MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 96 members and recited the Ode.
I take a moment to remind us of just one of the stories from Australia’s military involvement in Vietnam.
Brigadier Neil Weekes AM MC, then a National Service Platoon Commander with 1 RAR, recalled that the Battle of Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral from the 12th of May to the 6th of June 1968, was Australia’s largest and longest battle that involved more soldiers from both Australian and North Vietnam’s forces than any other of the Vietnam War.
Neil Weekes’ platoon was part of the Battalion sent to establish Coral, but the operation went from bad to worse from the start. The Americans had just been in a heavy contact in the area and arriving too late, the Australians had no time to prepare a proper defence. That night, the North Vietnamese Army attacked.
Though nearly overrun, the Australian force prevailed, 11 Australians killed and 28 wounded. Two days later it would happen again, and 5 Australians killed and 19 wounded. Later in the month Balmoral, just north of Coral, was attacked. 3 Australians from 3 RAR killed and 14 wounded. Two days later a second heavy assault on Balmoral took place but was driven off by combined infantry, armour, artillery and air support.
May 1968 for the U.S.A. forces is recorded as the highest number of casualties for a single month of the Vietnam War with 2,415 deaths.
Lest We Forget
Members toasted absent friends.
APOLOGIES There were at 39 Apologies:
Ed Rowe, Drury Heath, Fred G’feller, Steve Fletcher, Kurt Finger, Graham Edwards, Vince Connelly, Peta Connelly, Arthur Grieves, Rod McQueen, Geoff Thomas, Ian Milne, Terry Healy, Bill Henderson, Michael Keogh, Lucas Patterson, Denzil Simeons, Kinsley McGuire, Tom Norris, Peter Macander, Paul McGuinness, Frank McGrath, Mal Dwyer, John McKenzie, Andrew Aitken, Rick Love, Peter McDonald, Ruth Raspa, Travis Ingleby, Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare, Alan Hillman, Stuart Young, Barry Lloyd, Ron White, Chris Clarke, Peter Harris, Mick Sweeney, Glenn Curtis.
VISITORS / GUESTS, sampling our camaraderie and possible membership, Paul Aitken – Artillery here and former British Service, and Tony Fego – National Serviceman, Woodside, 16 LAA Artillery, welcomed.
NEW MEMBERS, welcome to Jed Avezzu, 30 year Reservist RAAF and Army.
Minutes of meeting 11 April, having been available by email, website and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Peter Gorddard and Seconded by Lez Young that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.
Secretary reminded members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure are via our website:
(Additionally, there will be hard copies at the front of the Hall at meetings, and Members unable to attend meetings and who may be inconvenienced by computer access are posted our comprehensive Quarterly Newsletter.)
- RSLWA Welfare – Mental Health Workshops…… Still Pending…..
- Defence and Veterans Legal Services……… Visit offers.
- Buddy Up Activities
- “Square Up” Point of Sale – Daily Reports
- following as per Agenda items.
- Continued/Confirmed advice to the affected parties/Wreath Layers re scaled back ANZAC 2022.
- In & Out – North Beach Bowling Club – 2-Up Licence Granted from Liquor and Gaming
- Anzac Day – as per Committee Report.
- Coral-Balmoral Service – Friday 13 May Anzac House
- Australian War Memorial – May Newsletter, featuring our Mike Ruffin.
- Notice Ann Frank Exhibition Wanneroo Gallery May-5 Aug, Group Bookings Welcomed/Free Entry.
- North Beach Review – May 2022 Edition.
Nil Business Arising from Correspondence:
Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Eric Atkins and Seconded by Dario Raspa.
Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided.
$15 N.B.B.C. Social Membership now due to David King please.
Receipt of Grant funds noted as per Sub-Branch submission.
Nil – Business Arising from Treasurers Report
Moved by Alex Lennox and Seconded by Bob O’Connor, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”
Executive Footnote
includes “acceptance” of the requirement for North Beach Bowling Club Social Membership.
John Rolfe provided advice of the limited information to date regarding the resignation of RSLWA CEO John McCourt. Resignation has limited effect on our day to day operations, but situation is being monitored and information to members will be provided when available.
Also acknowledged the successful “Cape to Cape” Legacy Walk by Jess Welfare, and significant contribution to the record amount raised, well worthy of the 3 cheers.
Greg Gough advised many on the mend and stable, but advised of the recent release from hospital of Paul McGuinness and Jon McKenzie.
John Rolfe thanked all for attending and contributing to one of our best received services. Special thanks to Barry Lloyd and Peter Bowring in handling the complex Covid related arrangements and restrictions in order to proceed. Attendance of many younger veterans noted and hopefully can get into the fold, as well as all looking forward to a less inhibited 2023.
Bunnings Balcatta 3-day ANZAC Appeal
Peter Bowring advised the success of our 3 day “Occupation” 22-24 April at Bunnings Balcatta. Details as per Treasurer’s. report. Rostered members plus others acknowledged but especially to “Eftpos/Square” trainer and facilitator Ros Whitney, who got the technology running which was responsible for over 30% of the funds collected. Use of the ‘Squares” will be helpful this coming Remembrance Day.
Peer Health
Alex Lennox and Wayne Koch as per Correspondence, Covid StayWell, Mental Health Maintenance, BuddyUp speakers to arranged when possible.
Alex advised that Eric Atkins to take on an added role as Peer Health Coordinator for members to contact. Also will be attending a Peer Health Seminar with DVA on 28th May.
Alex advised that he will not be renominating as Warden at the Annual General Meeting.
The meeting gave Alex a full round of applause for his Peer Health and Warden work over the years.
As a result, a position of Warden will be available at the August Annual General Meeting. Interest from Members in this Position is now sought, and Nominations must be submitted on our Election Nomination Form no later than 8 July 2022. Election Nomination Forms are available from the President John Rolfe, Secretary Wayne Koch, or Website Editor Brian Jennings.
Web Site
Brian Jennings advised re the access to information and resources through Links on our website:
Brian Advised members of the News Review article dealing with computing safety and scam avoidance, as well as a link from the Home Page relating to a Commonwealth Government website on computing use.
He also asked members if they had special interest in military events that they would like as a Homage to contact him
Social Activities Coordinator
In Paul McGuinness’ absence John Rolfe gave a brief of coming events for 2022, including a possible visit to HMAS Stirling.
- Military Plaques on display for purchase after meeting/meals.
- Query re the need for $15 for Social Membership of the North Beach Bowling Club: John Rolfe explained that it was a requirement under the WA Liquor Licencing Laws and is a long term arrangement with the Bowling Club that has benefited both the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch and the Bowling Club.
- Microphones continue to cause problems and will be resolved by the Executive.
NEXT MEETING – Monday 13 June 2022 at 17:00
64 members paid for meals (plus WW2 Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meals). Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s “Shepherds’ Pie & Gravy with Mixed Vegetables/ buttered bread.
Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Egan and Davies; and serving and clean up members Brown, Healy, O’Connor, Robinson and Gorddard.
Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Roz Whitney and Gregory Gough. Gotta be in it to win it!!
Note from Secretary: Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support. Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370 378 498.