Minutes General Meeting 13 February 2023

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, Vice President Peter Bowring welcomed, 118 members and recited the Ode.


I take a moment to remind us of events from Australian Military history that occurred during January and February.

Early in 1941 Australia agreed that Allied troops would reinforce Dutch Timor (“Sparrow Force”), Ambon (“Gull Force”) and Rabaul (“Lark Force”) should Japan enter the war.  

Five days after Pearl Harbor “Sparrow Force” landed on Dutch Timor.  It consisted of the 2/40th Infantry Battalion (Tasmania) and the 2/2nd Independent Company (recruited mainly from WA).  It was supported by a Squadron of RAAF Hudson bombers, a battery of coastal artillery, and 1,000 Dutch troops.  Also deployed was “Lark Force” to Rabaul and “Gull Force” to Ambon. 

Lark Force at Rabaul was captured in January 1942 and over 1000 prisoners did not survive the War.

On 19 February 1942, the same day Darwin was bombed for the first time, Timor was attacked by the Japanese Army.  On 23 February 1942 Sparrow Force surrendered and 1100 became prisoners.    Over 200 avoided capture in neutral Portuguese Timor, where the 2/2nd was operational until being withdrawn at the end of 1942.  Approximately 340 of Sparrow Force did not survive the War.  Between 40,000 and 70,000 civilians from Dutch and Portuguese Timor died as a result of the occupation. 

Ambon was attacked at the same time as Timor and 300 of Gull Force were killed, including the brother of our late member Jack Meyer, who with the crew of their stranded Hudson Bomber, were executed.


59 years ago, on 10 February 1964, the Daring Class Destroyer HMAS Voyager and the Light Fleet Carrier HMAS Melbourne collided off the coast of New South Wales at the cost of 82 Lives.


Members toasted absent friends 

    “Lest We Forget”.


Approximately 23 noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.


Alf Allen, RAAF Pilot and Qantas Link, and two current servers, 35yo  Tom Fisher Armoured Corp 10th Light Horse, and advised by our Peter Wilko, young 28yo Navy Man Matt Grey, all heartily welcomed as refreshing our ranks.


Minutes of 12th December, having been available by email, website, and hard copy, considered as read.  

Moved by Steve Fletcher and Seconded by Eric Aitkins, that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Secretary again reminds Old & New members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure are via our website: www.northbeach-rsl.asn.au

CORRESPONDENCE IN & OUT – Pending/Reciprocal. Agenda items included below from our Management meeting Friday 10th February.

Secretary Correspondence/Wip’s for All – Jan/Feb/On

  • RSLWA – Newdegate Cup, Service Awards and 107th Congress information.
  • RSLWA – Listening Post 31/12/2022, NBSB many mentions in despatches. (MID).
  • DVA Well Being Contacts – Jo McLean available for presentations.
  • Advice of EGM 2 February.
  • Disaster Relief Australia – compatible service projects incl. Busselton Legacy and Jarrahdale VTC. Mutual keenness to restore involvement.
  • Open Arms, general promo re personalised support/education, all eras.
  • Advocacy Enquiry Adam Retzlaff acknowledged and referred to Ted Leunig / positive connection.
  • NB Bowling Club re Overhead Projector, use for presentations and general mutual matters.

Refer to Committee Reports. – for Business Arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as General Business:

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Keith Jones and Seconded by Dario Raspa.  Carried.


Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our monthly finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided.  

*$15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships due all annually. Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads. Check with Treasurer and Management Committee.

  • Business Arising from Treasurers Report – Nil.     Moved by Jon McKenzie and Seconded by Deborah Thatcher that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”.  Carried


Welfare – Greg Gough advised re the following under notice: Tony Samiotis going ok, Peter Macander wishing all happy New Year.  Not going too well are Bill Henderson and contact Greg if you can visit (0417 911 173), Ray Carroll at home but not out of the woods. DVA Veterans’ Mobility presentation Next Meeting, attendance again urged.

Stay Safe All.

Peer Health Officers and matters.:  Wayne Koch, & Eric Aitkins.

  • Eric Aitkins – todays presentation on “Stroke Awareness”, particularly important and thank you Eric.
  • Kayak Trailer is finished, licensed, delivered Christened by next meeting and old trailer presented to TS Marmion, more than likely this Sunday 19th, late morning.
  • Peter Bowring advised we have purchased 2 new wheelchairs, making 3 we have available for members in need.

Anzac Day 2023 Update – Barry Lloyd and Peter Bowring – as per Executive Meeting 10 Feb, more volunteers needed for Gunfire Breakfast and Rosters at Bunnings Balcatta, Carine and Warwick.  Roster circulated and to be followed up.

  • Squares Training will recommence via Ros Whitney.

Website & Related Matters.  Brian Jennings advised all well, BUT, be aware of email Scams pretending to be President, John Rolfe, Secretary, Wayne Koch or generally “odd”, just delete and do not open any links.  Reminder, See our website.

Social Activities Paul McGuinness

  • Paul McGuinness Scheduling Events along with Member notifications being planned for 2023.  
  • 2023 Tour of Duty Esperance – Wed 22 March to Monday 27th.  See or contact Paul 0417 181 025.  Payment details as advised, or information from Brian Jennings 0413 605 612.


  • Chairman Peter Bowring advised proposed 22 July Luncheon at HYC, reasonable favourable response to clear busy Nov/Dec calendars.  Further details to come.  But reservations and table bookings now to Lez Young in person at Hillarys Coffee or on 0407 082 438.
  • Peter also advised result of the Feb 2 RSLWA Extraordinary General Meeting, clarifying the updating of Constitution Rules and By Laws clauses, relating to Metro/Country Board representation, electronic update to RSLWA electoral platforms to achieve larger polling, gender neutral wording.  Links to RSLWA Constitution rules and By Laws, and Sub-Branch By Laws available from our website. Read Here
  • Peter also advised our participation in the Annual North Beach Football Clubs ANZAC Match will be held Saturday 22 April.
  • Stroke Awareness Presentation.

Without a doubt the most appropriate and well received presentation from former US Army Captain and Stroke Survivor Deb Palacios and partner ex- RAN Submariner Colin Pryer.  

We will have extended information and also on our website, information flyers and ongoing local resources.  Of particular relevance are the deceptive symptoms and also maintaining “Fitness Going In” and attention to diet, health check-ups, alcohol moderation and weight for age Conditions – and Don’t Smoke!!   

We all benefited from this and Deb and Colin stayed post meeting to provide one on one information to members.

Very well acknowledged by All.

MEETING CLOSED – 18:15 hrs.

NEXT MEETING – Monday 13th March 2023 at 17.00

118 attended this meeting, with 81 members paying for meal. Thanks to Gate Keepers David King, Eric Aitkins, and Jimmy Muscat.

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Gourmet Sausage, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Gravy and the sometimes elusive but resilient selection of buttered breads.

Thanks go to the “youngish” Trolley Guns, Peter Dales, Trevor Beegan and Stuart Young, and serving and clean up members Gorddard, Dwyer, McGrath, Healy, and butterers Edwick and Willock, and microphone courier Andy Robinson.

Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Owen Vladich, Deb Thatcher, and Tom May. Well played.

Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963:

Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.

Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 0437 378 498.

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