Minutes of General Meeting 11 July 2022

July 12, 2022 |

MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President John Rolfe welcomed 72 members and recited the Ode.


I take a moment to remind us of two stories from Australia’s military history.

Eighty years ago, on 1 July 1942the Japanese transport Montevideo Maru was torpedoed and sunk, by the submarine USS Sturgeon, whilst transporting Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees from Rabaul to Japan.  A nominal list transferred from the government of Japan to Australia in 2012 detailed that 1053 Australians were lost in the attack, including civilian and Navy Coastwatchers from New Britain and Anir Island east of New Ireland. 

Each year on 27th July we commemorate Korea Veteran’s Day and remember the contribution made by Australian forces to what is commonly referred to as ‘the forgotten war’. 

When the Korean War commenced on 25 June 1950 the Australian government under Menzies called for 1000 service personnel who had prior military experience in World War II to enlist in the army.  These personnel were known as K-Force.

Eventually 17,000 Australians served, more than 330 lost their lives and over 1,500 returned to Australia wounded.

The story of Bill Ellis of North Beach, one of those killed while serving with 1 RAR, is contained in our Members’ Stories.  Although Bill was not a Member of the RSL it is a very touching story of a father, and daughter who did not know of his story for 40 years following his death.

Lest We Forget

Members toasted absent friends.

APOLOGIES – 45 were noted by the Secretary by RSVP emails and advised in the register recorded by attending members. Many thanks.

VISITORS / GUESTS: John Parker, 24 years Army, Transport, Grunt, Sapper and Medic,  rousing welcome accorded by all.

NEW MEMBERS: None in attendance.


Minutes of 13 June, having been available by email, website and hard copy, considered as read.  

Moved by Jon McKenzie and Seconded by Frank McGrath that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”.

Noted, All in Favour & Carried.

Secretary reminds Old & New members that easy access to current and recent minutes, our By-Laws and Annexure are via our website: https://northbeach-rsl.asn.au/category/meetings/

Our broadcast email is now 382 and  live for updates back to Secretary.(Additionally, there will be hard copies delivered and at the front of the Hall at meetings, and Members unable to attend meetings and who may be inconvenienced by computer access are posted our comprehensive Quarterly Newsletter.)



  • RSLWA 2022-23 Sub-Branch Questionnaire. Due 29 July. 
  • Lottery West Grant application, due 12/8/22.
  • RSLWA – ANZAC Day 2023, for completion 25 August BL/PB, “Writeable” PDF. (other from Jan ’23)
  • 2022 RSLWA Congress Minutes.
  • Listening Post submission due 1 Aug
  • RSLWA – Annual Financial Template, due 31 October.
  • Minutes from RSLWA Congress.
  • Remittance advice – RSLWA 27/6/2022.
  • Army Museum – Events and refreshed opening hours.
  • Agenda items included below from Management meeting 8 July.


  • Our Membership List update, including Email dispatch, now 380 in single dispatch.
  • Ted Leunig – 2 x Advocacy Follow ups.
  • Covid updates, All well, but situation under constant notice, Welfare action as required.
  • Christine Gfeller – re Fred’s Funeral, Covid effected.
  • Ian Goyder, Medal mounting.
  • Email Updates – 380 successfully now on our Bcc list, Poem request by member. WK.

Nil Business Arising from Correspondence – Carried forward as required to General Business:

Acknowledgement of Correspondence matters, Moved by Helen Burgess and Seconded by Colin Benporath.



Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table.  An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided. Management committee following up 2 apparent “rogue” transactions with the ANZ debited to our Welfare account.  

Reiterated: $15 N.B.B.C. Social Memberships now due, all annually. Allows us to use these premises with limited overheads.

 Nil Business Arising from Treasurers Report

Moved by Peter Hodgson and Seconded by Barrie Morgan that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted” Carried.


Election for Position of Warden

Nominations have Closed with our Leslie Young the only Candidate, now inflight Overseas for Brit Marine Engineers Reunion.

For Confirmation at AGM 8 August.

Guest Speakers – REVIVE Fitness – Joondalup/North Beach.         

Update from representatives Dougal and “Hif” encouraging participation, obtain GP referral, re-iterated by Pres JR who attends at North Beach. Speakers remained post meeting and answered enquiries.


Welfare – Greg Gough advised that Rick Love able to take phone calls at home and likewise Graham Snook.  Also acknowledging advocate and contact work being provide by Ted Leunig, (0408 177 193 ted.leunig@oracle.com )  Stay Safe All.

Peer Health: AL/WK/JR. Veterans Health Week 1 – 9 October, Dietary theme, $720 Grant applications from NEXT month.  Bus/Walking Excursions being investigated, Jarrahdale Veterans Facility, Chittering area and open for consideration.  Plus a second $720 available for a Healthy Pizza Night, Cooking for One (Jess from Fuel Your Life), or similar.  Info coming from joanne.maclean@dva.gov.au 9366 8339, who also available to speak at any of our meetings.

Kayak and other purchases relating to the “Better Communities” Grant, moving forward very satisfactorily, space is available at HYC then delivery, and release of existing “stock” to TS Marmion, Paul Clinton arranged.

Grant funds remain, so consideration is being given for computer to assist Treasurer.

Web Site: Brian Jennings advised: Access, information and content remains very accessible and user friendly, ongoing review under action with Helen Burgess.

The President endorsed action and responses from users of our website, and also Jon McKenzie’s work on our Facebook.  Roundly acknowledged by All.

Reminder, Links on our website: https://northbeach-rsl.asn.au/

Lisatening Post articles: bt 1 August for September edition, and later for December edition. Suggestion for articles welcome, and please contact:

Brian Jennings  jamjenb@bigpond.com    0413 605 612

Social Activities Coordinator

  • Future outings – Paul McGuinness Scheduling/Member notifications in order. e.g.: 20 July – Leighton Tunnels, Bus and Mystery Lunch.
  • Usual timely advice to members. $25 plus lunch at own cost.  24 Aug Anzac House Lunch and others notified when confirmed.  More details here: northbeach-rsl.asn.au) 


  • John Rolfe advised review of meal and meeting costings.   Under notice as well as forthcoming AGM 8 Aug, $10 for meal, 2 free trolley drinks then buy from bar.  

Known absences from this meeting probably over 50 considering school holidays, renewed travel and still Covid caution.  

AGM 8 August will start at 4.00pm followed by the August General Meeting. 5.00pm start still favoured by the majority.

  • RSLHQ Update – John Rolfe advised he is keeping in contact but they under some restrictions due to Covid.  Is also keeping up to date relating to CEO and Admin movements.  Secretary confirms routine admin from RSLWA Finance and Insurance, Remembrance and ANZAC Day seems well in hand.
  • Bowling Club Facilities: Member Ron White reiterated value of our Associate $15 pa. Membership – 6 days pw Bar, Restaurant and other facilities and fellowship opportunities, plus random raffle and chase the ace draws if attending.


AGM & NEXT MEETING – Monday 8th AUGUST 2022 at 5:00pm – 17:00 Hours

74 attended meeting with 55 members paying for meal.  Thanks to Gate Keepers Jim Muscat and Bill Kynaston, (and WW2 Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meals). 

Dinner Arrangements – Ladies and Older Veterans to be given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes, Peas/Corn & Gravy with buttered bread.

Thanks go to Trolley Gun, Stew Davies; and serving and clean up members Gorddard, McGuinness, Brown, Rowles, McGrath, Healy, Edwick.

Also well served were the Raffle Winners, Brian Jennings and Frank Pierucci. Well played. Note from Secretary, 0407 478 963: Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support.  Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370