Minutes General & Annual General Meeting 8 August 2022
MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 87 members and recited the Ode.
August is a significant month in the commemoration of the Vietnam War.
Sixty years ago, on 3 August 1962 the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) arrived in Vietnam and was operational until its withdrawal in December 1972.
A total of 1000 members served with AATTV during the conflict. This consisted of 990 Australians and 10 New Zealanders. Casualties were recorded as 33 Killed In Action and 122 as Wounded in Action. Decorations awarded to Team Members were:
4 VC, 2 DSO, 3 OBE, 6 MBE, 6 MC, 20 DCM, 15 MM, 4 BEM, 4 QC, 49 MID.
On 18 August 1966 the battle of Long Tan was fought.
105 men from D Company, 6 RAR and 3 forward artillery observers from New Zealand’s 161 Field Battery encountered a force of more than 2,000 Viet Cong. The battle left one third of the Company dead or wounded, making Long Tan the Amy’s most costly single engagement in Vietnam. 17 were KIA and 1 died of wounds. Eleven of the dead were National Servicemen and seven were Regular Army soldiers – their average age was 21 years.
And we remember our esteemed member Michael Austin Army 5411638 who passed away 18 July 2022.
We Will Remember Them
Lest We Forget
Members toasted absent friends.
APOLGIES: Approximately 25 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.
VISITORS / GUESTS: Pleased to welcome and indicative new member introduced to us by Peta Connelly, Bob Meehan. 23-year Army Veteran from 1984, Ass Workshops, active Service including Iraq and Afghanistan. Now blending into normality.
NEW MEMBERS: None in attendance this meeting.
Minutes of 11 July, having been available by email, website and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Bob Lyons and Seconded by Frank McGrath that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.
Secretary reminds Old & New members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure are via our website:
Our broadcast email is now 382 and rising. (as always, there will be hard copies delivered and at the front of the Hall at meetings, and Members unable to attend meetings and who may be inconvenienced by computer access are posted our comprehensive Quarterly Newsletter.)
In / Pending / Reciprocal
- RSLWA 2022-23 Sub-Branch Questionnaire. Submitted on time.
- Lottery West Grant application, Submitted
- RSLWA – ANZAC Day 2023, due 25 August BL/PB, “Writeable” PDF. (Other from Jan ’23)
- RSLWA – Membership Form and procedural updates.
- Confirmation of appointment new RSLWA CEO, Vince Connolly.
- RSLWA – Annual Financial Template, due 31 October.
- Agenda items included below from Management meeting 8 July.
- RSLWA $90 Remittance Advice.
- 10 x Kayak purchases and equipment via “Anaconda” $5454.84 from $20k Community Grant.
- Poppy Day – RSLWA, Appeal Rostering/Bookings and Supplies.
- Funeral Arrangements – Michael Austin.
- Our Covid Updates
- Email Updates – Successful, advise WK. if still not receiving.
- Our 1945 – 1991 History sent to Affiliate Member. (Also on Website and updates available and pending.)
- Long Tan Annual Bursaries Open 19 August, individual submissions encouraged.
- Saluting Service Grant – Awaiting Cabinet, Honour board and other Quotes.
- Stronger Communities $20k Grant:
Nil Business Arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as required to General Business:
Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Peter Hodgson and Seconded by Colin Benporath. Carried.
Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. Annual Summary suitable for the AGM included.
An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. Secretary following up 2 apparent “rogue” transactions with the ANZ debited to our Welfare account, remain under notice.
$15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships due. Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads. Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.
Nil – Business Arising from Treasurers Report after discussion.
Moved by Peter Hodgson and Seconded by Colin Benporath that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted” Carried.
Welfare – Greg Gough advised that Irish Mike Keegan, Leo Pill, Jim Muscat and Graham Snook coping ok with their rehabs. Sadly a Gym colleague of many, Les Herbert, passed away last week. Lest We Forget. .
Peer Health: AL/WK/JR. Steady in the Ranks: Veterans Health Week 1 – 9 October and beyond, Dietary theme, $720 Grant applications from NEXT month. Bus/Walking Excursions being investigated, Jarrahdale Walking area/Tavern, likely Wednesday 19th October Plus a second $720 available for a Healthy Pizza Night, Cooking for One?! (Info coming from joanne.maclean@dva.gov.au who is also available to speak at any of our meetings.
Kayaks & Grant Update – Other purchases relating to the “Better Communities” Grant, moving forward very satisfactorily, space made available at HYC now delivered, and release of existing “stock” to TS Marmion, Paul Clinton arranged. As well as photo grouping/handover 10am this Sunday 14 August.
- Grant funds remain, so further Computing, Printing, Laminator, and software assistance under strong consideration for our Treasurer, Welfare, Facebook and News / Website site editor.
- Kayak Trailor to require reconfiguration to accommodate the increased stock, Russell Morgan and Eric Aitkins have expertise to design and perform the adjustments, tape measures at the ready.
- Depending on space referred to above, purchase of 3 “Swift Class” Kayaks under consideration.
Remembrance Day 2022/Anzac Day 2023 Update – Barry Lloyd and Peter Bowring
Comprehensive update from PB calling for a volunteer force of 70 heading into Remembrance Day Poppy Collection, Clipboards x 3 now circulating. 11 venues to be serviced including 2-day stint at Bunning Balcatta 4th and 5th Nov Friday and Saturday. Extended times at our usual Shopping Centre’s, co-operation assured, plus Train station when confirmed. Rosters will be “comfortable”.
