Minutes of General Meeting 12 February 2024

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 136 members and recited the Ode.


Members Toasted Absent Friends

For a printable copy Click Here

  • Passing of members Peter Wilson, Stephen Weston advised from RSLWA, broadcast to our Members. (first since Ken McHarrie).


Joining our well attended first GM of 2024 were: New Member Dave Fagan, Somalia Peace Keeping Service, Reservist and WA Police.  Visiting and contemplating signing-up, Mary Vassallo, Ordnance Expertise, Phil Halton 110 6Sqn/2 Sig Rgt 1969 SVN, Geoff Baldwin 6 Bn. 76-81 SASR 1981, Bruce Calder from ACT and donation of the Dave Sabben book “Mentions in Despatches” greatly appreciated to our expanding Library, and Visitor “Rusty” Erlanson, 7th Intake 18yo Volunteer, 8RAR.  Cheers to All and Heartily Welcomed.  


Noted, All in Favour & Carried.  

Secretary, 0407 478 963, reminder that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws/Annexure, social events, community involvement, Welfare links and contacts are readily available via our website, www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au  


Includes – Pending/Reciprocal/Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings.  Pending and current matters are being monitored and cleared as promptly as compliance and assistance allows.  

  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, Listening Post, broadcast items of Interest.
  • Secretary/General Exec Matters: Street Appeal enquiry, Reiterated – why Friday 12th  and not 19th . Unsatisfactory Reply – Permit Not Available from the City –  JR to follow up and, we will look to making it a Congress matter.
  • An amendment to the Annexure of our By Laws concerning the Collection Guidelines has been updated and uploaded onto the website.
  • Service Pension Ready Reckoner, available on our website, Ready reckoners | Department of Veterans’ Affairs (dva.gov.au)
  • Membership List updating continues including Next of Kin/Emergency Contacts.
  • Food Safety requirements from WA Dept of Health.   Sub-Branch complies with the requirements and is operational.
  • Bar Price and Catering increases absorbed for 2024 $990 for 100 meals accepted.
  • Nollamara Closure.  Details reiterated by President and Secretary.
  • President gave an informative update on RSLWA matters, Duncan Anderson/Constitution/Carine Cadets Awards.
  • Refer to Committee Reports for Business arising from Correspondence.  

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters.  

Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Steve Fletcher.  Carried. 


Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Statement of Income and Expenditure of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. 

  • Secretary and Treasurer will proceed with the closure of the now defunct CBA Account as previous GM and Exec Minutes.
  • Treasurer will arrange appropriate ANZ Account adjustments re economy of fees whilst maintaining the integrity of the Welfare Account.
  • Costing of shirt and badge for new members accepted.
  • $1000 Legacy Kids Catering Grant: Appreciative comments from Jeff Edwick to the committee re the promptness in responding. Thank you, Jeff. (possible “refund” under notice)

Annual Memberships April 2024, & $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships.  Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads.  Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.

Bar Price increase from North Beach Bowling Club advised and will be covered with our existing contributions. 

Moved by our Steve Fletcher and Seconded by David House, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried.



Greg Gough Updates: “RAP” – Queue now includes Leo Mola with other Trojans, Terry Pryer (3RAR encouraged  to visit), Ray Carroll home for a bit despite head knock, Peter Macander toes ok after “treatment”, Terry Newman good, Arther Greaves hips and height adjustment is sore but ok.

Christmas Hampers – Despatch and receipt of the 21 Hampers exceptionally well received by All.

Contact Greg 0417 911 173 or Secretary/Peer Health 0407 478 963 as visits are encouraged.

Anzac Day 2024.

