

$40.00 pa

$50.00 pa

$150.00 pa


Entry for any financial Service Member

Irrespective of Membership fees paid at Sub-Branches

Includes U&K group, other ESOs, Poppy Ladies.

Plus use of ANZAC Club rooms and meeting areas

Service Members
For more than 100 years, ANZAC House has been a social gathering point for those who served the ADF. It is seen as appropriate that such Service Members are afforded complementary entry, with the proviso that they are current financial Members of the League.
The $40 fee is considered a fair and equitable reflection on admission to the ANZAC Club by non-Veterans.  A $40 fee equates to 75 cents per week.
Friends of the ANZAC Club
This category provides for inclusion of Allied organisations and RSLWA providers, who pay a little more for Membership than Affiliates but not the top rate for Corporate Membership.  The $50 fee for this category equates to 96 cents per week.
Corporate Members
The Marketing Staff some time ago sought interest from the corporate and industry sectors on striking a fee that matches expectations and use of facilities. The annual fee of $150 provides for extra benefits to the category, including the free use of meeting/function rooms within the ANZAC Club (maximum of 2 hours) as well as opportunities for reduced rates for Levels 5, 6 and 7. The Corporate Fee of $150 equates to $2.88 per week.

This set of rules, including a dress code, was developed to reflect a better standard. These new Rules respond to observations that the dress standard and behavior in the old ANZAC Club was sometimes less than desired and/or appropriate.

Club Policies

  • RSLWA may make policies for the regulation and management of Membership of The ANZAC Club at any time and may amend or revoke any policy from time to time.

Club Manager.

  • The appointed Club Manager represents RSLWA in the proper running of the Club on a day-to-day basis.  The Club Manager may, at his discretion, refuse any person admission to the premises.


  • Members and Guests must be appropriately attired in smart casual attire at all times.
  • Members and Guests are to use appropriate and clean footwear. Thongs are strictly prohibited.
    Athletic or active wear is not permitted.
  • No Member or Guest will be admitted to the Club wearing biker jackets or vests, colours or patches (* Jackets and vest can be left at the Concierge Desk cloak room and retrieved upon departing ANZAC House).


  • Children of Members and Guests are allowed within the Premises in the company of, and supervision by, a parents or guardian.

Guests of Members

  • A Member may entertain a maximum of five (5) Guests as per the requirements of the Liquor Licence approved for the operation of the Club.
    Each Guest must be signed in by the Host Member and remain in their company for the duration of their stay. Guests must not remain on the premises in the absence of the Host Member.
    Any Member of The ANZAC Club or RSLWA who have been either suspended or expelled, will not be allowed entry to the Club premises.


  • No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct or illegal activity will be tolerated. Members and/or Guests who contravene this rule shall be directed to leave the premises by the Club Manager or other suitably appointed delegated person.
  • A Member must not remove (except with the express permission of the Club Manager) or damage or destroy any picture, item or furniture or other article (including books and newspapers) being the property of RSLWA as owner of The ANZAC Club.
  • In the event a Member or a Guest of a Member causes damage to or destruction of any property, they shall be fully responsible for making good any and all losses suffered by RSLWA.

Electronic Devices

  • Mobile devices, including mobile phones and laptops, must be set to silent or vibrate mode at all times.
    Members using mobile phones or other devices to hear or listen to music are to use headphones and ensure the sound is at such a level that is not audible to any other Member or Guest.
  • Should a Member or Guest need or wish to make or receive a call on a mobile phone, they are to remove themselves from the Club and undertake such conversations in the Foyer Area outside the Club premises on Level 1.


  • No food or drink shall be consumed in the Club premises, unless purchased from or provided by The ANZAC Club.
  • No Member or Guest may bring alcohol into the Club premises.

Drugs & Illegal Substances

  • Non-prescription drugs are not permitted on the premises at any time.
  • The consumption of illegal substances by whatever means is strictly prohibited and any Member or Guest found in possession of such substances will be ejected and reported to the police.
  • Any Member found guilty of consuming or bringing illegal substances onto the premises, or whose Guest is found guilty of such acts, will have their Membership terminated with immediate effect.