Web Site: The President advised that Helen Burgess and Brian Jennings compiling information and content very accessibly and user friendly, ongoing review under action with Helen Burgess.
Outings Update – Paul McGuinness Scheduling/Member notifications in order. e.g.: 20 July – Leighton Tunnels, Successful.
2023 Tour of Duty – Wed 22 March to Monday 27th, 40 Bus Capacity, costings underway.
31 Aug Anzac House Lunch. 30 booked. Arrive own steam by Noon. Lunch at own cost, includes brief tour and Info session from new RSLWA CEO, Vince Connelly. And other activities notified when confirmed. More details on our Website.
NEXT MEETING – Monday 12th September 2022 at 17.00
MEETING OPENED at 17:40 by President John Rolfe
President John Rolfe JR, Vice-President Peter Bowring PB, Secretary Wayne Koch WK, Treasurer David King DK. Wardens Rob Sweet and Les Young.
Apologies 25 – as per register.
Minutes of previous AGM Minutes of the previous AGM held on the 9th of August 2021 were read, Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Eric Aitkins, that they be Accepted. Carried.
Presidents Annual Report.
I would like to take this opportunity to first thank all our members who throughout this year have given their time and support to make North Beach RSL Sub-Branch the success that we are. To the Vice President Peter Bowring, Secretary Wayne Koch, Treasurer David King, and the Executive Committee thank you all for your ongoing support throughout this turbulent year.
As we all know Covid 19 has had a profound impact on our Sub- Branch and those activities we would normally conduct during the year. But on the upside, we were able to run our Anzac Day Dawn Service for the first time in two years. Even though it was a low- key event due to Covid restrictions, the overall turnout from the public was encouraging.
During the year the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch was recognised by RSLWA through the Australia Day Recognition Awards. The Sub-Branch received the Australia Day Medallion for Service to its members and its ongoing welfare support to members in need, also it recognised our efforts in engaging within the community, supporting the Army Navy and Airforce Cadets, attending School Anzac Day Services and running the Annual Anzac Day Service for the North Beach Football Club.
Our Social activities Co-ordinator Paul McGuinness was also recognised with a Certificate of Appreciation and Medallion for service to the Veterans Community through the Australia Day Awards. At this year’s State Conference Life Membership was awarded to Greg Gough and this was well deserved.
Another honour for the Sub-Branch is we currently have three members on the RSLWA Board and just recently Vince Connelly became the new CEO of RSLWA.
We conducted our Tour of Duty again this year in March. Forty members travelled to Kalgoorlie and a great time was had by all. One of the highlights was an evening with the members from Kalgoorlie RSL held at 16 Battalion HQ. Other activities conducted throughout the year included a visit to the Army Museum Fremantle, the Battery and Gun Tunnels at Leighton, and guided walks at Araluen and part of the Bibbulmun Track at Mundaring.
The Sub- Branch continues to perform well regarding the Newdegate Cup. This year we fell just short on taking out the award falling short by two points to Joondalup RSL. Congratulations to all involved. Membership is strong, and we continue to attract new members to the Sub- Branch. This is achieved through the work our members do amongst the community and the activities we offer.
Finally, the Sub- Branch lost some of its valued members throughout the year. These members were:
436519 Richard (Dick)Hawley
A38105 Arthur ( Jim ) Williams
436336 Edmund (Jack)Meyer
053405 Francis (Frank) Leslie
5714148 John ( Jim ) Molloy
5714166 Mervyn (Merv) Pickering
54540 John Thorburn
53240 Fritz ( Fred ) Gfeller
5411638 Michael( Mick ) Austin
We will Remember them
Lest We Forget
Moved by Peter Edwards and Seconded by Bill Kynaston that the report be accepted. Carried.
Annual Financial Report – Treasurer. Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and extended Balance Sheets of our Annual Financial position.
Nil Business Arising from Annual Treasurers Report after discussion.
Moved by Alex Lennox and Seconded by Greg Young that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Carried.
Notices of Motion – Nil.
Election of Office Bearers – 2022/2023.
Warden Leslie Young, Unopposed. Les Young was acknowledged by a strong round of applause for his willingness to take on this responsible role, alongside ongoing Warden, Rob Sweet.
The Sub-Branch Executive, Officers and Committees is available on our website on this Link:
Annual General Meeting Closed 6:00pm
Next Annual General Meeting 14 August 2023
Following the Annual General Meeting RSLWA Chief Executive Officer Vince Connolly addressed the meeting of the challenges facing RSLWA and the importance of meeting with as many of the Sub-Branches as possible. He invited members to discuss any issues with himself, and visiting members and Board Members Doug Simpson, Matt Moran, and Steve Barton.
87 attended meeting with 72 members paying for meal. Thanks to Gate Keepers Bill Kynaston and Eric Aitkins, (and WW2 Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meals).
Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Gourmet Sausage wrapped in Pastry, Mashed Potato (held back for next meeting), thus, Extra Mixed Vegetables/Gravy and Buttered Breads.
Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Stew Young and Trevor Beegan; and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Brown, McGrath, Healy, Robinson, Rowles, Dwyer, Azzaro.
Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Greg Gough, Alex Lennox and Ron Parker. Well played.
Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963: Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.
Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.