North Beach RSL Sub-Branch
February 14, 2022.
A Mandatory Contact Register was completed for all attendees in accordance with the requirements of Covid SafeWA.
MEETING OPENED at 17:00, President welcomed 73 members and recited the Ode
I take a moment to remind us of just some of the stories from our military history.
Eighty years ago on 20 January 1942, RAAF Wirraways engaged Japanese fighter and bomber formations over Rabaul. In less than 10 minutes 3 of 24 Squadron’s eight Wirraways were shot down, one crashed on take-off and two damaged in crash landings killing 6 and wounding 5.
On 7 February 1968 after an initial victory, 3RAR returned to Ba Ria in response to further Viet Cong raids on the town. B Company experienced sporadic contacts and sniper fire. The next day 5 Platoon experienced a violent contact and three Australians, including Platoon Commander Len Taylor, a National Serviceman, were killed.
80 years ago today, on 14 February 1942 the SS Vyner Brook was sunk. 2 days later the surviving 22 members of the Australian Army Nursing Service and other survivors were massacred on Banka Island. Sister Vivian Bullwinkel was the only survivor.
We also remember our members Frank Leslie and Jim Molloy who have recently passed away. Both Funerals were well attended, and the Sub-Branch provided Guards of Honour.
Members toasted absent friends.
Suspension of Standing Order
Alex Lennox called for a Suspension of Standing Orders, in order to present a Motion calling for the appointment of a Sub-Branch Secretary following the resignation of Trevor McEntyre. The Suspension of Standing Order was supported and approved by the Meeting. Alex Lennox then moved that:
“Wayne Koch, the Assistant Secretary, be appointed Secretary of the North Beach RSL Sub Branch for the balance of the previous Secretary’s term, expiring at the Annual General Meeting of August 2023, in accordance with the requirements of RSLWA By Laws 5.30 and 5.53.”
The Motion was seconded by Greg Young.
The meeting was unanimous in its support of the Motion, and it was carried.
Wayne Koch accepted the role, effective immediately, and received a round of applause from the meeting.
The president declared an end of the Suspension of Standing Order, and congratulated newly appointed Secretary Wayne Koch.
Ian Milne, Chris Rampant, Stewart Davies, David Potter, Barry Lloyd, Tom Bateman, Ken McHarrie, Kurt Finger, Wendy Tuffin, De’Arne Prosser, Julie Dayhew, Bev Benporath, Ruth Raspa, Denzil Simeons, Ray Alexander, Jack Panossian, Glen Curtis, Bill Cody, Bob Keatch, Allan Hillman, Frank Martino, Ray Wesson, Ray Edwards, Arthur Greaves, Don Martin, Tony Butun, Graham Edwards, Mick Austin, Bill Maumill, Tom Norris.
The Reverend Tim Harrison, St George’s Cathedral returned to our Sub-Branch with the assistance of Members Peter Edwards and Jim Ryle. The Reverend Tim Harrison recently gave a moving Thanks Giving Sermon celebrating the 61st Anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Western Australian Regiment.
And most welcomed within the Sub Branch, Reverend Tim offered and delivered a moving Grace prior to members adjourning for dinner.
Kay McNeil, wife of our Late Member Dennis, attended and was made most welcomed. The Secretary encouraged Kay to join in the increasing number of Kayakers.
Dennis was an active member for many years, RAAF Instrument Fitter, Vietnam Service being seconded to the SAS, and later flew contemporary RAAF Jets.
New Member application from Alan K Graham to be processed.
Minutes of previous meeting of 13th December were widely circulated to All Members, including on our Web Site.
Moved by Jim Ryle and Seconded by Barrie Morgan that “the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted”. Carried.
- Ongoing Executive action and advice to General Meetings relating to eligibility for 50 Year Certificates and the preparation of submission to obtain Certificate for Peter Long. The Secretary to attend to administrative arrangements in accordance with Executive Meeting of Friday 11 February 2022 to progress.
- Thank You from Gayhl Molloy and family for support provided to them on the passing of Jim Molloy, and particularly at his Funeral.
- Letter of Resignation from Secretary Trevor McEntyre and Reply from President thanking him for his service.
- Anzac Day – multiple correspondence and submissions to City of Stirling and others. Pending responses.
- Anzac Wreaths – Robin Hamilton.
- RSLWA – Various: Election of President, Congress, Awards, Memberships, and routine reports and spread sheets for action.
- Lottery West Grant.
- Hillary Marina Gazebo License, confirming the right of our Sub Branch to regular use each Wednesday and Friday between 08:00 and 10:15 until 30 June 2023.
Business Arising from Correspondence:
- Ongoing Executive Action and progressive advice to the General Meetings.