Ceremonial: Peter Bowring 0410 603 061 Collections Peter Hodgson (0458 583 869)  

  • Peter Hodgson to investigate Bunnings collection, perhaps the preceding Sat/Sun.
  • Other venues: contacted and good responses so far, apart from12th – Train Station and street appeal under notice.  Sunday 21 April Stirling Markets.
  • Collection volunteers now called for,  Peter Hodgson’s List distributed to tables and will be ongoing.
  • Anzac Day – Peter Bowring and others very comprehensive, including Fly Over, Drones, Vision,  City of Stirling, (Memorial site extended), North Beach Football Club, School Invites, Chairs. Other – School talks, Jeff Fogarty available for assistance, and Wreath’s liaison to commence, as per established guidelines.  Hats and Berets are encouraged to be worn for Parade.
  • Drummer from RAAF 704 Cadet Sqn.
  • Overnight Security – RAAF 704 Sqn returns as well as we retain existing Security company.
  • Parking at North Beach Primary School – slight restriction advised.
  • Anzac Merchandise – Order form requested 31/1/2024.  LOCAL, not Qld. Initiative.
  • Gun Fire Caterer is now the Bowling Club.  To be compensated on request.
  • PB advised of generous donation to assist with Anzac catering.
  • Anzac/Lotterywest – Evaluation and Acquittal Forms to be forwarded to RSLWA no later than Friday, 7 June 2024.
  • Treasurer and Peter Hodgson – collection/squares officers.  Treasurer and Peter Hodgson will coordinate step-by-step-training from March 11th.  Spare “Squares” at meeting working well.

Website/Admin and Publicity:

Brian Jennings/Helen Burgess and Jon McKenzie advised:

  • Kevin Ryan turning 100 on 14 March 2024 – RSLWA advised and President and Secretary coordinating.
  • Newdegate Cup Submissions done and acknowledged.
  • Plaques request via Catherine Marsden, re Charles Marsden and Alfred Orton – WW2 veterans and long term North Beach residents who passed away some years ago.  Further research and work required.
  • RSLWA Website has been redesigned and is a work in progress.
  • Home page of our website has links to latest information from DVA as well as articles on our activities and events.

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Website

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Facebook

Peer Health

Wayne Koch 0407 478 963 reported:

  • Coffee Venue Hillarys: need to maintain polite decorum.
  • Kayak Maintenance Day – undertaken Sunday 4 Feb, by the Intrepids, minor ongoing matters under notice, sinking all but averted.

Social Activities and Events:

Paul McGuinness provided a comprehensive outline on planned events for 2024.

  • An outline of Events for 2024 is on our website.

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Events

  • Tour of Duty Hobart 15-22 March has a full complement.  As accounts have been paid withdrawals from the Tour may incur a cost.


  • Peter Hodgson has renewed the Defibrillator Pads
  • Defibrillator will be taken by Peter Hodgson on the Tour of Duty, and it is encouraged to take it on other events where required.
  • Rip Couston 2024 4WD Bush Bash possibly the Holland Track in September.  Also suggested a Picnic type 4WD close to Perth. Enquiries to Rip on 467 960 552.
  • Secretary to advise the Bowling Club of ongoing meeting dates to ensure there is no conflict in venue use.

GENERAL BUSINESS: (refer to reports, and below):

  • NBRSL Stickers available for next meeting.
  • Individual matters from the floor noted by chair for further consideration, Executive Meeting Friday 8th March, other input welcomed.

MEETING CLOSED – 1750hrs. 

NEXT GENERAL MEETING – Monday – 11th March 2024 at 17.00

136 attended this meeting, with 88 members paying for meals, many by “Card”.  Thanks again to our Gate Sentries Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and Kaye MacNeall.

Dinner Arrangements –Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Inquisitive Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Big Cottage Potato Pie, Peas, Gravy, fortunately blessed by blatantly buttered breads.  2024 Safe Food Handling protocols well in hand to ensure continual compliance.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Barrie Morgan, Stewie Davies and Peter Dales;  Arthur Whitney and crew for Plate and Serviette Sorting; serving and clean up members, Frank McGrath, Peter Rowles, Andy Robinson, Ron Brown, Mal Dwyer and Brian Jennings; the bread butterers David Willock, and Jeff Edwick plus microphone “courier” Jon McKenzie 

Also, our Raffle Warden Cyril Robinson-Goodwin, and Worthy Winners, yes worthy, Jess Welfare, Helen Burgess, and Wayne Koch.  Well played All.  

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