  • Smoking is not permitted in the Club premises, nor any other area of ANZAC House, including balconies on Levels 5, 6 and 7.

Responsible Service of Alcohol

  • Consistent with the laws of Western Australia, no person under the age of 18 years will be supplied or served alcohol within the premises.
  • RSLWA, as owner of the premises, reserves the right not to serve any person deemed to be intoxicated with Club staff adhering to the practice of the responsible Service of Alcohol at all times.


  • Members and Guests acknowledge use of the Club and its facilities is at their own risk and assume sole responsibility for personal injury, loss or damage to personal property.


A lot has been happening in the past month, with the move to the new premises posing a number of logistical challenges, which mostly have been overcome. In the meantime, the Board of Directors has been busy dealing with the need to ensure continued strong financial performance as the organisation enters a new era of operation as well as looking forward to new opportunities to grow Veteran services and support.
Veteran Employment
State Branch, in close liaison with key stakeholders, is now able to provide employment advice and support for Veterans looking for work after a career in the ADF.  This can sometimes be challenging and RSLWA is very pleased with early strong support from employment sectors including mining, industry and the civilian defence sector.
Advocacy & Welfare
While providing these important services at ANZAC House Veteran Central, State Branch is looking to grow its capability of getting out and about to meet the needs of members and Sub-Branches. In the three months from August to October this year, the Advocacy Team has realised DVA payouts to Veterans totalling $1.163 million.
A solid turnout took place for the 2020 Remembrance Day commemoration at the State War Memorial in Kings Park on 11 November, with many other successful commemorations Statewide. State Branch has now turned its focus to ANZAC Day 2021, in the hope of returning to full services should there be no further limitations related to COVID-19. For ANZC Day 2021, RSLWA is also seeking some additional funding from Lotterywest.
WA Veteran Affairs Committee
The Board has moved to re-establish this important committee to provide advice on a broad range of issues relating to Veteran support. Anyone interested in being considered for membership of this committee is asked to contact the CEO through Nola Keen at
State Congress Evaluation Report
Following the recent Board Review and Strategic Planning workshop, the Board undertook an evaluation procedure at State Congress to ascertain the views of attending Sub-Branches into the performance and effectiveness of the Board.  This was compiled by RSLWA Trustee, Phil Orchard.

Here’s what you think!

Of the 57 Sub-Branches that attended Congress, 42 responses were received.  Those responses are highlighted as follows.

Strategic Direction:    87% of Sub-Branch returns agreed to/supported the Board’s planning and decision making.

Governance:              91% of Sub-Branch returns agreeded to/supported the Board’s Governance matters.

Communication:         84% of Sub-Branches were satisfied with our Communications methods.

In summary, the Board is seen by the membership as supporting our Veterans with the Hub concept, actively implementing Strategies and Goals and advising the membership of the challenges facing the Board.  The RSLWA Committees are seen as being diverse in membership and fulfilling their role. RSLWA staff, the
Constitution and the online TOOLBOX facility are seen as very helpful.  While communication methods were seen as good, more face-to-face time is needed. Social media also needs constant updating while The Listening Post, Sub-Branch Signal and associated emails are good.

Thanks to all for your feedback.  We have plenty of ammunition to work with.  In particular, we are focusing on getting the State President, CEO, Board Members and Trustees out and about.


Please be advised that for the Christmas/New Year period, RSLWA State Branch will be closed from noon Thursday 24 December 2020 and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2021. During this closedown period, for urgent administrative inquiries, please email For urgent welfare inquiries please call:  0417 905 742.


An email was sent out to all Sub-Branches recently advising of the new bank account details for RSLWA.  If you haven’t already, please update our bank details as follows:
Membership payments (including Service, Affiliate, New Members, Renewals etc)
BSB         633000
A/C No.  178467437
Bendigo Bank

For all other payments to RSLWA (merchandise, Poppy Appeal proceeds, invoices etc)
BSB          633000
A/C No.   178467411
Bendigo Bank


Please note our new addresses as follows:
Postal Address
PO Box Z5424 Perth St Georges Terrace WA 6831

Street Address
28 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000

All phone numbers and email addresses remain the same.