MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 105 members and recited the Ode.
I take a moment to remind us of one story of sacrifice from Australia’s military history.
On the morning of October 29, 1991, 5 RAAF aviators from 33 Squadron boarded “Wilberforce’, a 4 engine Boeing 707 at RAAF Richmond for a training mission with the call sign ‘Windsor 380’.
They conducted a landing circuit at RAAF Base East Sale before climbing off the Gippsland coast. The crew conducted a training sequence to simulate a double-engine failure while flying at minimum speed, but lost control of the aircraft and could not recover. ‘Windsor 380’ crashed a kilometre off the coast with the loss of all crew – Squadron Leader Mark Lewin, Flight Lieutenants Tim Ellis and Mark Duncan and Warrant Officers Jon Fawcett and Al Gwynne.
The accident investigation highlighted shortcomings in the Boeing 707 aircrew training syllabus, and subsequently a weakness in how bereaved families were supported by the Air Force, resulting in Squadron Leader Kay Ellis – the widow of Flight Lieutenant Tim Ellis – to drive change.
For the 5 RAAF crew lost on peacetime operations,
Members toasted absent friends.
APOLOGIES – Approximately 22 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.
Pleased to welcome back our Jim Ryle: – And heartily acknowledged.
Minutes of 12th September, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Keith “Blu” Jones and Seconded by Bob Lyons that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.
Secretary again reminds Old & New members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure are via our website:
CORRESPONDENCE IN & OUT – Pending/Reciprocal:
- Veterans Health Week Grant (DVA) and Australia Day Awards(RSLWA), not eligible or suitable 2022.
- 2023 JOSS Anzac Fly Past submitted. Now timing post 7am.
- Many: re Passing Queen Elizabeth II, Flags, and other protocols.
- RSLWA $225 remittance advice / List Unfinancial Members.
- Members Newsletter – October Edition.
- Flag replacements – Completed.
- Royal Show Advice – Veterans Free day.
- City of Stirling – Events advised re Nov 11, Perth Now and “Can You Help” notice planned.
- Engraving of Donated 11 Btn Frame.
- Capital Radio – Regular Mondays “Listening Posts”, 6-8pm.
- WK Diary: Legacy – 2023 Torch Relay 100 years. Poziers/Perth/Melbourne – April Oct 2023… Later!
- Agenda items included below from Management meeting Friday 7th October.
Refer Committee Reports. – Business Arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business:
Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Colin Benporath and Seconded by Greg Young. Carried.
Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.
An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. Secretary following up 2 apparent “rogue” transactions that the ANZ debited to our Welfare account, Now $74.66 Fully Refunded. AND, Unfinancials being followed up, DK/WK.
*$15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships due all annually. Allows us to us these premises with limited overheads. Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.
- Business Arising from Treasurers Report – Nil. Moved by Kevin Green and Seconded by Peter Gorddard that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”. Carried. Applause Acknowledged.
Notice of Motion and Supporting Comments:
Western Australian Aged Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Relief Fund Act 1932,
from Graham Edwards, as circulated pre-meeting:
From Graham Edwards, who Gives Notice, and now Moves: The following motion:
That North Beach RSL Sub-Branch urges the Board of RSLWA to vigorously and determinedly oppose any move to amend the above Act and in particular:
Section 8 “Authority to conduct the annual Poppy Day appeal” sub section (1) which states:
“From and after the commencement of this section it shall be lawful for the League, but for no other body or person, to hold, manage and conduct in Western Australia the annual Poppy Day appeal.”
It is apparent that the Office of the WA Minister for Veterans Issues is being strongly lobbied by some sections of the veteran community to amend the above Act to enable other ESOs to sell poppies on this day and retain monies. Poppy Day is and has been since 1932 the sole right of RSLWA and that right is enshrined in this legislation. Other ESOs see it as a cash cow and believe the Act is outdated and want the Act amended to allow them access to this day.
Should that occur the welfare funds of Sub-Branches will be severely depleted.
