Minutes of General Meeting
North Beach RSL Sub-Branch
13th March 2023.
MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed, 125 members and recited the Ode.
I take a moment to remind us of just one event from March in Australia’s military history.
Twenty years ago, on 20 March 2003, a combined force of American, British and Australian troops invaded Iraq in what was termed the “Second Gulf War” to locate “weapons of mass destruction”.
Australian army, air force, and navy elements assisted the operation, and within three weeks Saddam Hussein was overthrown. No weapons of mass destruction were found.
A campaign of “nation building” and counterinsurgency followed to prevent Iraq sliding into civil war.
The following Australians died as a direct result of this conflict:
- David NARY WO2 SAS. Died of injuries 2005.
- Garry DOECKE Chaplain (Squadron Leader) RAAF. Died of illness 2006.
- Jacob KOVCO Private 3 RAR. Died of accidental gunshot 2006.
- Matthew MILLHOUSE Trooper 2nd Cavalry Regiment. Died of war caused Illness 2015
Sad passing of our esteemed member Bill Henderson, very well attended, and received Funeral Thursday 2nd March. Bill’s Biography on display.
Members toasted absent friends
“Lest We Forget”.
Approximately 27 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.
Ray Warton via Peter Bowring, ex-Army 11/28, RAEME/Joint Operations Support Services and Tony Kristicevic, City of Stirling Councillor, Most Welcomed.
Minutes of 13th February, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.
Moved by Dario Raspa and Seconded by Russell Cooper, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.
Noted, All in Favour & Carried.
Secretary again reminds old & new members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure
are via our website: www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au
CORRESPONDENCE IN & OUT – Pending/Reciprocal. Agenda items included below from our Executive Management meetings of 13 January 2023, 10 February 2023 and Friday 10th March2023.
- Reciprocal appreciation re “Stroke Awareness” presenter February meeting Deb Palacios.
- RSLWA 107th State Congress 10 June 2023. Annual Submissions Completed, Agenda Items due by 14th April.
- Broadcasts to Troops: Christmas in July. Table Captains/Action.
- Rosters for Anzac Collections Bunnings/Warwick/Carine/Stirling Markets – 22/23 April.
- Vietnam Veterans Vigil Vietnam Veterans Vigil (vvv.org.au)
- DVA – Veterans Reform – David Lewis, John Rolfe, “Consultation Pathways.
- Due to Easter, our April meeting will be Monday the 3rd (Exec Friday 31 March!!).
- Complimentary Letter from family regarding Sub-Branch attendance and the range of services it provided at Bill Henderson’s Funeral.
- Schools Talks, sorted to date, West Greenwood, Warwick HS, Hawker Park, Poynter, Wanneroo, Dalmain. Late notice requests may be declined / action required.
- Bylaws – Amendement approved by Executive relating to spending limits to be in line with inflation.
- Port to Pub Paddle Invite – Lekkisha Duncan.
- Scarborough RSL – apparent difficulty and is being considered by .
- Lotterywest ANZAC signage.
- Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business Arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business:
Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Arthur Greaves, and Seconded by Greg Young. Carried.
Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided.
*Some Annual Memberships OVERDUE, & $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships Now due .
Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads. Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.
- Business Arising from Treasurers Report – Motion put for consideration at next Meeting regarding expenditure on Tee Shirts for current Tour of Duty participants, and other recreational group activities. Moved Rip Couston and seconded by Steve Fletcher. Carried to next Meeting from the floor.
- Moved by Jon McKenzie and Seconded by Deborah Thatcher that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”. Carried
President’s RSLWA Report:
President John gave a synopsis of the important matters relayed from the RSLWA Board, including:
- Individual assistance for submissions to Mental Health Royal Commission extended to December 2023.
- Occupational Health and Safety within Sub Branches.
- Staggered elections for Board members introduced.
- South West Hub funded for setup.
- Agenda items for Congress 2023 due 14 April, and other matters remain open for consideration.
Welfare – Greg Gough advised that Tony Samiotis and Ray Carroll going ok, with treatments ongoing. Stay Safe All.
Peer Health Officers and matters.: Wayne Koch,
- Kayak Trailer is finished, licensed, delivered, and christened, and old trailer presented to TS Marmion.
- Better Communities Grant monies now exhausted, and we are to return the unspent $3441.15 pending final Department of Industry review.
- Saluting Service Cabinet setup, well done to Owen Vladich, Peter Bowring, Peter Hodgson and Wayne Koch. Secretary to finalise Grant correspondence.
Anzac Day 2023 Update – Barry Lloyd, Peter Bowring and Bill Kynaston. All arrangements proceeding according to plan. More volunteers needed for Gunfire Breakfast and Rosters at Bunnings Balcatta, Carine and Warwick, roster circulated and to be followed up.
Website & Related Matters. Brian Jennings advised all well, www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au
Jon Mckenzie advised Facebook and Website updates include details of the 30th Annual Graham Edwards Football Match on 22 April. Well done.
Social Activities Paul McGuinness
- Paul McGuinness scheduling events along with Member notifications being planned for 2023.
- 2023 Tour of Duty Esperance – Wed 22 March to Monday 27th.
- Important Duty of Care and Medical information requirements.
- Tour Itinerary and Tee Shirts for collection this Friday at Hillarys or at the East Perth Bus Station 22 March, arrive no later than 7.15!!
- See / Contact Paul 0417 181 025. Re-details as advised, or information from Brian Jennings 0413 605 612 jamjenb@gmail.com
- North Beach RSL Sub-Branch Jackets available next meeting, $80 from John Whitford-Smith, with collected amount donated to Sub-Branch. John will need assistance to get them to the meeting.
- Arthur Greaves spoke supporting Executive decision relating to spending authority and implementation.
- Life Live It – Mobility Presentation. Representatives Sheila 0413595335, Roy 0432 402 901, and Crew. Home and personal Occupation Health and Safety items, Medic Alert wristbands, also pre and post meeting. Well received and highly recommended.
MEETING CLOSED – 1815 hrs.
NEXT MEETING – Monday – 3 April 2023 at 17.00
125 attended this meeting, with 78 members paying for meal. Thanks to Gate Keepers Deb Thatcher, Jess Welfare and Jim Muscat.
Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Shepherd’s Pie, Peas, Gravy, and the readily available/resilient selection of buttered breads.
Thanks go to our Trolley Guns, Peter Dales, Lez Young and Stuart Young, and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Dwyer, McGrath, Healy, and butterer David Willock, and microphone courier Jon McKenzie
Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Rob McKie, Travis Ingleby and Rip Couston. Well played.
Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963:
Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.