Minutes of Annual General Meeting 9 August 2021

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

9th August 2021

Meeting Opened at 17:00

122 Members Present

Apologies as detailed in August Monthly Meeting. 22

Minutes of previous meeting read by Secretary, Moved by R. Keatch and Seconded by R. Sweet that they be accepted.


President John Rolfe presented his Annual Report.  (The President’s Report is at the bottom of these Minutes)

Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Paul McGuinness that the report be accepted, Carried.

Presentation of Annual Financial Report

J Edwick questioned why plaques attached to Wall of Remembrance in the Memorial Precinct of The Charles Riley Memorial Reserve are being treated as assets.  By attaching them to Council property the plaques then become the Council’s property.  It was agreed that plaques be deleted from the List of Assets.

Moved by C. Benporath and Seconded by D. Simeons that the Annual Financial Report be accepted. Carried.

Notice of Motion, Nil

The election of Officers Bearers for 2021/22.

President:                  John Rolfe                                                      

Vice President:          Peter Bowring

Secretary:                  Trevor McEntyre

Assistant Sec:            Wayne Koch                                                       

Treasurer:                  David King                                     

Warden:                     Rob Sweet

Warden:                     Alex Lennox


Memorial Warden

David House   


Greg Gough,  Alex Lennox, Eric Aitkins.

Ted Leunig  –   Trainee Advocate

Master at Arms

Stuart Leake


Barry Lloyd


Trevor McEntyre, John Rolfe, Chris Rampant, David House, Jim Ryle, Peter Edwards, Graham Edwards, Bernie Egan, Peter Bowring.

Poppy Day

Steve Fletcher, Secretary, Treasurer

Revenue Steward

Jim Muscat. (Tom May assistant)

Honorary Chaplain

Marie Aitken


Stuart Young, Peter Dales, David Makin, Stewart Davies.

Annual Dinner

Social Activities Coordinator

Paul McGuiness

Website Administrator

Helen Burgess

Website and News Editor

Brian Jennings

General Business:

President John Rolfe thanked Brad Harrison & Chris Rampant for their service to North Beach Sub-Branch over the years.

Steve Fletcher advised that RSLWA intended to conduct Poppy Day on Friday 5 November.  The meeting agreed that North Beach RSL would also collect on that day.

The meeting closed at 17:15

Next AGM 8 August 2022

North Beach RSL Sub-Branch

President’s Annual Report 2020-20211

Once again, the year 2020-2021 was one of frustration due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation which required the Sub-Branch to cancel certain activities.  One being the ANZAC Day Service which all had worked so hard to organise, especially by Barry Lloyd, Peter Bowring and Bernie Egan.  This was our second year missing out, here’s hoping next year we will return to normal.

Even though our year has been disrupted, we have achieved a lot and have been able to continue with all our social activities that is so essential to the Sub-Branch.

We were able to go on a variety of social outings which included:

  • Hillary Yacht Club Christmas Lunch
  • Air Force Museum and Lunch
  • Perth Mint with Lunch at the Grosvenor Hotel

We were finally able to go on our “Tour of Duty” to Darwin after a two-year wait – thank you to Paul McGuinness for your tireless efforts.

During the year, North Beach Sub-Brach has also had many achievements, as a whole and by certain members:

One being the Newdegate Cup, where the North Beach Sub-Branch came second.  This is due to the efforts of so many of our members.  Many thanks go to Trevor McIntyre, David King, Wayne Koch, Brad Harrison, Greg Gough and Alex Lennox and to all Members who supported the Sub-Branch.

Certain members achieved high honours within the North Beach Sub-Branch in the following areas:

Medal of the Order of Australia

  • Rob Sweet
  • Alex Lennox
  • Greg Young 

Life Membership

  • Rob Sweet

50 Year Certificates

  • Wayne Koch
  • Desmond Price
  • Don Ranford
  • Lindsay Williams

Congratulations to all, for these worthy achievements!

As we move forward into a new era for the Sub-Branch, I see North Beach having to change with the uncertainty that lies ahead but feel that, with our members and the Executive team, we will push ahead and make North Beach RSL Sub-Branch even better.

Last but not least, it is with a very sad heart that we remember the valued members that have passed this year:

  • Len Vernon
  • Geoffrey Chantler
  • Bertie Beaumont
  • Ron Ager
  • Edward Burgess
  • Peter Prunster
  • David Clark

On behalf of the North Beach RSL Sub-Branch we once again offer our sincere condolences to their family and friends.

May they Rest in Peace

Lest We Forget

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