I believe RSLWA has every right to vigorously oppose any amendment to the Act and indeed has a duty to their Sub-Branches to do so.
Moved Graham Edwards, Seconded by Alex Lennox. Fully supported All.
Welfare – Greg Gough advised re condition of Geoff Pope, been visited and contacted ageing gracefully, Rick Love, Tony Samiotis treatments moving forward including dialysis. Kenny Braidwood tolerating some surgeries and Graham Edwards in and out of hospital, all good, since our last meeting.
Stay Safe All.
Peer Health Officers and matters.: Wayne Koch, John Rolfe, Eric Aitkins.
Formal approval for funds from DVA rejected: Veterans Health Week 19 October and beyond, Dietary theme. Wednesday 19 October excursion to Jarrahdale for Excursion and Long/Short walking. Departs Wednesday 19th October, assemble by 9.00am our Hillarys well known departure lounge for Bus departing 9.15 am. Book now with President John, cost $15.00 for Bus plus buy your own lunch at the Tavern. More information, phone a friend, (Sec. 0407478963).
Kayaks & Grant Update – purchases relating to the Stronger Communities Grant, moving forward very satisfactorily.
- $4.6k Grant funds uncommitted and being considered by Management Committee.
- Kayak Trailor to require reconfiguration to accommodate the increased stock, Papas quote to include Licensing. (PM – has batch of new stickers available for Id.)
Remembrance Day 2022/Anzac Day 2023 Update
Commemorative Coordinator Barry Lloyd
Poppy Coordinator Peter Bowring.
BL & PB – Remembrance Day/Order of Service, Anzac 2023 Compliance requirements on schedule and proceeding, except FLY Past, But Two-Up should be ok. First -aid marshals being sought BL.
Update of volunteer force of 83 heading into Remembrance Day, 11 venues to be serviced including 2-day stint at Bunning Balcatta Friday and Saturday 4th and 5th Nov. Extended times at our usual Shopping Centre’s, co-operation assured, plus Train station Dudded. Rosters organised, but additional volunteers called for. Roz Whitney has “Square” Training well in hand. Further advertising in place local and other Media. “Captains” meeting with PB at end of meeting and as required.
$200 Bar Snacks approved following 11 November Remembrance Day Service.
Big Poppies for Vehicles – Rus Morgan enquiry: confirmed limited supplies available from Alex Lennox.
Brian Jennings advised that he and Helen Burgess have been working on the website structure. Xmas Menu also on line. Newsletter issued and a sponsor is being sought for the production of “Hard Copies” for those members who can not access the website.
Social Activities
- Outings Updates – Paul McGuinness Scheduling/Member notifications in order. e.g.: XMAS 23 Nov $70ph 8 of 13 x 10 Tables, Table Captain Action required. Remember Beverage restrictions 4pm. At Hillarys Yacht Club from 11.30 am.,
- 2023 Tour of Duty Esperance – Wed 22 March to Monday 27th, 40 seat Bus Capacity, costings underway.
- See Paul to book. 0417 181 025. Initial $200 instalment now due. Wait List available.
More details re all activities:
Welcome to North Beach RSL Sub-Branch – North Beach RSL Sub-Branch (
- 4 Wheel Drive Crew – Returned Safely, happily marooned at Warburton, via Rip Couston. Satellite Phone was available should there had been a need. Sub-Branch has a register to control the use of the phone.
- Jon McKenzie re Our Facebook, informative and entertaining and REMINDER to click on LIKE Button, anyone can view and helps with monitoring “views”.
NEXT MEETING – Monday 14th November 2022 at 17.00
105 attended meeting with 73 members paying for meal. Thanks to Gate Keepers Bill Kynaston and Jim Muscat, (and WW2 Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meals).
Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Thai Chicken Curry and Rice, with Buffet of buttered breads.
Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Peter Dales and Trevor Beegan; and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Brown, Rowles, Edwick, Dwyer, et al.
Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Bill Edwards, Tom Norris, and Peter Edwards.
Well played.
Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963: Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.
Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.