Minutes General Meeting 9 October 2023


North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed, 117 members and recited the Ode.


I take a moment to remind us of just one event from October in Australia’s military history.

On 16 October 1999 the Battle of Aidabasalala was a small but hard-fought action between pro Indonesian militia and a six-man Australian covert reconnaissance patrol from the SAS Regiment, operating as part of the United Nations mandated International Force for East Timor (INTERFET). 

The battle took place near Aidabasalala, 15 kilometres from the West Timor border, and saw the Australians attacking a group of more than sixty armed militia.  The SASR patrol, lead by Sergeant Steven Oddy, had been detected establishing an observation post over a village, and had to fight their way to a landing zone – being attacked a further three times over a one-and-a-half-hour period, before they successfully fought back the Indonesian forces and were extracted by S-70 Black Hawk.

Intelligence found that there had been at least 60 armed militia with another 40 unarmed militia organised to search for the patrol. 

Sergeant Steven Oddy, 3 Squadron SASR, was subsequently awarded the Medal of Gallantry (MG) for his leadership during the fighting.


Members Toasted Absent Friends.

APOLOGIES – 48 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members.  Many thanks.

NEW MEMBERS/VISITORS / GUESTS.  New Ex-RAAF Man, “Whispering” Ray Brown, 30 years Service including deployment to Somalia.  Welcome Ray.

Also attending were Mayor Mark Irwin and RSLWA Board Member Matt Moran, always welcome.


Minutes of 11th September, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.  

Moved by Peter Hodgson and Seconded by Tony Filardi, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”. 

Business arising as below and actioned as appropriate in Committee Reports.  Noted, All in Favour & Carried

Secretary reminder that easy access to:

Current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links, your Executive contacts and more, are readily available via our website:Read More Here


President John Rolfe presented to City of Stirling Mayor, Mark Irwin, a Commemorative Shield in recognition of the continued support from the City, in particular with our commemorative services. Roundly acknowledged by all.

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2023 10 09 IMG 4172

Photography by Jon McKenzie


Includes – Pending/Reciprocal/Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meeting of Friday 6 October 2023.  Happily, from the Secretary’s and Executive Chair, pending and current matters are being well monitored and cleared as promptly as compliance and assistance allows. 

  • RSLWA Advocacy RegisterOur Ted Leunig has attained Nat 11019001 Accreditation C&A Level 1 Compensation.
  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, Listening Post, broadcast items of interest,
  • Request from Secretary to RSLWA to correct an issue with RSLWA provided emails.  This has since been corrected.  
  • Insurance:  Invoice Pending.
  • 2024 Anzac Costs Estimate submitted – $37785 for Lotterywest – Grant/Pending.
  • Annual Financial Statement to RSLWA submitted.
  • More Books, from Ian Goyder: related to the above being donated from DVA received and are available: “Vietnam Our War Our Peace” and “Veterans Stories Vietnam.”
  • Membership List updating in preparation for Newdegate and other submissions due 25 Feb 2024.
  • 2 December Ball details to be advised for individual attendance.

Refer to Committee Reports.– for Business arising from Correspondence

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters.  Moved by Jim Muscat and Seconded by Helen Burgess.  Carried


Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Statement of Income and Expenditure of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided, – ANZ Scam Text dealt with.   The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Annual Return has been completed and submitted.

Some Annual Memberships OVERDUE, & $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships now due.  Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads.  Check with Treasurer and Management Committee. 2024 Renewals Soon.

Business Arising – Nil.         Moved by Arthur Greaves and Seconded by Barry Lloyd, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried.


President John Rolfe – (from General Meeting of 11 September, Moved by Lez Young, Seconded by Michael Healy):

That all new members onwards from our AGM 14 August 2023, be given the option of a free North Beach RSLWA Sub-Branch Shirt, Badge, and Cap. “Option” is to be taken up as soon as convenient after joining and attendance at a meeting or advice to the Secretary or Treasurer, including details and measurements required.

