Latest Covid Exposure Sites WA This Link
National Cabinet relating to at home testing. This Link
Covid Advice 14 January 2022 This Link
Covid Restrictions Order This Link
Mandatory Vaccinations This Link
Vaccination Proof from 31 January 2022 This Link
Working Spirit Job Fair, 25 March 2022, for younger veterans. See Offers on This Link
An RSL Jacket? – see Offers on This Link
Our North Beach Memorial
The Memorial Precinct on the Charles Riley Memorial Reserve is owned and maintained by the City of Stirling and administered by the Sub Branch. The area includes the Monument, Wall of Remembrance and the “Lone Pine” tree. Plaques on The Wall of Remembrance recognise the service of deceased members of the Sub Branch.
John Rolfe is the current Warden, and arranges the unveiling of plaques on Remembrance Day each year. (6 weeks prior notice required before unveiling of plaques)
Our Commemorative Committee
Our Commemorative committee organises ANZAC Day Dawn Services, and planning for the Remembrance Day service.
Funding for the Dawn Service is mainly from Lotterywest and the City of Stirling.
Our Groups
Walkers meet Wednesday and Friday, southside of Hillarys Marina from 08:00-08:45 for a stroll or controlled stagger along the coast.
Our kayakers meet up at 08:00 in the Yacht Club carpark for a paddle and pick up debris from the Boat Harbour.
Our cycling group is also gaining in numbers.
All Members are welcome to join our Coffee and Talk Group that meet on the south side of Hillarys Marina each Wednesdy and Friday from about 09:15 – Look for the sign