Acknowledgement of Notice of Correspondence matters being dealt with, Moved by Helen Burgess, and Seconded by Dario Raspa. Carried.
Treasurer David King provided a comprehensive Financial Report and Balance Sheet of our finances and provided a copy for each table. An explanation of financial transactions and account balances was provided.
Further training in the use of Eftpos Squares to be undertaken to maximise their use, and purchase of an additional Eftpos facility to be discussed by the Executive.
- ANZ Term Deposit is on a 6 month term 8/12/2021 – 8/06/2022 at 0.10%. The meeting was advised that the Executive will review the term and placement to maximise interest rates.
Business Arising from Treasurers Report.
Moved by Colin Benporath and Seconded by Tom May, that “the Treasurer’s Report be accepted”
Web Site. Brian Jennings reported that additions to Members Stories on our website include Bill Fielding now completed, detailing an extraordinary career within the Military and civilian life. Further World War 2 Veterans are in the process of being interviewed to document their stories. Regular viewing strongly encouraged at
Brian advised that Website Administrator Helen Burges is currently reviewing the website with a view of improving its look and functionality.
Advice was passed to Members that Public Libraries offer a service to load the ServiceWA App.
Anzac Day. Barry Lloyd has advised Executive that all applications have been submitted in more than timely manner without query. Responses and approvals are being monitored to ensure a 2022 ANZAC Day commemoration takes place.
Welfare. Brian Jennings presented the Welfare Report in the absence of Wellbeing Support Officer Greg Gough
Tony Buton is home from hospital and waiting to go to SCGH for a Stem Cell implant for issues relating to Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Frank Pierucci has been in hospital with a burst blood vessel and is now home.
Peter Macander has had a fall but is still at Home. Greg Gough our Wellbeing Support Officer said that he would appreciate a phone call or a visit.
Peter Harris is home, and his leg is out of Plaster following him damaging his Achilles.
Terry Donnelly is now out of hospital following heart complications and is awaiting surgery at a date to be advised.
Greg Gough is home after his second knee replacement and is in good spirits.
All of our walking wounded would appreciate being kept in touch with by either a visit or phone call.
Peer Health. Alex Lennox/Wayne Koch – Today is Valentine’s Day, as well as National Serviceman’s Day, acknowledging the service between 1951 and 1972. Our group of Kayakers is growing, and we now have both male and female participants which is encouraging.
Social Activities Coordinator. Paul McGuinness reiterated the conditions of the 2022 Tour of Duty to Kalgoorlie from 16 March to 22 March . Further reminders will be forthcoming regarding travel documentation, Covid Rule, Itinerary and all details for a successful “Tour of Duty.”
David House provided details of a renewed project he will again be involved in. Proposed location again in Vietnam working on water hygiene, sanitation, humanitarian and other community and rural projects and support.
More details can be obtained direct from David at the end of the meeting, in person anytime, and on:
0409 317 411 or
Other Items from the Floor:
- Handy information confirmed by Bill Kynaston and Chris Clarke regarding Covid Vaccination Certificates and the ServiceWA App support provided at Public Libraries.
- Greg Young advised of the “Gold and Treasure Veterans WA Club,” ideal for potential or resuming Prospectors. Details on Facebook, but see Greg after the meeting, and 0427 194 052,
- President John Rolfe advised that the next meeting’s speaker will be from the DVA, and that plans have commenced for a tour of 13 Brigade Karrakatta, and, that the Election of the new RSLWA President should be completed by our next meeting,
- Whilst thanking those in attendance for their orderly arrival and Covid Safe protocols, the President advised that fact checking regarding outbreaks should be referred to him and the Executive for clarification, instead of listening to rumours.
Thanks go to Trolley Guns, Young, Dale, with the distribution of a restricted service of refreshments. Thanks also go to the serving and clean up members, Gorrdard, McGrath, Brown, Healy, Dwyer, McGuinness and .Robinson . Microphone Courier Robinson also did a sterling job during the meeting.
Thanks also must go to Covid Marshal Peter Bowring for ensuring that all members complied with covid safe practices.
Raffle Winners: Smiling Faces noted of Raffle winners: Keith Marshall, Alex McKinnon, AND President John Rolfe.
Members stayed for meals (plus WW2 and Korean Veterans who courtesy of our Sub-Branch do not pay for their meal). Dinner Arrangements – Older Veterans and Ladies were given the usual courtesy of “First Serve” of our Caterer Kenny’s Shepherd’s Pie and Mixed vegetables with buttered bread.
MEETING CLOSED – 18:06 hrs.
NEXT MEETING – Monday 14 March 2022 at 17:00
Note from Secretary:
Members are advised that details of the Joondalup Hub are on our website, along with other providers of Advocacy support. Joondalup Hub is contactable 24/7 on 04370 378 498.