Brian Jennings spoke for the Motion, also reflecting the clarification and support from RSLWA in response to Executives referral.

Jeff Edwick spoke against the Motion, noting other areas of our financial support should be prioritised now.

Comments Noted: All in Favour/Against: & Carried Strongly on the show of hands.  (51% simple majority required)

(Secretary’s note – refer to Social Activities report regarding the  2024 Busselton Legacy Support)


Welfare:  Greg Gough Updates: Rehab and wellbeing under notice at home or in-care.

Mick Gledhill continuing progress with Lymphoma treatment, Peter Bowring recovering steadily after vertebrae surgery and fall, Lez Young shoulder and arm problem while on 4WD tour and awaiting treatment results, Denzil Simeon hip operation mobility issues under notice, as too progress of Ray “Brute” Carroll, and Terry Pryer

Keep up the good work, and for up-to-date info contact Greg on 0417 911 173.

Stay Safe All.

Remembrance & Poppy Day Peter Hodgson (0410 603 061)

  • More volunteers needed for venues which are nearing confirmation.  EFTPOS Square training to be targeted, also after the Saturday Service refreshments will be provided at the North Beach Bowling Club.
  • Volunteer list is still adjusting for Poppy Day venues 9th and 10th November, Warwick only Rail venue but other established venues clear, pending setup.  Assistance with Squares and Card Payment facility training and other preparations proceeding.  Research being underway into additional sources for expanded receipts processing, including at General Meetings.
  • Hand Out Leaflets are to be made available, good suggestion, City of Stirling to assist printing.

Anzac Day 2024

All arrangements proceeding well, but to be aware of shrinking time line.

Peer Health.  0407 478 963 – Wayne Koch reported:

  • That the October Veterans Health Week proposed activities is to be Wednesday 11 October, Jarrahdale Transitional Centre.  Supported by a successful $720 Grant.  “Mental Health and Well-Being” theme.
  • 7.30am assembly at southern side of Hillarys Marina near main entrance with 8am departure.
  • Twice weekly Kayaking, Cycling, Walk, Talk Coffee continues.

Social Activities and Events:

  • Paul McGuinness advised that: – Jarrahdale reminder, $20 for Buses, BBQ arranged and with RSLWA approval sponsored by Welfare.
  • Jon McKenzie provided 4WD Update 7 hardy participants subject to vehicle and humanitarian mishaps, devil worship trophy, Mt. Augustus, swimming, Races, and full report on Facebook.
  • Legacy Camp Busselton 15-20 October,  Home – Disaster Relief Australia  Secretary, Wayne Koch, 0407 478 963 is attending as per previous advice and promotion – in the spirit of our ongoing commitments.
  • Hobart 2024 Tour of Duty, 40 with wait list.  Date of next $500 instalments end November & Feb.  Travellers keep Paul informed.  Treasurer in conjunction with President John Rolfe is managing the finances of this Tour.


Special thanks to all the floor staff for the willing assistance in the absence of many of our regular helpers.

See Remembrance Committee report re Ruth Raspa and Kings Park Poppy planting/laying, Wednesday 1st November 8-12.00.

General from the floor matters inserted to above committee reports.


NEXT GENERAL MEETING – Monday – 13th November 2023 at 17.00

117 attended this meeting, with 73 members paying for meals.  Thanks again to our Gate Sentries Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and David King.

Dinner Arrangements –Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Filo Pastry Gourmet Sausage, Vegies and Gravy, blessed by the beautly buttered breads.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Stewie Davies, Peter Dales and Trevor Beegan, and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Brown, Dwyer, Robinson, McGrath and Healy, the bread crew of Dave Willock, and microphone courier Jon McKenzie

Also our Raffle Wardens Cyril Robinson & Arthur Jones, and Worthy  Winners Frank McGrath, Brian Jennings and Jeff Edwick.  Well played. 

Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.

Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.

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