Minutes General Meeting 10 June 2024

For a printable version of these minutes click here

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 121 members and recited the Ode.


Lest We Forget

Members Toasted Absent Friends.


23 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members.  Many thanks.  



Secretary, 0407 478 963, reminder that easy access to current and recent minutes,  Welfare links and contacts are readily available via our website: www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au   


Includes – Pending/Reciprocal/Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings.  Pending and current matters are being monitored and cleared as promptly as compliance and assistance allows.   

  • RSLWA Sub-Branch Signal and associated information updates, Listening Post, broadcast items of interest.
  • Highlight: June 2024 North Beach Review and Newsletter – Hard Copies, Stickers and Merchandise on front tables.
  • HYC Venue/Xmas in July Peter Bowring and Lez Young, very good menu options, bar billing from 12:00, Flyer distributed at meeting and by Email.
  • Guest Speakers: TBA
  • Secretary. to summarise Schools attendance, very pleasing and we are capable and in favour of the natural expansion outside of our zone. Also visitations to our “RAP” crew.
  • State Congress 5-6 July, Secretary to check with Treasurer and others re attending as Sub-Branch is eligible for 5 delegates.  No notices of motion and required to submit attendees by COB Friday 21 June.
  • Individual matters to Chair for further consideration, Executive, and Meeting Friday 5th July 2024, further input welcomed.

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters. Moved by Colin Benporath and Seconded by Helen Burgess. All in Favour:  Carried.    


Treasurer David Potter provided a comprehensive Statement of Income and Expenditure of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  Treasurer advised the meeting that:

  • the CBA account has been closed,
  • the term deposit will be rolled over for 12 months at 4.8%,
  • the financial aspects of the ANZAC Day collections and commemorations have been finalised, aside from the reimbursement from the Lottery West Grant (approx. $2,500), and
  • purchase of plaques for the Memorial Wall is now an approved use of Welfare funds.

Moved by our Alex Lennox and Seconded, again, by Barrie Morgan, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried

From General Business and Agreed by Executive: At maturity of our current Military Bank Term Deposit 14/6/2024, the principal be increased by $10,000.



Greg Gough “RAP” Updates:

Latest news concerning a number of our men down, best wishes from all to our Brad Harrison recently diagnosed with Parkinsons – we are with you Brad old salt, and encouragement acknowledged by all.

Other progress reports given by Greg again most appreciated on Terry Pryer, Ken Braidwood, Eric Aitkins, Pete Connelly, Peter Macander, Terry Barrett, Bob Payne and Rod May.

Contact Greg 0417 911 173 or Secretary/Peer Health Wayne Koch 0407 478 963 for more details, as visits are encouraged.

Remembrance Day, Monday 11 November 2024:

Peter Bowring advised Remembrance Day Monday 11th November preparations commencing and note our monthly meeting has already been scheduled for the 4th of November. Memorial area booked.

Also submission under way via City of Stirling re Memorial surrounds, Play area and CCTV surveillance.

Suggestions canvassed re a suitable “Life Like” Statue be incorporated  in the Memorial Precinct, and any members with design drawing experience to reply to northbeach.secretary@sb.rslwa.org.au

Appeals/Collections Officer:

Peter Hodgson (0458 583 869) advised that we have encouraged RSLWA to have better quality merchandise for Remembrance Day and ongoing, or we may need access to better “offsite” suppliers.

Website, News and Publicity:

Brian Jennings reported all good and June Newsletter distributed and accessible fromwww.northbeach-rsl.asn.au

  • Advised re articles and reports to DVA E-News/RSLWA Listening Post/ Perth Now, City of Stirling and interested Media.
  • Homage Research Officer(s) was requested to take on Homages for monthly meetings, 10 years on file plus easy access to fresh compilations.  (Ron Parker has offered to take on this role).
  • Our book of Members Stories has now been deposited with the National edeposit scheme with the National and State Libraries.
  • Rewrite is in process by Helen Burgess of the website.   Progressive reports will be provided by Helen to the Executive.  Helen and Brian advised that at least 2 members are required for ongoing Website Content, as Brian will be “retiring” when the new site is operational –  will maintain his focus on News, members Stories and Publicity

Peer Health: 

Wayne Koch 0407 478 963 advised:

  • Donated quality book Storage/availability options still being sought for our growing collection.
  • North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Stickers now available – Secretary Wayne Koch.
  • Weather has affected Walkers, Talkers, Cyclist, Kayakers and Coffee attendees. Scroll down our Homepage: www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au Offers & Services/Peer Health.

Returning Officer Lez Young:

President John Rolfe has confirmed he shall not renominate this year. Well played John and all pleased that you will still be with us.

Lez advised that for AGM on Monday August Aug 12th the Nominations Received for positions being vacated are:

  • Peter Hodgson for position of President,
  • Peter Bowring for Vice President,
  • Rob Sweet for Warden.

Nominations for the three vacancies close Friday 12th July 2024 – being not less than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting as required by RSLWA By Laws.

Nomination forms are available from:

Social Activities and Events Portfolio Hand Over – Progressed well.:

Deb Thatcher provided an outline of Events for 2024 is on our website/notice board. North Beach Events | North Beach RSL Sub-Branch (northbeach-rsl.asn.au)

  • Ongoing updates 2024 outings. Police Museum Highgate Friday 31 May: with MACC Lunch, excellently organised by Helen Burgess and Deb Thatcher.
  • SAS Visit and Lunch 28th August, register now as numbers limited to 30 (waiting List)s.
  • Xmas in July Wednesday 24 July being organised by Peter Bowring and Les Young with HYC.  Peter reiterated Table Captains’ action required also direct contact to Lez with your table participants and payments. Pleasing response from recent new members.
  • RAAF Bullcreek Wednesday 25 September and Chidlow 23 October being organised by Helen Burgess and Deb Thatcher. Expressions of interest now.

GENERAL BUSINESS: (refer to reports, and below):

  • President John Rolfe has WW2 medallions for selective issue after meeting.
  • Jeff Edwick: At maturity of our $40,000.00 principal Military Bank Term Deposit 14/6/2024, the principal be increase to $50,000.00 for a 12-month term @ 4.80%.
  • Individual matters to Chair for further consideration, to Executive, and Meeting Friday 5th July 2024, further input welcomed.


NEXT GENERAL MEETING – Monday 8th July 2024 at 17.00

121 attended this meeting, with 83 members paying for meals.  Thanks to our Gate Sentries, Debbie Thatcher, Steve Fletcher and Jess Welfare. 

Dinner Arrangements –Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of first “Big Serve” from our Caterer Kenny’s “Shepherd’s Pie, Peas and Gravy,” and by-chance, the bewt and boldly buttered breads.

Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, “Stewies” Davies and Young ; serving/butterers, and clean up members.

Serving and cleaning are our New Faces of Barry Lloyd, and Bill Kynaston, with servers Owen Parry, Peter Rowles and part time Franck McGrath.  Butterers Jeff Edwick and Andy Robinson.

Plus microphone “Scurrier” Jon McKenzie, who also remined all to like our Facebook and contact him and Rip Couston re 4WD trip on the Holland Track from Sunday 8th September, (0467 960 552 mardon7@iinet.net.au )  

Also, our stalwart Raffle Wardens/Bagmen, the hyphenated duo, Cyril Robinson-Goodwin and Athur-Smith, with Worthy Winners, Frank McGrath, Tom May and former “SAC’ McGuinness. 

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